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  • early to bed and early to rise

  • go to bed early and get up early

英語でも決まったフレーズがあります。それは「early to bed and early to rise」。 英語では ”早寝” のことを ”ベッドに早く” と表現し、”[早起き](” のことを ”[早く](起き上がる” と表現するのもまた日本語ではない別の言語ならではの言い方なのかもしれませんね~! 同じく二個目の例はこれをくだいて表現化した言い方。どちらでも必ず伝わる自然な英語の表現になると思います。 というより、これを書きながらもこれが全くできていない自分にまず心が痛みます(笑)。 とても良い習慣ですねっ! がんばってくださ~い♪
Hara Ken English teacher
  • Early to bed, early to rise

  • Sleep Early, Wake up Early

このフレーズを使う英語の言い方があります。 Early to bed, Early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 早寝早起きすると、[健康](や[お金持ち](や[賢く](なります。 - Benjamin Franklin このことわざは誰でも知っているはずです。 もし一般的な言い方を使いたいのであれば、 Sleep early, Wake up earlyでも大丈夫です。 I want to sleep early and wake up early. 早寝早起きしたい I want a lifestyle where I sleep early and wake up early. 早寝早起きする生活を送りたい
  • keep early hours

  • go to bed and wake up early

・keep early hours 直訳すると「早い時間帯を保つ、維持する」なので、「早寝早起きをする」という意味になります。 例) Keeping early hours is good for your health. (早寝早起きは、健康に良い。) ・go to bed and wake up early こちらはそのままですね(^^) go to bed = 寝る wake up = 起きる go to bed early = 早く寝る wake up early = 早く起きる 英語は同じ単語を繰り返すのを嫌う性質があるので、go to bed の後のearlyは省略され、最後のearly が go to bed にも wake up にもかかっています。 例) As a method for maintaining my health, I go to bed and wake up early. (健康維持のために、早寝早起きしています。) ちなみに、朝方の人のことを a morning person と言いますよ! 例) My new year's resolution is to be a morning person! (私の今年の抱負は、朝方人間になること!) ご参考になれば嬉しいです♪
Akane 英会話講師/通訳/バイリンガルMC
  • Early to bed and early to rise

  • Get an early night

  • Early bird

Early to bed and early to rise is from an English phrase or saying. The full saying is Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise I am going to get an early night because I want to be up early If you are an early bird, you like to wake up early
Early to bed and early to riseは英語版の早寝早起きです。 完全版はこちら: Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise I am going to get an early night because I want to be up early 早く起きたいから早く寝る。 If you are an early bird, you like to wake up early 早く寝る人なら早く起きるんでしょうね。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • Early to bed and early to rise.

It is widely understood that if one goes to bed early, one is bound to wake up early. Health experts say that the body needs enough rest for it to function properly. So, if you go to bed early, you are most likely to wake up early and energetic. But, if you go to bed late and wake up early, you will most likely feel exhausted and lack energy. So, if you are one of those are early to be and early to rise: You may say: I am an early-to-bed-early-to-rise' type of person.
例:Early to bed and early to rise. 「早寝早起き」 医療従事者は健康のために睡眠はとても重要だといいます。 早寝早起きすると、翌日は力がみなぎりますよね。 しかし遅寝早起きしたら一日中ヘトヘトで死にそうになります。 例: I am an early-to-bed-early-to-rise' type of person. 私は「早寝早起き」をする人です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • 1. Early to bed, early to rise

  • 2. The early bird catches the worm!

  • 3. An early sleep regime

Phrase 1 is the first part of a proverb - 'Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise..' This is such a well-know proverb, it is only ever necessary to say the first few words. Similarly, phrase 2 is an old proverb. An early sleep regime is a routine that means you sleep early and wake early - everything is 'early'! Regime - a system or ordered way of doing things. "In our country we have numerous detention centres with a very tough physical regime."
例文1は、有名な諺(ことわざ)の一部です。 ”Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise..” (早寝早起きすると人は、健康、そして豊かで賢くなる) この諺は凄く有名なので、最初の一部 ”Early to bed, early to rise, makes” だけでも通じます。 例文2 "The early bird catches the worm!" (早起きの鳥は虫を得る) こちらも古い諺で、日本語で言う「早起きは三文の得」です。 An early sleep regime. という表現も使えます。 *Reginime=体制/政体 例文 "In our country we have numerous detention centres with a very tough physical regime." (私たちの国ではとても厳しい体制の拘置所がいくつもあります)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Early to bed and early to rise .

"Early to bed and early to rise " This is a common English expression that means if you go to bed early, you will be able to wake up early the next morning. Mom : - Please go to bed my darling. daughter ; Mom, can I just watch one more movie? Mom : No, you have school tomorrow, early to bed early to rise.
"Early to bed and early to rise " これは古い英語の表現で、夜早く寝れば、朝早く起きられるという意味です。 Mom : - Please go to bed my darling 母;早く寝なさい. daughter ; Mom, can I just watch one more movie? 娘:もう一つだけ映画を見てもいい? Mom : No, you have school tomorrow, early to bed early to rise. 母;だめよ、明日学校でしょ。早く寝れば、早起きできるわよ
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Beauty sleep

  • Beauty rest

Beauty rest' and 'beauty sleep' are terms used to refer to the same thing. The terms can therefore be used interchangeably. ________________________________________________________________________________ Beauty rest This refers to peaceful sleep which is attained by going to bed early. People wake up feeling and looking more refreshed and bright. Example A: You look extra happy this morning. B: I had some long overdue beauty sleep last night.
Beauty rest' と 'beauty sleep' は同じ意味です。 置き換えて使う事ができます。 ________________________________________________________________________________ Beauty rest いつもより早い時間に寝て、次の日普段より明るくリフレッシュした気分になる事。 例 A: You look extra happy this morning. B: I had some long overdue beauty sleep last night.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I go to bed early and get up early.

  • I am a morning person.

Someone who is a 'morning person' likes to get up early in the morning. Which usually means they go to bed early. Someone who is a 'night owl' usually likes to stay up late and sleep in in the morning.
「morning person」は、朝早起きの人を言います。普通は、夜は早く寝ます。 「night owl」は、普通夜更をかしして、朝は遅くまで寝るタイプの人を表します。
Niabh DMM英語講師
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