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ご飯食べた? まだです。これから食べます。と言いたいのですが。
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2016/03/07 09:04
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  • I am about to have breakfast.

  • I'm having breakfast now.

もう[間も無く](何かをする・何かが[始まる](、と言いたい際は、be about to + 動詞が使えます。 (例)The class is about to start / The movie is about to begin などなど・・・ 直近の未来や、決定されている未来の計画等を指す際は、脈略次第では will や be going よりも be ---ing で表現されることが多いです。 (例) A: Are you coming to the party tonight? B: Yeah, I'm coming. I'm bringing my sister. A: Yay! I'm meeting her for the first time! 参考までに(^^)
  • I’m going to have breakfast now.

  • I’ll have breakfast now.

以上のフレーズでは、意味は一緒ですが、ニュアンスが少し違います。 前者は「I’m going to」という未来形をつけるので、ニュアンスが少し丁寧ではない感じです。これは、友達とよく使います。 後者の「I’ll have」は正式な未来形ですから、すこし丁寧な感じがします。ご質問では「[です](」を使ったので、この言い方の方をおすすめします。
  • ① No, I'm about to have breakfast now.

「ご飯食べた?」と聞かれたときは「① No, I'm about to have breakfast now.」と返すと良いと思います。 日本語にすると。。。「いいえ、これから朝食を取るところです」になります。 「about to...」は「これから〜やる」のニュアンスです。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • No, not yet. I was just about to.

相手に質問されてそれに対して答えるシーンだと思うので、 答え方は簡単にしてもオッケーです。 Have you had breakfast? 朝ごはん食べた? No, not yet. I was just about to. まだです。ちょうどこれから食べようと思ってた。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I'm about to have breakfast

  • I'm about to go eat breakfast

  • I'm about to go get breakfast

The literal translation of this sentence is "It is breakfast from now." This sentence is grammatically incorrect and doesn't make any sense. There are several correct ways to say this sentence. 1. I am getting breakfast now. 2. I am about to have breakfast now. 3. I am about to go eat breakfast now. All of these sentences are grammatically correct, they all make sense, and they all mean the exact same thing, that you are about to eat breakfast now. So, any of these sentences would be perfectly fine to use.
この文の文字通りの訳は "It is breakfast from now." です。この文は文法的に正しくなく、意味をなしません。この文の正しい言い方はいくつかあります。 1. I am getting breakfast now. 2. I am about to have breakfast now. 3. I am about to go eat breakfast now. (今から朝食を食べます) これらの文はどれも文法的に正しく、意味も伝わり、そして全く意味を表します。「今から朝食を食べる」ということです。ですから、これらの文はどれも使うことができます。
Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • I'm just about to eat breakfast

  • I'll have breakfast now

"Just about to" is a casual term used when you will start or finish something. "I'm just about to start work" "I'm just about to finish Dinner"
"Just about to" はこれから何かを始めるあるいは終えるというときに使われるカジュアルな表現です。 "I'm just about to start work"(今から仕事を始めるところです) "I'm just about to finish Dinner"(もうすぐ夕ご飯を食べ終わるところです)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Have you eaten yet?

  • I have not eaten yet.

  • I am about to have my breakfast.

You can say: I have not eaten yet but I am about to eat my breakfast. Notice the difference in the words eaten and eat. Eaten - this is being used as past tense, something that has or has not happened in the past Eat - this is referring to something in the future or that you are doing now
次のように言えます。 "I have not eaten yet but I am about to eat my breakfast." (まだ食べていないですけど、今から食べます) "Eaten" と "Eat" の違いに注意してください。 Eaten - これは過去形として使われています。過去に起きた、あるいは起きなかったことを表します。 Eat - これは未来のことや、今していることを指します。
Daviid M DMM英会話講師
  • I have not eaten my breakfast yet but I will be now

  • I am going to eat my breakfast now as I have not eaten yet

There is a few ways in which you can reply to this question. As per the two examples above, you are stating that you have not yet eaten your breakfast but you are now about to. 'I have not eaten my breakfast yet, but I will be now' or you can change the answer around, to say you are about to eat your breakfast now because you have not already done so. 'I am going to eat my breakfast now as I have not eaten yet'
この質問の答え方はいくつかあります。上の二つの例では「まだ朝食を取っていないけどもこれから食べる」と伝えています。 'I have not eaten my breakfast yet, but I will be now'(まだ朝食を取っていませんが今から食べます) あるいは、これをひっくり返して「まだ食べていないのでこれから食べる」という言い方もできます。 'I am going to eat my breakfast now as I have not eaten yet' (まだ朝食を取っていないので今から食べます)
Claire Ra DMM英会話講師
  • I'm just about to eat breakfast.

  • I'm am going to eat breakfast now.

There are many ways of answering this question but the two most simple ways would be the two above.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm just about to have breakfast

  • I'm just sitting down for breakfast

Either of the above examples indicates that you will be preoccupied for the next 30 minutes or more by your breakfast. '..about to...' ,means that some process or activity is going tyo start shortly - in this case, that is the eating of your breakfast.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm about to have breakfast.

  • I'm going to eat now.

  • I'm about to eat breakfast

Notice that we can either use the verbs, "to have," or, "to eat," after the word, "breakfast," or we can simply use the verb, "to eat," on it's own however we can also do this we, "to have," in the right context. Example conversation : Bill : Have you eaten breakfast yet? Jon : No, I'm about to have it now. Bill : Okay, sounds good.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I am about to have breakfast.

  • I will have breakfast soon.

In a casual conversation you would give a casual answer. You can use any of the above two sentences in a conversation. A; Have you had breakfast yet? B; No, but i'm about to. A; When are you having breakfast? B; I will have breakfast soon.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • I'm just about to have breakfast.

こんにちは。 下記のような言い方もできます。 ・I'm just about to have breakfast. 今から朝食を食べるところです。 breakfast が「朝食」という意味です。 他に lunch(昼食)と dinner(夕食)があります。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください。 A: Have you had breakfast yet? もう朝食は食べましたか? B: No, I'm just about to have breakfast now. いいえ、今から朝食を食べるところです。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I'm about to have breakfast.

  • I'm going to have breakfast.

・「I'm about to have breakfast.」 「I'm going to have breakfast.」 (意味)今から朝ごはんです。 <例文>What are you doing?/I'm about to have breakfast. <訳>何してるの?/今から朝ごはんです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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