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I have been thinking that I’m going to quit my jobでいいですか?
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2018/09/11 15:57
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  • I have been thinking about quitting my job

  • I have been debating about whether or not to quit my job

To debate means to look at both sides to see whether it is a good decision or not if you have been deciding what to do then you can say 'i have been thinking'
To debateとは、どうしたらいいか何かを決断しようとしているときに、それがいい決断なのかどうかどちらの視点でも考えてみるという意味です。このようなときは、  'i have been thinking'(~を考えているんだ。)というフレーズがぴったりです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I am thinking of quitting my current job.

  • I have been contemplating about quitting my job.

  • I am considering quitting my job.

to express that you ar thinking of quitting your job, you can use words like "thinking" or "contemplating" or "considering" to show that you have not made up your mind completely about the decision but are still thinking about it. a simple way to say it would be "i have been thinking of quitting my job".
「仕事を辞めようかと考えている」の「考えている」には "thinking" "contemplating" "considering" などが使えます。 シンプルな言い方は "I have been thinking of quitting my job"(仕事を辞めようかと考えている)です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I have been thinking about/of quitting my job.

  • I've been debating whether or not I should quit my job.

1) I have been thinking about/of quitting my job. I'm thinking about quitting my job I'm thinking of quitting my job で「仕事を辞めようと思っています」という言い方です。 2) I've been debating whether or not I should quit my job. 「仕事を辞めるべきかどうか思案している。」 whether or not I should quit my job で「仕事を辞めるべきかどうかを思案する」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • "I have been thinking about changing jobs."

  • "I have been thinking of leaving my current employers."

  • "I'm thinking about quitting/resigning."

"I have been thinking about changing jobs." This example sentence depends on the context of the situation. If you are talking about or comparing two jobs, you could use this sentence in conversation. "I have been thinking of leaving my current employers." "To leave" is another way to say quit and "your current employers" are the people who you happen to be working for at the moment. "I'm thinking about quitting/resigning." This is a simple and effective way to get your point across. To "resign" is to leave or quit your job, and generally you would be giving some notice to your current employers about your resignation.
"I have been thinking about changing jobs." (転職を考えているんだ。) これは、状況にもよりますが、2つの仕事のことを話しているなら、この例を使うことができます。   "I have been thinking of leaving my current employers." (今の仕事を辞めようと思っているんだ。) "To leave" は辞めるという意味の言葉で、 "your current employers"とは、今働いている職場のことです。    "I'm thinking about quitting/resigning." (退職を考えているんだ。) これは、ポイントをついたシンプルなフレーズです。 "resign"は退職するという意味で、一般的に雇用主に辞めることを通知し、退職届を出します。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • I have been thinking about leaving my job.

  • I have been wondering whether I should quit my job.

  • I am thinking about handing in my notice.

"I have been thinking..." is a good way to describe that this is something that has been on your mind in the last while, and still is. "I have been wondering whether..." is another commonly used way of explaining that you have been thinking about something. "Leaving my job", "Quitting my job" and "Handing in my notice" are all ways to describe choosing to stop doing a certain job.
"I have been thinking..." (~を考えている)は、しばらく、そして今でもあることを考えていることを表すのにぴったりのフレーズです。   "I have been wondering whether..."(~しようかどうしようか迷っている)は、あることを考えていることを表す別のフレーズです。    "Leaving my job", "Quitting my job"  "Handing in my notice"は全て、ある仕事を辞めることを表すフレーズです。
Tabitha DMM英会話講師
  • I think I'm going to quit my job.

  • I'm thinking about quitting my job.

  • I'm debating if I should quit my job.

As you can see from the other examples, there are many ways to express this feeling. "I think", "I'm thinking", and "I'm debating" refer to uncertainty. In other words, you are not 100% certain you will quit. "quitting" and "to quit" refer to someone who is leaving a company/job voluntarily.
他の例にもあるように、仕事を辞めようと思っていることを伝える表現はたくさんあります。 "I think", "I'm thinking",  "I'm debating"は、まだ辞めるのは確実ではないけれど、考えているところだということを表します。    "quitting" や "to quit"は、会社、仕事を辞めるという意味です。
Jackson D DMM英会話講師
  • I'm in two minds whether to quit my job

  • I've been thinking about quitting my job

  • I've been toying with the idea of chucking in my job

You have been thinking about quitting your job and want to explain that. You try one of the above listed statements.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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