世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/21 09:37
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  • I got a perfect score on the listening section of the TOEIC exam!

A "score" is the number or grade that is given to you on an exam. This sentence is the most common way that someone would express this idea in American English. I hope that this helps! :)
"score" は試験の点数又は評価のことです。例文は、アメリカ英語でこれを表す最も一般的な言い方です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • 1) I was able to get full marks in my TOEIC listening test.

  • 2) I succeeded in getting full marks in my TOEIC listening test.

1) "TOEICのリスニングで満点を取ることができました" I was able to 〇〇:〇〇をすることができました. get full marks: 満点を取る 2) "TOEICのリスニングで満点を取ることに成功しました" I succeeded in 〇〇:〇〇に成功しました
  • I got 100% on my TOEIC test.

  • I smashed the TOEIC exam and got full marks.

When you get 100% on or of something this means the whole thing was complete. In this example most exam results are given as a percentage and if you get the whole exam completely correct then you have scored 100%. When you 'smash' something it means that you have won or achieved something. You could also use 'smash' like in the following example - "Don't be nervous. You're going to smash your exams." 'Full marks' and 100% in the context of an exam or test are the same thing.
get 100%' は、全てがそろったことを表します。この例では、ほとんどの試験結果はパーセンテージで表され、全て正解だと100%になります。 'smash' とは、何かを勝ち取る、成し遂げるという意味です。以下の例のように 'smash' を使うこともできます。 "Don't be nervous. You're going to smash your exams." (緊張しないで。試験うまくいくから。) 'Full marks' と '100%' は、試験が点数について言う場合、同じ意味になります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I received full marks on the listening section of my TOEIC test.

  • I got 100 on my listening section of my TOEIC test.

Congratulations! You should be proud of yourself! You can say "I got 100 (percent) on the listening section of my TOEIC test." Meaning you got full marks in that area.
おめでとうございます!すごいです! 例えば: "I got 100 (percent) on the listening section of my TOEIC test." 「TOEICのリスニングで満点を取りました」 と言えます。リスニングで満点を取ったという意味です。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I got a perfect score on the listening section of the TOEIC test!

  • I got full marks on the listening section of the TOEIC test!

These are both very natural ways of phrasing this sentence. Personally, I prefer the "perfect score" sentence, but use whatever feels more natural to you!
これらはどちらもTOEICのリスニングで満点をとることができたことを表すとても自然な言い方です。個人的には、 "perfect score" を使った文の方が好きですが、自分の好みの方を使ってくださいね!
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • I got full marks on the listening section of my TOEIC test

  • I got 100% on the listening part of the TOEIC test

When talking about passing a test or exam if you get fulls marks then you can also say 100% if it was on listening then you can say the 'listeing section' or 'listening part'
テストや試験で満点を取ったなら、'get fulls marks' または 'get 100%' と言えます。 それがリスニングだったなら、'listeing section' または 'listening part' と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I got full marks on the listening section of the TOEIC test

  • I aced the listening section of the TOEIC test

When you want to explain to your teacher that you got full marks for the listening section of the TOEIC test; then you may explain this in the following ways: -I got full marks on the listening section of the TOEIC test -I aced the listening section of the TOEIC test
「TOEICのリスニングで満点を取った」は次のように言えます。 -I got full marks on the listening section of the TOEIC test(TOEICのリスニングで満点を取った) -I aced the listening section of the TOEIC test(TOEICのリスニングで満点を取った)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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