In Japan, when we address people more senior than us we add "san" to their names.
In Japan, we add "san" to the names of people who are older than us or more senior.
「日本では目上の人には「さん」をつけて名前を呼びます」= In Japan, when we address people more senior than us we add "san" to their names. / In Japan, we add "san" to the names of people who are older than us or more senior.
in Japan = 日本では
when = ~の時
address = 呼びかける
people more senior = 目上の人
add = つける
older than us = 自分より年上
In Japan, when people are of a higher social status, you address them by attaching "san" to their name.
In Japan, when people can be viewed as more senior, you address them by attaching "san" their name
目上-->直訳で"higher social status"という表現ですが英語でちょっといやな感じなので柔らかくする為、その代わり-->"more senior" という言い方のほうがいいと思います。
呼ぶ-->"to call"ですか英語で特別な言い方もあります。
それは"to address"という表現です。
"to address by name"
"We address Katou by the title, manager"
付ける-->"to attach"
In Japan, when people can be viewed as more senior, you address them by attaching "san" their name.