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2016/03/18 18:47
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  • well-educated

  • highly educated

  • college-educated

a well-educated/college-educated/highly educated woman 高学歴の女性 この他に、例えば「高学歴の男性」は、 man with a big school background man with a high academic background などという表現もあります。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • person with graduate education

  • graduate from a famous university

特に「大学院卒」というのであれば、person with graduate education という言い方があります(person の部分は、それが誰かによって変えることになります)。 「有名大学を卒業する」はそのまま graduate from a famous university と言えるようです。この場合、単に名前が知られているというよりは、日本語と同じように良い意味で受け止められるようです。
  • He/she is well-educated

  • He/she has had the benefit of a good education

  • He/she went to a good school/university

"John's a really well-educated young man. He went to Rugby public school when he was thirteen years old and now he is studying for his master's at Oxford University." "Yes, he certainly has the benefit of a good education! Unfortunately my family could not afford such luxuries." "Mmmm, well I went to a good school, but not quite of the same level as Rugby, of course."
"John's a really well-educated young man. He went to Rugby public school when he was thirteen years old and now he is studying for his master's at Oxford University." ジョンは本当によく教育された青年だ。13歳のときにラグビーという私立へ入って、そこからオックスフォードで修士をとったんだ。 "Yes, he certainly has the benefit of a good education! Unfortunately my family could not afford such luxuries." 彼って本当に高学歴だよね。残念だけど、自分の家にはそんなお金払えなかっただろうな。 "Mmmm, well I went to a good school, but not quite of the same level as Rugby, of course." んーー、良い学校にはいったけど、ラグビーとは比べられないね。もちろんだけど。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • university-educated

  • graduated from a prestigious institution

  • college-educated

"university-educated" This is a way to say that someone has graduated from university. You: "What do you think about our new coworker?" Person: "He's university-educated, so I feel he'll be a good fit." "graduated from a prestigious institution" This is a way to say that someone has graduated from an especially reputable university, like Harvard or Princeton. You: "What education does your son have? I heard he went to college." Person: "Yes! My son graduated from a prestigious institution." "college-educated" When we mention that someone is college-educated, we are implying that they have a degree and are educated, however, they did not graduate from a prestigious university, such as an ivy league school. You: "What do you think qualifies you for the position in this company?" Person: "I'm college-educated and I have good references."
university-educated" 大学を卒業した人をいう方法です。 You: ""What do you think about our new coworker?"" 新入社員についてどう思いますか? Person: ""He's university-educated, so I feel he'll be a good fit."" 彼は大卒なのでうまくいくと感じます。 graduated from a prestigious institution ハーバードやプリンストンなどの特に有名な大学を卒業した人をいう表現です。 You: ""What education does your son have? I heard he went to college."" 息子さんの学歴は?大学にいったと聞いていました。 Person: ""Yes! My son graduated from a prestigious institution."" はい。有名な大学を卒業しました。 college-educated college-educatedは大卒を意味します。 しかし、アイビーリーグなどの有名大学を卒業したわけではありません。 You: ""What do you think qualifies you for the position in this company?"" 弊社のこの職種における君の適正をきかせてもらえますか? Person: ""I'm college-educated and I have good references.""" 大卒ですし、推薦状もあります。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Graduated from a higher learning institution

Graduated from=〇〇~卒業 a higher learning institution= 学歴が高い施設 英語では、大学を含んだ「全般的な学べる場所」(施設・組織)をInstitutionという言い方をする。
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • A graduate from a prestigious institution.

  • A high-school graduate from one of the top schools.

"A graduate from a prestigious institution." prestigious = Some that inspires respect and admiration; to have a high status. "Achieved a higher education from one of the top schools." This means that the person has obtained a tertiary qualification from a respectable school with a top ranking.
"A graduate from a prestigious institution." ①「名門校の卒業生」 Prestigious=名声のある、一流の。 "Achieved a higher education from one of the top schools." ②「一流の有名大学で高学歴を得た」 一流大学で学位を取得した。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Highly educated

  • Well-educated

We can use either, "highly educated," or, "well-educated," to describe someone who received their education from a good school and has probably done many years at university to receive a master's or PhD. Example sentences : - He seems very well-educated, where did he go to school? - I am a highly educated person in this field of study.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Well Educated

  • Having a good quality education

you could say something like "I was educated at a very prestigious school". or "she has had an excellent education". or "he was educated in a well esteemed college"
以下のように言うことが出来ます。 例文 "I was educated at a very prestigious school". 一流の大学で教育を受けた "she has had an excellent education". 彼女は素晴らしい教育を受けている "he was educated in a well esteemed college" 彼は一流大学で教育を受けている
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • He is an educated man./ She is an educated woman.

  • He/she graduated from a highly respected school.

We call someone "educated" when they were able to attend and graduate from an institution. This usually refers to someone who graduate high school with good marks, or that they obtained a degree. When you say that someone graduated from a respected school, you are referring to the standard of their education and that they are educated well themselves. Thank you for your question and I hope this helps.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Highly educated.

  • Graduated from a well renowned school/university.

Here are some examples of these phrases being used in context: he is highly educated, he graduated from a well renowned school in his city. It's a private school that prides itself on providing a world class education.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Well-educated

  • University graduate

  • Prestigious

You could use any of the above three words when describing how well you are educated or how well someone else that you might know is educated. Examples; - I went to one of the top high schools in South Africa, people say I'm well-educated. - She is well educated as she is a university graduate.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • highly educated

  • graduated from a prestigious school

「高学歴」は英語で「highly educated」と言います。「graduated from a prestigious school」は「偉大な大学から卒業した」のニュアンスです。 うちの会社は今高学歴の方を探しています。 My company is currently looking for highly educated people. 彼は東大出身なので、高学歴です。 He graduated from a prestigious school, Tokyo University.
  • Highly educated

日本語の「高学歴」が英語でか「highly educated」といいます。 以下は例文です。 彼女は高学歴だ。 ー She is highly educated 彼は絶対高学歴だけど、対人能力が弱いな〜 ー He may be highly educated but he has very poor interpersonal skills 彼は絶対高学歴だけど、なんか就職できない ー He is highly educated but he can’t find a job 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Highly educated

  • Well educated

高学歴のことは「Highly educated」と言います。 例文: - A highly educated person usually finds a well paying job. (高学歴の人は高収入の仕事を得ることが多い) 高学歴は「Well educated」とも言います。 例文: - Bringing up a well educated child is a parents wish. (高学歴の子供を育てることは親の願望だ) ご利用いただいきありがとうございます。 またの質問をお待ちしております!
  • university graduate

  • a graduate

  • He is a graduate from Harvard.

Some that has completed a school and graduated can be called a 'graduate' (GRAD-YU-IT). Graduate can be used for any person that has completed any school/program (high school, university, etc).
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • highly educated

  • college graduate

  • very knowledgeable

the most common way to express this would be to say "i am a college graduate" but to be more formal you could also say "he is highly educated" or "he is very knowledgeable"
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • highly educated

  • graduated from a good university

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 highly educated 「高い教育を受けている」 または、一番シンプルに graduated from a good university 「良い学校を卒業した」 のように表現できると思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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