世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/22 00:28
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  • We are now airborne

  • The plane has just taken off

  • Ladies and gentlemen, we are now en route to Paris.....

en route = on our journey from one place to another. If you are 'airborne' it means that you are in the air (just after take off).
en route=旅の途中。 「airborne」は「(離陸直後に)飛行している」という意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We are off the ground.

  • We have just taken off.

  • The wheels are off the ground.

You could say, "We are off the ground." Or "We have just taken off." (Take off - to leave the ground and begin to fly. This can refer to a plane or a bird.) Or "The wheels are off the ground." (Off the ground - this means that something is in the air.) Each of these examples gives the same idea, that the plane which was on the ground is now in the air.
以下のように言えます: "We are off the ground." (離陸しました) または、 "We have just taken off." (離陸しました) ※take off=離陸して飛ぶこと。飛行機や鳥について使います。 または、 "The wheels are off the ground." (離陸しました) ※Off the ground=何かが空中にあることを表します。 三例とも言っていることは同じです。地上にあった飛行機が今宙に浮いている、ということです。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Ladies & Gentleman, we have just taken off. We wish you a pleasant flight & thank your for flying (name)

  • Ladies & Gentleman, we have just reached an altitude of (normally feet above sea level)

  • Ladies & Gentleman, thank you for flying (name of airline) we are now in the air & cruising. You may now take off your seat belts.

"Ladies & Gentleman, this is your captain speaking"- Introduction. "Ladies & Gentleman, we have just taken off. We wish you a pleasant flight & thank your for flying (name of airline)" - I used to hear this one all the time. Probably the most formal way of saying if you are the captain. "Ladies & Gentleman, we have just reached an altitude of (normally feet above sea level)" - 'Altitude' being height & this can be followed with "We expect no turbulence" or something like that as to not alarm passengers. "Ladies & Gentleman, thank you for flying (name of airline) we are now in the air & cruising. You may now take off your seat belts." - The key thing in this phrase is the 'seat belt'. When you see the sign or hear the signal, you know when you have to sit in your seat.
"Ladies & Gentleman, this is your captain speaking" 〔訳〕みなさま、こちらは機長です。 - イントロ部分。 "Ladies & Gentleman, we have just taken off. We wish you a pleasant flight & thank your for flying (航空会社の名前)" 〔訳〕みなさま、ただいま離陸いたしました。よいフライトになればと思います。(航空会社の名前)にご搭乗いただきありがとうございます。 - 以前、いつもこれを聞いていました。たぶん機長の言う一番フォーマルな言い方です。 "Ladies & Gentleman, we have just reached an altitude of (普通、海抜何フィートか)" 〔訳〕みなさま、ただいま高度(普通、海抜何フィートか)に到達いたしました -「altitude」は「height(高さ)」のことです。この後、乗客を心配させないように「We expect no turbulence(乱気流はありません)」などと言うこともあります。 "Ladies & Gentleman, thank you for flying (航空会社の名前) we are now in the air & cruising. You may now take off your seat belts." 〔訳〕みなさま、(航空会社の名前)にご搭乗いただきありがとうございます。本機は離陸いたしました。シートベルトを外していただいて結構です。 - このフレーズの鍵は「seat belt」です。席に座らないといけないときには、表示が出たり、アナウンスされます。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • We've just taken off.

  • We are now airborne.

  • We are now in the air.

To make the statement closer to the present, you can use the word "just". "Airborne" means flying through the air. A pilot may simply state that the plane is in the air: "We are now in the air."
"Just"(~したばかり)を使うと、その出来事と現在の距離が近くなります。 "Airborne" は「飛行している」という意味です。 パイロットはシンプルに「飛行機は 'in the air'(空中)である」と言うかもしれません。 "We are now in the air." (飛行機は離陸しました)
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • We have just taken off

  • We are now airborne

  • We are now in the air

When you are talking about travelling on an airplane as soon as it leaves the ground this is called 'take off' so you would tell the passengers 'we have taken off' when travelling in the air his is called being 'airborne' or 'in the air'
飛行機が離陸することは、'take off' といいます。ですから、乗客には 'we have taken off'(離陸しました)と言えます。 飛行していることは、'airborne'(飛行している)や 'in the air'(空中に)で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • We have liftoff.

  • We're airborne.

  • Takeoff completed.

Three technical terms that describe when an aircraft actually leaves the ground are "liftoff", "airborne" and "takeoff". Liftoff and takeoff are both nouns so you would say "liftoff complete" or "beginning takeoff". Airborne is an adjective. It describes the condition of something, in this case, in the air. You would say: We're airborne. The plane is airborne. We will be airborne in just a minute.
飛行機が離陸することを、 "liftoff", "airborne"  "takeoff"と言います。   Liftoffと takeoff はどちらも名詞で、 "liftoff complete"(離陸完了)や "beginning takeoff"(離陸開始)ということができます。 Airborneは形容詞です。この場合、飛行機が空中にいる状態を表します。    We're airborne. (離陸しました) The plane is airborne. (離陸しました) We will be airborne in just a minute. (1分後に離陸します)
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • We have lift off

  • We have just taken off

"We have lift off" and "We have just taken off" 'Lift off' and 'taken off' are expressions used when describing when a airplane has 'taken off'/left the ground. 'We have' is an expression that sums up a situation that the group of people you are with have entered a situation, in this case 'Lift off'.
"We have lift off"(離陸しました) と、 "We have just taken off"(離陸しました) 'Lift off' と 'Taken off' は飛行機の「離陸」を表す表現です。 'We have' は「私たち」がある状況に入っていることを表します。この場合、その状況というのは「離陸」です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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