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2016/03/08 18:08
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  • Let me know if there's even a slightest difference in my pronunciation / grammar

  • Tell me if there's any bit of difference in the way I use my English

  • Stop me if you find any difference in how I pronounce my words


さて、今回は、発音や文法などを厳しくチェックしてほしいという意味での、「ちょっとでも間違いがあったら教えて」という表現ですねっ?! 了解ですっ!!

まずは、”Let me know if there's even a slightest difference ...." と言えば、”Let me know" (教えて)、”if there's" (もしあったら)、と ”even a slightest difference" (例えわずかな違いでも)という表現のオンパレードになりますが、最後の部分は ”slightest difference" とありますが、これは ”わずかな” という原型の形容詞を最上級にした、”ほんの少しでも” という意訳の単語を採用しております。

また、二個目の例文では、”any bit of difference in the way I use my English" をひっくるめて ”Tell me" (教えて)とありますね。 この ”any bit of difference" というと、”違う部分がちょっとでもあれば”、と言います。いずれ、最初の例文と同じように、「間違いがあったら」という表現は、”mistake"、”error"、"blunder" などといった「間違い」という意味の直訳の単語をあえて使わず間接的な表現にするところがポイントです。

最後は、”Stop me if you find ..."、つまり、「いつでも止めて下さい」、「話している途中でも間違いを見つけたら気兼ねすることなく言ってくださいね」という遠回しの言い方、同時に、”止めてください” と方法論からあえて伝えているので相手も益々躊躇することなく気軽に教え安いようこちらからさらに一歩近づいた表現となります。



Hara Ken English teacher
  • Please tell me if I make even the smallest[slightest] mistake[error].

  • Please be strict with me.

tell meを、let me knowと言い換えも可能です。

英訳2:Please be tough on me.とも言えます。strict も tough も「厳しい」という意味ですが、続く前置詞は異なるので注意しましょう。

「発音のミス」はpronunciation mistake / mispronunciation、「文法のミス」はgrammar mistakeのように言えます。

- Please let me know if I make any grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- Please tell me if I mispronounce a word.

David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Please correct even the slightest error in my grammar or pronunciation.

  • Please point out each error in pronunciation or grammar.

"Please correct even the slightest error in my grammar or pronunciation. "
- You are politely asking your teacher to correct you even if you made a slight error in pronunciation or grammar.

" Please point out each error in pronunciation or grammar. "
- You are politely asking your teacher to let you know when you have made an error in pronunciation or grammar, in order for you to rectify the error.

"Please correct even the slightest error in my grammar or pronunciation. "

" Please point out each error in pronunciation or grammar. "

Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Don't go easy on my mistakes.

  • Please point out even the smallest error.

  • Please point out even the smallest error, whether it be grammar, pronunciation etc.

In order to make it clear that you want even the smallest mistake to be corrected, it is good to say
'point out' and 'even the smallest.'

Point out (指摘する)とeven the smallest (たとえ最小であっても)がポイントです。

Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Please pick me up on the slightest error

  • 2. Please don't let any error pass.

  • 3. Please tell me if I make any kind of error.

  1. To pick someone up (on something) = to tell this person about something such as a mistake or error.
  2. You want every error to be identified.
  3. "Please tell me.." You are asking to be informed about something.
  1. To pick someone up (on something) =その人に間違いや誤りなどのことを伝える。
  2. "Please tell me.." :何かについて知りたい時に使う表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Tell me if there's even a little mistake.

  • Be strict when correcting my pronunciation and grammar.

These phrases roughly translate to, "Tell me if there's even a little mistake." And, "Be strict when correcting my pronunciation and grammar."

What you are trying to say is that you would like for someone to tell you if you make the slightest mistake with your English. You also want that person to be strict, and correct you immediately, even for the smallest error.

If you are taking English lessons, please be sure to use these phrases to let your teachers know how you want to be taught and corrected.




Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • "Even the smallest mistake"

  • "Every mistake"

"Even the smallest mistake."
Example sentence: "Please correct even the smallest mistakes I make during the lesson."

Use this expression when you want the teacher to point out or comment on each mistake you make, even if it is a minor or small mistake.

