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2018/08/21 03:16
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  • Day trip

1日だけの主張・旅行は「Day trip」と言います。 例文: - So how long were you in Osaka for? - It was only a day trip; I came back in the evening
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • day trip

日帰り旅行は英語で day trip といいます。 会話例 How long were you there? (どれくらいそこに滞在したの?) It was just a day trip. (日帰りだったんだ。) 参考になれば幸いです。
yui 英会話講師
  • day trip

こんにちは。 「日帰り」は day trip と言います。 直訳すると「1日旅行」のような形ですね。 【例】 I went on a day trip to Kyoto. 「京都に日帰りで行ってきた」 The 10 Best Day Trips from Tokyo 「東京から日帰りで行ける場所10選」 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Day trip

  • Today we go on a day trip to the park

"day trip" can be used to describe the duration of a trip "it was a day trip to spain by car" or "I took my family for a day trip to the park"
"day trip" で、旅行の長さを表せます。 例: "it was a day trip to spain by car"(車でスペインに日帰りの旅行に行きました) "I took my family for a day trip to the park"(日帰りで家族をその遊園地に連れて行った)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Day trip

We simply refer to this as a 'day trip'. E.g. "I went on a day trip up North of the island to visit some waterfalls."
これはシンプルに 'day trip'(日帰り旅行)といいます。 例: "I went on a day trip up North of the island to visit some waterfalls." (滝を見に島の北の方に日帰りで旅行に行きました)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Day: Twent-Four (24) hours make up a day.

  • Trip: In this context a trip is an excursion, leaving your home or usual surroundings to explore and travel out.

"A day trip." An excursion. Leaving your home or usual place of rest to enjoy the sights and activities away from home. A trip that spans for a few hours and not more than twenty-four hours.
"A day trip."(日帰り旅行) An excursion. 家を離れて名所を巡るなどの活動を行うこと。 日帰りの数時間の旅行。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Day trip

  • I went on a day trip yesterday.

  • How about we take a day trip today?

A "day trip" refers to a type of a mini holiday that lasts only a day. You would spend the day typically doing some activity, that you would normally do during the vacation time. eg: Sightseeing, travelling, doing a fun activity. "Let's take a day trip this weekend" "What did you do yesterday?" "Oh, I took a little day trip to the city"
"day trip" は、1日だけのミニ休暇を指します。 この日は普通休暇の時期にする活動をして過ごします(例えば、観光や旅行、楽しい遊び)。 "Let's take a day trip this weekend"(週末に日帰りの旅行に行こう) "What did you do yesterday?"(昨日は何をしたの) "Oh, I took a little day trip to the city"(町の方に出掛けました)
Anastasia DMM英会話講師
  • a day trip

  • We took a day trip to the beach in the town next to us.

  • Our last day trip was to visit my grandparents in the next town over.

A "day trip" is when you take a small journey to a place, that is not far away, and easy to get to and back within a day or by the night time of the same day.
"day trip" は、近場に旅行に行ってその日のうちに帰ってくることをいいます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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