Our lives consist of meeting new people and saying good-byes to many of them.
Life is full of new acquaintances and parting ways with many.
Our lives consist of meeting new people and saying good-bye to many of them.
consist of で「〜から成る」
「出会い」は meeting new people と言えるかと思います。
「別れ」は saying good-byes / farewell to 人 と言えるかと思います。
Life is full of new acquaintances and parting ways with many.
acquaintance は「知り合い」
part ways で「別々の道を行く」
Life is all about meeting people and parting ways.
- "Life is all about meeting people and parting ways."
このフレーズは、「人生は出会いと別れから成り立っている」という深い意味を持ちます。"all about"は「〜についてすべて」という意味で、人生の大事な部分を指しています。
- "Life is a series of encounters and farewells."
- "Life is composed of hellos and goodbyes."
- encounter (出会い)
- farewell (別れ)
- meet (会う、出会う)
- parting (分かれること)
- goodbye (さよなら)