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2018/08/22 15:43
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  • It snows a lot by the Sea of Japan.

  • We get a lot of snow near the Sea of Japan than near the Pacific Ocean.

  1. You can use the word "by" when you're trying to explain the proximity/closeness of something. When people want to explain that they live near something/some place, they usually say "I live by the sea," or, "I live by a bank." In a popular children's song in the United States, the lyrics are "down by the bay...", so children are taught early on that the word "by" means "near" or "close to." It is therefore appropriate to say that it snows a lot "by" the Sea of Japan when trying to explain which side of the country it snows more on.

    1. When referring to a certain location, people often refer to the area as a whole by saying "we". So, to say that the whole side of the Sea of Japan gets/receives more snow, you can say "We get a lot of snow". Instead of saying "by" this time, you can also use the word "near". To compare the two sides, you use the word "than". The word "than" is used when making comparisons. For example, "my brother eats more than me", or "Chocolate is better than vanilla." Therefore, it's appropriate to compare the two sides of the country by explaining that the Sea of Japan gets a lot of snow than the Pacific Ocean side.

"I live by the sea."(海のそばに住んでいます)
"I live by a bank."(銀行のそばに住んでいます)
アメリカには「down by the bay...」という歌詞のある人気の童謡があります。子どもたちは早いうちから「by」が「~の近くに」という意味だと教わるわけです。ですから、日本のどちら側で雪が多いか言う場合:
"It snows a lot 'by' the Sea of Japan."(日本海側ではよく雪が降ります)

  1. 英語ではある地域全体を表す場合、よく「we」を使います。ですから日本海側で雪が多いことを表す場合「We get a lot of snow」と言えます。ここでは「by」の代わりに、「near」も使えます。二つのものを比較する場合「than」を使います。「than」は比較するときに使います。例えば:
    "My brother eats more than me."(兄は私よりもたくさん食べます)
    "Chocolate is better than vanilla."(チョコはバニラよりおいしい)
    "We get a lot of snow near the Sea of Japan than near the Pacific Ocean."

snows a lot = たくさん雪が降る
by the Sea of Japan = 日本海側で
get a lot of snow = たくさん雪が降る

Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • The west coast gets more snow than the east coast

  • The Sea of Japan side of the country has more snowfall than the pacific side

Coast is the land next to the sea. The west coast gets(receives) more snow.
Side has many meanings. In this instance it refers to an area or position in relation to a central line.

The west coast gets (receives) more snow.


The Sea of Japan side of the country has more snowfall than the pacific side.

Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • It snows more on the Sea of Japan side than it does on the Pacific Ocean side.

  • It snows more in the west of Japan than it does in the east.

It snows more on the Sea of Japan side than it does on the Pacific Ocean side.

You are comparing the amount of snow that falls on either side of Japan. You can also say
"It snows more in the west of Japan than it does in the east." This way you are comparing directions.

"It snows more on the Sea of Japan side than it does on the Pacific Ocean side."


”It snows more in the west of Japan than it does in the east."


Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • It snows a lot on the Sea of Japan side

  • It snows more on the Sea of Japan side than the Pacific Ocean side

  • The west coast of Japan gets more snow than the east coast

When talking about snow it might snow more on one side of the country than the other so you can say 'it snows more on the Sea of Japan side than the Pacific Ocean side' this explains both areas you are talking about although if the person knows what Japan is between then you can simply say 'It snows alot on the Sea of Japan side'


'it snows more on the Sea of Japan side than the Pacific Ocean side'(太平洋側よりも日本海側の方が雪が降ります)

'It snows alot on the Sea of Japan side'(日本海側ではたくさん雪が降ります)

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The Sea of Japan coast gets a lot of snow

  • The western coast of Japan gets more snow than the eastern side

It snows a lot on the Sea of Japan side of the country. More than the side of the Pacific Ocean. You may explain that by using one of the above suggestions.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The Western side of Japan receives more snow.

  • In winter, it is much wetter on the Western side of Japan.

  • Japan gets a lot of snow and winter weather on the Western side of the country.

The Sea of Japan is on the western side of Japan. So, when talking about it, you would say "the Western side of the country" or the "western side of Japan".

You asked about snow, but you can also say wetter, which just means rain. You can also say "winter weather" with means all of the precipitation types that can occur in the winter. This includes, freezing rain, sleet, ice and snow.

The Sea of Japanは、日本の西側を指します。ですので、 日本海のことを話すときは、 "the Western side of the country" や the "western side of Japan"と言うといいでしょう。

雪のことを尋ねていますが、  雨が降るという意味のwetterを使うこともできます。"winter weather"は冬に起こりう全てのタイプの天気を指します。これは雨、あられ、凍結、雪を含みます。

Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Snow falls a lot more by the sea in Japan

  • Snow is more frequent closer to the sea side in Japan

"Snow falls a lot more by the sea in Japan"
'Snow fall' is the term used when snow is 'falling' from the sky.
'A lot more' is referencing that something happens more there than anywhere else referenced, in this case, Japan.
"Snow is more frequent closer to the sea side in Japan"
For something to be more 'Frequent' this implies something happens a lot more, more frequently.

"Snow falls a lot more by the sea in Japan"

'Snow fall'は雪が降るという意味です。 

'A lot more'は、何かがもっと起こるということです。この場合日本海側ということです。 

"Snow is more frequent closer to the sea side in Japan"


Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • On the side of Japan's sea, it snows often.

  • It often snows close to the sea of Japan.

  • You will find it snows a lot on the sea side of Japan.

Snow is a beautiful weather occurrence, we get to see ice crystals fall from the sky and layer the ground it falls on.
Some places experience no snow whereas other locations experience a lot of it, as it does on the sea side of Japan.



Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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