Another way to say this is "Every mistake."
Example: "I want to improve my pronunciation/grammar, so please correct every mistake."
Saying " every mistake" has a broader meaning, while "even the smallest mistakes" means you want the teacher to spot and correct your mistakes.

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct me if I make a mistake, even a small one

  • Please call out every mistake and tell me how to improve

If you want to tell your English teacher to correct even the slightest mistakes you need to let her know in the beginning of the lesson that way she knows ahead of time. You can say something like, " Please let me know if i make any mistakes even small ones" or " Please correct any grammar mistakes or the way I pronounce words if you hear them" Then your teacher will be more than happy to help you improve your English speaking.


" Please let me know if I make any mistakes even small ones"


"Please correct any grammar mistakes or the way I pronounce words if you hear them"


Aba DMM英会話講師
  • Please be as strict as possible when it comes to corrrecting any kind of errors I make.

  • If I make any kind of error, big or small, please correct me.

  • Please correct me on all kinds of mistakes I make.

Use the sentences above to ask your English teacher to point out all mistakes you make in class.
You can specify further by letting your teacher know when you would like to be corrected; at the end of your reading or speaking or if you would like to be corrected immediately after the error.

It is great to want corrections so that you can improve on your English skills.

"Please be sure to correct all my errors in class, no matter how big or small."

"I would like to improve my English skills on all levels so if I say something incorrectly or if I spell anything incorrectly please do correct me."

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • If I made a mistake please tell me

You can say "teacher could you tell me if I made even the smallest mistake"
Or you could ask your teacher "please inform about my mistakes even the smallest one".
And then of course you could ask them for them to correct you or give you the answer to the mistake that you have made.
But I think any good teacher would correct you automatically if you have made a mistake.
I hope this can help.

Ziegler DMM英会話講師
  • Please tell me any mistakes that I make.

  • Could you please point out any mistakes I make, even small ones.

  • Please let me know if I've made any mistakes, even little ones.

By saying: "Please tell me any mistakes that I make." you are letting your teacher know that you would like him or her to tell you if you make any mistakes. To specify that you would like even the tiniest mistakes to be pointed out, I would say something like this: "Could you please point out any mistakes I make, even small ones." or "Please let me know if I've made any mistakes, even little ones."

I hope this helps. :)

Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't handle me with kid gloves.

  • Please point out even the smallest mistake that I make.

  1. Please don't handle me with kid gloves.
    A kid is a baby goat, so kid gloves are soft, leather gloves.
    This expression means that you do not want the teacher
    to treat you carefully or delicately for fear of hurting your feelings.
    In other words, you want the teacher to make you aware of every
    mistake you make, no matter how insignificant it may seem.
    Another example using "kid gloves":
    The actress was given kid-glove treatment when she arrived for
    the show.

  2. Please point out even the smallest mistake that I make.
    This means that you want the teacher to stop and correct
    your errors no matter how big or small.

Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Even if I make really small mistakes can you still correct me please?

When someone makes really small mistakes with English, it can easily go unnoticed, asking this question: even if I make really small mistakes can you still correct me please? Is a great way to get your teacher to pay special attention to detail, even if they are small mistakes that are being corrected, the corrections are still critical to your development in speaking/reading/writing the English language.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Be very tedious when correcting me.

  • Be strict when correcting me.

  • Tell me even if I make the smallest of mistakes.

Notice that we can either use the adjective, "tedious," or, "strict," in the same way to tell someone that we want very very active corrections to our English. In addition we can also use, "even the smallest of mistakes," to have the same effect.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Should I make any mistakes while speaking, please point it out to me even if it is something minor/small.

  • Can you please help point out all my English grammar and pronunciation mistakes even if they are tiny ones?

If you would like to ask someone to help point out even the smallest mistakes in your English, you can say something like "Should I make any mistakes while speaking, please point it out to me even if it is something minor/small.". Words like MINOR, SMALL, and TINY all mean things that aren't very big, you even the smallest of things., hence why we use it in our sentence

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct any mistake I might make in the lesson.

  • Correct even the slightest mistake I make when speaking.

  • Please correct any mistake I might make in the lesson; you are politely telling the teacher to correct or fix any mistake you make in the lesson.

  • Correct even the slightest mistake I make when speaking; you are telling the teacher to correct anything you might say wrong down to the last detail, even the smallest thing for example pronunciation.

Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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