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getを使った言い方でI finally get to here in Los Angelesかget here in Los Angeles イマイチわかりません。
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2018/08/25 13:25
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  • I finally arrived in Los Angeles.

  • I finally got to LA.

  • I finally made it to LA.

やっとロサンゼルスに着いた = I finally arrived in Los Angeles. 他の言い方は同じ意味です。問題は、動詞と前置詞の接続することです。 arrive + in + (場所) get + to + (場所) make it + to + (場所) 「Here」はいらないけど、言いたいなら、「be」動詞の方がいいと思います。 I'm finally here in LA. ほとんどの人は「Los Angeles」じゃなくて、「LA」と言います。 見てくれてありがとございます!
  • At last I'm in LA!

  • My journey to LA has finally come to an end

To come to an end = to complete something (after a difficulty or long g process). At last = finally (after some difficulty or lengthy process)
To come to an end =(困難、長いプロセスを経て)完了する At last = (困難、長いプロセスを経て)ついに、やっと
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I finally got to LA

  • I made it to LA at last!

"I finally got to LA" 'I finally' often used when you have reached a destination/event and you are excited to be there, ex. "I am finally 18 years old". "I made it to LA at last!" 'I made it' references that you have reached a destination/event, it can be used in a good context or in an unhappy way.
"I finally got to LA"(やっとロサンジェルスに到着しました) = 'I finally' は、目的地/イベントに到着して気持ちが高揚しているときに使われます。 例えば: "I am finally 18 years old"(ついに18歳になりました) "I made it to LA at last!"(やっとロサンジェルスに到着しました) = 'I made it' は「〔目的地/イベントに〕到着した」の意味です。これは良い意味でもうれしくない意味でも使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I have finally arrived in LA!

  • I'm finally in LA!

  • The long journey is over, I am in LA

We use 'finally'to express the sentiment 'at last' When we have been waiting a long time for something, we can use the word 'finally' to express that it has taken some time.
finally' は 'at last'(とうとう)の気持ちを表します。 何かを長い間待っていたなら、それは 'finally' で表せます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I got to Los Angeles.

  • I finally got here.

  • By that time, I had finally gotten to L.A.

"To get" or "get to" is in the present tense. Since you are speaking about an action that occurred already, you would need to use the past tense form "got". If referring to a point in the past but is before the present, you can use the past tense form "have" or "had gotten".
"get" あるいは "get to" は現在形です。ここでは過去の行動について話しているので、過去形の "got" を使う必要があります。 過去の出来事を現在の視点で伝えるなら、過去形の "have gotten" あるいは "had gotten" が使えます。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • I made it safely to Los Angeles!

Many times when we are traveling, our loved ones and friends want to know if we are safe and okay and this sentence lets them know that. In this case, "to make it" means that you arrived somewhere. I hope that this helps! :)
家族や友人が旅行をするときには、その人の安否が気になりますよね。この文はそれについて伝えます。この場合、"to make it" は「到着する」という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I finally made it to LA

  • After everything, I finally arrived in LA

  • Eventually, I arrived in LA

To make it to (somewhere)' is an expression used to describe a destination reached which may have included a long journey before. 'After everything' is an expression used to describe a series of events/ things/ problems which may have been difficult or hard to overcome but eventually you managed them. For example 'After everything (all the problems i had) yesterday, I finally finished my homework'. 'Eventually' is another adverb like 'finally' and means 'sometime later'.
To make it to (somewhere)' は、(長旅を経て)目的地に到着したことを伝える言い方です。 'After everything' は、最終的に乗り越えることのできたさまざまな(困難な)出来事/物事/問題を指します。 例えば: 'After everything (all the problems I had) yesterday, I finally finished my homework'. (昨日はいろいろあったけど、ようやく宿題が終わった) 'Eventually' は 'Finally' に似た副詞で、「しばらくして」という意味です。
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
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