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2018/08/24 12:57
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  • Even if I drink a lot of alcohol, I rarely get a hangover

  • Even when I drink a lot, I don't get hangovers.

When you want to explain that even when you drink a lot of alcohol you don't get hangovers; then you may explain this in the following ways: -Even if I drink a lot of alcohol, I rarely get a hangover -Even when I drink a lot, I don't get hangovers.
「お酒をたくさん飲んでも二日酔いにならない」は、次のように言えます。 -Even if I drink a lot of alcohol, I rarely get a hangover(お酒をたくさん飲んでもめったに二日酔いにならない) -Even when I drink a lot, I don't get hangovers.(お酒をたくさん飲んでも二日酔いにならない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I don't wake up with a hangover after i've had a few drinks.

  • I never get hangovers.

A hangover only comes about after drinking alcohol, so it is not always necessary to mention drinking or alcohol in your sentence as in the answer "I never get hangovers." "I don't wake up with a hangover after i've had a few drinks" fully explains the point in a formal way.
hangover(二日酔い)は、アルコールを飲んだときにだけなります。ですので、 "I never get hangovers."(二日酔いにはならない)のように、お酒を飲むということを必ずしも言う必要はありません。 "I don't wake up with a hangover after i've had a few drinks" お酒を何杯が飲んでも、二日酔いで目が覚めることはありません。 これは、フォーマルに言いたいことを伝えることができます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Even if I drink a lot of alcohol, I rarely get a hangover

「めったに二日酔いにならないので、飲んでも大丈夫です。」 "I rarely get a hangover so I'm fine with drinking." など
  • I never suffer with hangovers

  • It's rare for me to get a hangover

"I never suffer with hangovers" This sentence is implying that one does not 'suffer' with hangovers, to suffer with something is the term used when something bad has happened or is happening and you have to endure it. a 'hangover' is the term used to describe the morning or day after an alcohol drinking session, when consuming copious amounts of alcohol, usually the following day you will wake up with a head ache and feeling sick, this is called the hangover. For something to be 'rare' is something that doesn't happen very often, a 'rare' occurrence, something that happens or has happened a few times before.
"I never suffer with hangovers"(私は二日酔いにはなりません) これは「私は二日酔いに 'suffer' しない」と伝えています。'suffer' は何かが起きてあるいは起きていて、それに耐えなければならないときに使われます。 お酒を大量に飲んだ次の日の朝、頭痛や吐き気がすることがありますね。これは 'hangover' といいます。 'rare' は「めったに起こらないこと」あるいは「めったに起きたことがないこと」を表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Even if I push the boat out, I rarely suffer from the ill effects of drinking

  • I usually remain unaffected by a hangover, regardless of how much I drink

To push the boat out means to spend a lot of money or indulge in extravagant celebrations. An 'ill-effect' is a negative reaction to something, or a bad result. "After years of drug taking, he appeared to be suffering no visible ill effects."
「push the boat out」は「大金を使う、大盤振る舞いする」という意味です。 「ill-effect」は「悪影響」のことです。 "After years of drug taking, he appeared to be suffering no visible ill effects." 〔訳〕彼は、長年の薬物による目に見える悪影響は受けていないようでした。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm always crisp as a lettuce after a heavy night!

  • I'm never hanging the morning after!

  • I'm not that delicate in morning after heavy drinking.

"I'm always crisp as a lettuce after a heavy night!" - Quite a nice phrase, this can be used both ways as you're either not hungover, hungover or still drunk. Kind of like a joke as being "as crisp as a lettuce" :D "I'm never hanging after a drink the morning after!" - Hanging as in seriously suffering from the consumption the night before alternatively you can use it as "I'm never hanging after a drink the morning after!" or "I am absolutely hanging this morning" (hungover) "I'm not that delicate in morning after heavy drinking." - like the previous you can use it as you are or your not. "I'm not that delicate this morning" or "I'm a little delicate this morning!". Delicate as being like a flower petal, they are quite delicate! :D
"I'm always crisp as a lettuce after a heavy night!" - いいフレーズです。これは、二日酔いでなくても、二日酔いでも、まだ酔っ払っている時でも使えます。「as crisp as a lettuce(レタスくらいパリパリ)」、ちょっとジョークっぽいです。 "I'm never hanging after a drink the morning after!" -「hungover(二日酔い)」の「hanging」です。ほかにこういう言い方もできます: "I'm never hanging after a drink the morning after!" 〔訳〕飲んだ次の日でも二日酔いにはならない。 "I am absolutely hanging this morning" 〔訳〕今朝は完全に二日酔い。 "I'm not that delicate in morning after heavy drinking." - 一つ目の例と同様、二日酔いのときもそうでないときも使えます。「delicate(壊れやすい)」は花びらのようなものを表します。花びらはかなり「delicate」です。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Thankfully, I rarely get hangovers!

  • I can drink as much as I want without gettig a hangover!

  • Luckily, I don't get hangovers!

Thankfully- Used to express relief. E.g- ''Thankfully, I did not miss my flight!'' Luckily- By good luck. ''Luckily, I did not get into trouble.'' Hangover - headache, vomiting etc caused by drinking
Thankfully- 安堵(あんど)の気持ちを表す。 例: ''Thankfully, I did not miss my flight!''(幸い、飛行機に乗り遅れずに済んだ) Luckily- 運よく 例: ''Luckily, I did not get into trouble.''(幸い、面倒なことにはならなかった) Hangover - 飲酒によって引き起こされる頭痛や嘔吐(おうと)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Even I drink I seldom ever get a hangover.

  • It's highly unlikely that I will get a hangover even if I drink.

Any of these sentences can be used to describe a situation where a person hardly gets a hangover even after drinking:- 1. Even if I drink I seldom ever get a hangover. The word "seldom" is used to describe something that is rare or something that does not happen frequently. If someone hardly gets a hangover after drinking, we can say that they "seldom ever" get a hangover. 2. It's highly unlikely that I will get a hangover even if I drink. If something is described as being "highly unlikely" it means that the chances of that thing happening are very low.
これらどちらの文でも「私はめったに二日酔いにならない」を表すことができます。 1. Even if I drink I seldom ever get a hangover.(お酒を飲んでもめったに二日酔いになりません) "seldom" はめったに起こらない事を表します。もし「めったに二日酔いにならない」なら、これは "I seldom ever get a hangover" で表せます。 2. It's highly unlikely that I will get a hangover even if I drink.(お酒を飲んでもめったに二日酔いになりません) "highly unlikely" は、何かが起こる可能性が非常に低いことを表します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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