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2018/09/06 18:45
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  • graduate school / grad school

  • a school of graduate studies

「大学院」は graduate school や grad school と言います。 「修士号」や「大学院での[研究](」を言う場合は、a master's degree や graduate studies などを使って言えます。 I'm doing a Master's degree in Psychology. 「[心理学](の修士号を[勉強](している。」 I'm pursuing graduate studies in Psychology. 「大学院で心理学の研究をしている。」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • graduate school

  • masters program

  • grad school

You can call this "graduate school' or "grad school". This is also called a masters degree so you can say, "I am in a masters program." or "I'm a masters student."
大学院のことを”graduate school"または”grad school"と言います。Master's Degree([修士](号)と言うこともあります。 ●I am in a master's program.(私は修士課程を勉強しています。) ●I'm a master's student.(私は[大学院生](です。)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • graduate school

  • I got my masters degree at a famous graduate school.

"Graduate school" is a school where people who already have an undergraduate degree, can go to study to get a masters degree.
"Graduate school"(大学院)とは、既に学士号を持っている人が修士号を取るために通う学校のことです。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Doctorate Degree

  • Vocational Qualification

After graduating from an undergraduate degree, a person can carry on at university to do a Doctorate Degree. This is the highest degree that can be awarded by a university. The most common doctoral degree is a Doctor of Philosophy, known as a PhD. A person can be awarded this degree in lots of different subjects. A Vocational Qualification is a work related course. For example, a Librarianship Qualification or a Law Conversion Course. They are to help the person to gain particular skills for the chosen subject which may not have been taught at university.
学士号(undergraduate degree)を取得を取得した後、「Doctorate Degree(博士号)」を取得するため大学を続けることがあります。「Doctorate Degree」は大学が与える最高学位です。最も一般的なのは、「PhD」として知られる「Doctor of Philosophy(哲学博士)」です。この学位にはいろいろな種類があります。 「Vocational Qualification(職業資格)」は、仕事に関するコースです。例えば、「Librarianship Qualification(図書館員)」や「Law Conversion Course(法律の変換)」などがあります。これは特定の分野のスキルを身につけるためのもので、大学で学べなかったことを学ぶ人もいるでしょう。
Sophiee DMM英会話講師
  • Graduate degree

  • Masters Degree

Two common terms are "Graduate degree" or "Masters Degree". However, you might hear this course of study referred to as simply "masters" or "grad school" Example sentences: "Are you going to pursue a Masters degree this year?" "Tom received his Graduate degree from a university in the United States." "Where did you go to grad school?" "I am working on my masters in business."
"Graduate degree"(大学院の学位)と"Masters Degree"(修士号)という2つの一般的な言葉があります。ただ、シンプルに"masters"や"grad school"と呼ばれることもあります。 (例文) "Are you going to pursue a Masters degree this year?" (今年修士号をとるのですか?) "Tom received his Graduate degree from a university in the United States." (トムはアメリカのが大学院の学位を得た) "Where did you go to grad school?" (どこの大学院に行っていたのですか?) "I am working on my masters in business." (修士課程で経営学を学んでいます)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Grad-school

  • Graduate school

  • Postgraduate (level)

The educational level beyond an undergraduate degree is usually called "postgraduate" or "graduate school". Sometimes people shorten the phrase "graduate school" to "grad-school". For example, you can say: -Now that I have my undergraduate degree, I want to go to grad-school. -Sam wants to go to graduate school so that she can be a lawyer -I am a postgraduate student and everything at postgrad/postgraduate level is very different from what I learned in my undergraduate/undergrad degree. Remember, the word "grad" is usually a shortened version of the word "graduate"
学士号を取った後の教育レベルのことを"postgraduate"(大学卒業後の)または "graduate school"(大学院)と言います。"graduate school"を省略して"grad-school"と言う場合もあります。 例: -Now that I have my undergraduate degree, I want to go to grad-school. 学士号は取ったから、大学院に行きたい。 -Sam wants to go to graduate school so that she can be a lawyer サムは大学院に行って弁護士になりたいと思っている。 -I am a postgraduate student and everything at postgrad/postgraduate level is very different from what I learned in my undergraduate/undergrad degree. 私は大学院生ですが、このレベルでは全てが大学で学んだこととは違います。 "grad"は普通、"graduate"の省略形として使われます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Graduate school

  • Grad school

英語で大学は”University"また”College"で、大学院は”Graduate school"と言います。 University/college students (大学生) = undergraduate students Graduate school students(大学院生)= graduate students 例文: -He doesn't go to that graduate school anymore. (彼はもうその大学院に行きません。) -She wants to continue studying as a graduate student. (彼女は大学院生として勉強を続けたいと思っています。)
AliciaC 翻訳家
  • graduate school

  • grad school

「大学院」は英語で graduate school と言います。 略して grad school と言うこともあります。 例: I'm planning on going to graduate school. 私は大学院にいくつもりです。 Did you know that he goes to grad school? 彼が大学院に通っていると知っていましたか?
  • Graduate school

  • Masters

Students who have graduated undergrad, can move forward and go to: "Graduate school" You can also say that they are going to do their: "Masters"
大学を卒業した学生は "Graduate school"(大学院)に進むことがあります。 "to do one's Master's"(修士号を取得する)という言い方もあります。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Post graduate school

  • Graduate school

  • Grad' school

You want to know what to call a school that students who have graduated can attend to study advanced work? In Japanese this is known as "daigakuin". It is usually known as a 'post graduate school' or, 'graduate school'. "John has been at grad school since last September."
大学を卒業後、より専門的なことを学ぶために行く学校、これをどう言うか知りたいということですね。日本語では「大学院」と言うと。 これは一般的に 'post graduate school' または 'graduate school' と呼ばれます。 "John has been at grad school since last September." (ジョンは去年の9月から大学院に通っています)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Graduate school / Grad school

  • Master's program

After finishing your first years of university, students have the option to continue their studies at a more advanced level, which we call Graduate school or Grad school for short. Typically in Grad school, you are studying to receive what is called a Master's degree, which is typically given to you after choosing and studying a subject at this higher level. We call these a Master's program.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Graduate school

Graduate school awards advanced academic degrees. The general enrollment requirement being that students must have earned an undergraduate degree.
"Graduate school"(大学院)は上級学位を授与します。 一般的に、学士号を取得していることが入学の条件になります。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • graduate school

graduate schoolと言います(*^_^*) ★関連語示します nursery school「保育園」 kindergarten 「幼稚園」 elementary school「小学校」 junior high school「中学校」 senior high school「高校」 university「大学」 graduate school「大学院」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • graduate school

・「graduate school(grad school)」 (意味)大学院 <例文>I am planning to go to graduate school to study economics. <訳>経済学について学ぶために大学院に進学する予定です。 ・vocabulary:school 学校 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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