The opening usually used to eat on the face of humans and animals is called a mouth. For example, in a sentence you would use the word in the following ways:
-I don't like her because she has a big mouth. She can never shut up.
-I am taking a vow of silence, so I am not going to open my mouth all week next week.
-I don't like her because she has a big mouth. She can never shut up.
-I am taking a vow of silence, so I am not going to open my mouth all week next week.
Mouths are used for many things. We eat, breathe and talk by means of our mouth.
When we move our lips in order to say something, often with no sound, it called 'mouthed.'
Example: She mouthed something to me from across the room.
When you want someone to stop speaking, many people use the term 'shut your mouth.' This is often seen as rude and very direct.
例: She mouthed something to me from across the room.
誰かに話すのをやめて欲しいときは、「shut your mouth」という表現がよく使われます。これはとても直接的でしばしば乱暴に聞こえます。
「口」は英語で mouth(マウス)と言います。
I eat with my mouth.
Don't put too much food in your mouth at once.
words related to mouth:
Adam's apple 喉仏
dribble よだれがダラダラ出る
dry 乾燥している
Don't dribble your mouth: よだれたらさないで
I have extremely dry mouth とても口が乾燥する
Don't talk so much, keep your mouth shut when you should be listening to the instructor.
Because of my visit to the dentist, my mouth is still sore.
口 mouth
Please don't talk with your mouth full.
Don't talk so much, keep your mouth shut
when you should be listening to the instructor.
Because of my visit to the dentist, my mouth is still sore.
Babies like to put things in their mouth.
So I punched him "pow!", right in the kisser.
その赤ちゃんは何でも口に入れる ー The baby puts everything into his mouth.
口に食物を入れたまましゃべるな ー Don't talk with your mouth full.
口を大きく開ける ー To open one's mouth wide
彼は驚いて口をぽかんと開けた ー His mouth fell open in surprise.
「口」は英語で mouth と言います。人間の口も動詞の口も mouth と言います。瓶などの口のところも mouth と言います。
The lion opened its mouth widely, and roared
The mouth of the bottle
Don't chew with your mouth open.
Chew with your mouth closed.
Don't talk with food in your mouth.
Generally speaking most animals eat with a 'mouth', however birds do not have a 'mouth', but a 'beak'. The difference is, is that a 'mouth' has teeth, whereas a 'beak' does not.
'Gob' is an British slang term for mouth. If someone is being rude and talking with a mouth full of food you could say "shut your gob whilst eating."
一般的には、動物は"mouth"(口)を使って食べますが、鳥類は"beak"(くちばし)です。"Mouth"(口)には歯が付いていますが、 "beak"(くちばし)には歯がありません。
”Gob"は、「口」を意味するイギリス英語のスラングです。例えば、口のなかに食べ物を入れながら同時に話す失礼な相手には、"Shut your gob whilst eating"(食べているときは黙ってくれ)と言うことが出来ます。
If you would like to know how to say "kuchi" in English, the word to describe this body part would be "mouth". This is the part of the body located on your face which we use to speak and to eat or kiss. You can use it in a sentence by saying "My mouth is used for talking" or "We speak using our mouths.".
The mouth is the part of our body that we eat and breathe. In our mouth we also have teeth which help us to chew and break down food before swallowing.
It is rude to chew your food with your mouth open.
the most common and correct name of this body part is the word "mouth".
example sentence: "i had such a big slice of cake that it almost did not fit in my mouth".
The word 口 (Kuchi) translated from Japanese to English refers to the mouth (human body part on someones face) or an entrance / gateway.
example sentence:
"How many chocolates can you fit in your mouth?"