世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/09/09 10:38
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  • Welcome home/ back!

  • Did you have fun? / How was your trip?

Welcome home/back! 「おかえり!」 Did you have fun? 「楽しかった?」 How was your trip? 参考にしてください。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Welcome back home! Did you enjoy your trip?

  • Welcome back! Did you enjoy your holiday?

  • Glad to have you back. Did you have a good holiday?

When you want to welcome back a family member that had just been abroad on holiday; you may do so in the following way: -Welcome back home! Did you enjoy your trip? -Welcome back! Did you enjoy your holiday? -Glad to have you back. Did you have a good holiday?
海外旅行から帰った家族を「お帰りなさい」と迎えたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Welcome back home! Did you enjoy your trip?(お帰りなさい、旅行は楽しかったですか) -Welcome back! Did you enjoy your holiday?(お帰りなさい、旅行は楽しかったですか) -Glad to have you back. Did you have a good holiday?(お帰りなさい、旅行は楽しかったですか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Welcome home!

  • How was your trip?

Welcome home can be used in many situations. Whether it's to welcome someone back home from work, school, or vacation. "Welcome back home" Or "Welcome back" can also be used. The word "welcome" is a greeting used when you're pleased to see or meet someone. You'll hear the word welcome in many different places like a restaurant, a business building, museum, etc. And of course, "How was your trip" is just another way to show that you care that they are home and that you are interested in what their trip was like.
"Welcome home"(お帰りなさい)は、さまざまな状況で使えます。それが仕事から家に帰ってきた人を迎えるときであれ、学校から家に帰ってきた人を迎えるときであれ、旅行から家に帰ってきた人を迎えるときであれ、です。 "Welcome back home" または "Welcome back" も使えます。 "welcome" は、人に会ったときに使われるあいさつです。"welcome" はレストラン、会社、美術館などさまざまな場所で使われます。 そしてもちろん、"How was your trip"(旅行はどうでしたか)でも、旅行への関心と「お帰りなさい」の気持ちを表せます。
Adeline English teacher
  • Welcome home! How was your trip?

  • Welcome back! Did you have a good trip?

  • Welcome home! Did you enjoy your trip?

When someone comes home after a trip or vacation, it is appropriate to say "Welcome home!" or if they are coming back to work or school you could also say "Welcome back!" These are friendly and welcoming expressions that tell someone you are happy to see them and glad they are back. There are many ways to ask about their trip, depending on how much detail you want to hear. If you are just saying hello in passing, you could say "Did you enjoy your trip" or "Did you have a good trip" which could be easily answered with a yes or no. However, if they are a close friend or family member and you want to know more details, you could ask "How was your trip?" which would promote them to tell you as much as they would like to share. Be careful because if they traveled for a long time, they might want to tell you a lot of information, as traveling can be an exciting experience that many people love to share, whether you are truly interested or not!
旅行または休暇から家に帰ってきた人には、"Welcome home!" と言えます。 あるいは、学校や職場に帰ってきたなら、"Welcome back!" と言うこともできます。 これらは、その人が戻ってきて再会できた喜びを伝えるフレンドリーな表現です。 旅行について尋ねる言い方はたくさんあります。これはどの程度詳しく聞きたいかによります。 通りすがりにあいさつをするだけなら、"Did you enjoy your trip"(旅行は楽しかったですか)または "Did you have a good trip"(同)と言えます。これらには「はい」「いいえ」で簡単に答えることができます。 もし相手が親しい友人や家族で、旅行について詳しく聞きたいなら、"How was your trip?" と言えます。これは相手に好きなだけ話すよう促します。ただ、相手が長旅をしていると、こちらが実際には大して興味がなくても、いろいろな話をされる可能性があるのでご注意ください!旅の話をするのはみんな好きですから。
Perri DMM英会話講師
  • Welcome back...How was your holiday?

  • It was great to welcome the family back home and find out how their holiday went...

Welcome back/Welcome home! How was your holiday /trip /Journey/these are the usual approach in this type of situation;-D A simple "how was your trip?" should also suffice. People usually are only too glad to tell you all about their trip abroad;-D Welcome home! Please do tell us all about your holiday...
Welcome back/Welcome home!(お帰りなさい) How was your holiday /trip /Journey(旅行はどうでしたか) これらはこのような状況で使う一般的な表現です。 シンプルに "how was your trip?" でも問題ありません。 海外旅行に行った人は普通それについて喜んで話してくれます。;-D Welcome home! Please do tell us all about your holiday... (お帰りなさい。旅行はどうでしたか)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Did you enjoy your trip?

  • How was your holiday?

When someone returns from a holiday / vacation, or a trip abroad and you would like to welcome them back and ask if they had fun or they had a good time away on holiday, a way you would ask them these questions, Holiday is the term used in the UK for a trip abroad or time off work while you relax. vacation is the same as holiday but used in the US.
海外旅行から帰ってきた人に「お帰りなさい。旅行は楽しかったですか」と声をかけたいなら、上記のように言えます。 イギリスでは「海外旅行」や「休暇」のことは 'Holiday' といいます。 'Vacation' も同じ意味ですが、これはアメリカで使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Welcome home! Did you have a nice time?

  • So, how was it?

Answer one is a polite way of asking someone if their trip was good and if they enjoyed it. The question leaves it up to the other person to tell you about their experiences, whether they are positive or negative. The second answer is an informal question and may be asked once that person has got back to their home. I would use this question if I had not asked how the trip was yet, and maybe would ask it whilst sitting down with a cup of tea.
一つ目の例は「旅行は楽しかったですか」の丁寧な言い方です。この質問は相手に感想を委ねています、「楽しかった」と返ってくるかもしれませんし「楽しくなかった」と返ってくるかもしれません。 二つ目の例はカジュアルな言い方で、これはその人が帰宅した直後に聞けます。私なら、旅行の感想をまだ聞いていないときに、座ってコーヒーを飲みながらこの質問をするかなと思います。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • How was your trip?

  • Did you enjoy your trip?

How was your trip? 旅行はどうだった? Did you enjoy your trip? 旅行は楽しめた? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 trip は「旅行」という意味で使うことができる英語表現です。 Did you enjoy ... で「〜楽しめた?」となります。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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