We used to play in the park and drew pictures together.(以前は一緒に公園で遊んだり絵を描いたりしていました)
When I was little, I used to play with her all the time.(小さい頃は彼女といつも遊んでいました)
He is a friend that I grew up with.(彼は一緒に育った友達です=彼は幼馴染です)
When we were young, we used to go to the park and play.
When we were young, we used to go out to the park and play together, and draw pictures together.
小さい頃 = When we were young,
私達は = we
よく遊んでいました = (used to) play
公園で = at/in the park.
「私達は小さい頃一緒に公園に行ったり、一緒に絵を描いて遊んでいました」= When we were young, we used to go out to the park and play together, and draw pictures together.
I used to go play in the park and enjoy drawing with her/him.
I used to go play in the park and enjoy drawing with her/him.
used to-:〜したものだ
go(and) play:遊びに行く
enjoy -ing:〜を楽しむ
"Me and my friend used to go play in the park and enjoy drawing together"