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2018/09/11 19:38
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  • Is it okay to have a meeting on next Tuesday?

Is it okay to have a meeting next Tuesday? 「次の火曜にミーティングでOKですか。」 nextには注意が必要です。nextといってしまうと、次のとは今週の火曜なのか、来週の火曜なのかわからない場合があります。正確に伝えるために、Tuesday in the next week 次の週の火曜日と伝えるのも良いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Can we arrange the next meeting for next Tuesday? Is that okay?

  • Would it be acceptable to have the our next meeting next Tuesday?

  • Next Tuesday okay for our next meeting?

Answers one and two here are fairly formal ways of asking if you can arrange a meeting for next Tuesday. 'Acceptable' means that something is okay. For example - "Is it acceptable (okay) for me to smoke here?". This is usually used in a formal environment. The third answer is much more casual and can be used between friends or close colleagues.
一つ目・二つ目の例は、かなりフォーマルな言い方です。どちらも、次の火曜日にミーティングができるか尋ねています。「acceptable」は「okay(大丈夫で、オッケーで)」という意味です。例えば: "Is it acceptable (okay) for me to smoke here?" 〔訳〕ここでタバコを吸ってもいいですか。 これは普通フォーマルな場面で使います。 三つ目の例はずっとカジュアルな言い方です。友達や親しい同僚に対して使えます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Is the meeting okay for next Tuesday?

  • Can we make the meeting next Tuesday?

"Is the meeting okay for next Tuesday?" This sentence is asking the question that if it is okay/acceptable/good for the meeting to happen/take place on the next Tuesday. "Can we make the meeting next Tuesday?" To 'make' something, in this context is to ask/make/to see if the meeting can happen on the date asked.
"Is the meeting okay for next Tuesday?"(ミーティングは来週の火曜日でいいですか) は、ミーティングが次の火曜日でいいかどうかを確認しています。 "Can we make the meeting next Tuesday?"(ミーティングは来週の火曜日でいいですか) 'make' はここでは、ミーティングがその日で問題ないかどうかを確認しています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I just would like to confirm if our next meeting will be on Tuesday next week.

  • Will our next meeting be held on Tuesday next week?

  • Is our next meeting scheduled for next Tuesday?

You are actually asking for confirmation if the next meeting will be held on Tuesday next week. In this regard, you basically want to know if the meeting is scheduled for Tuesday next week. If this is going to be the next meeting, it means that another meeting has just been concluded. The verb 'held' used in the second statement is the past tense of th verb to 'hold' which has various meanings, but, in this context, it means to 'arrange and take part in the meeting'. The verb to 'schedule' used in the third question in this context means, to 'plan the meeting to take place' on Tuesday next week. So, you may say or ask: I just would like to confirm if our next meeting will be on Tuesday next week. or Will our next meeting be held on Tuesday next week? or Is our next meeting scheduled for next Tuesday?
次の会議が来週の火曜日であることを確認したいということは、次の会議が来週の火曜日に 'scheduled'(予定されている)かを確認したいということですね。 もしそれが「次の会議」ということなら、別の会議が少し前に終わったのだと思います。 二つ目の例の 'held' は、動詞の 'hold' の過去形です。'hold' にはいろいろな意味がありますが、ここでは「打ち合わせを準備してそれに参加する」ことを表します。 'schedule' はここでは、来週の火曜日に会議を「予定する」という意味です。 次のように言えます。 I just would like to confirm if our next meeting will be on Tuesday next week. (次の会議は来週の火曜日でしたよね) Will our next meeting be held on Tuesday next week? (次の会議は来週の水曜日ですか) Is our next meeting scheduled for next Tuesday? (次の会議は来週の火曜日ですか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Our next meeting will be next week Tuesday?

  • Are you okay with our meeting taking place next week Tuesday?

  • Next week Tuesday is our next meeting date, are you happy with that?

It is always good to confirm the next meeting date so that there is no room for error, having things organized and arranged on time makes things more efficient. We can ask if someone is okay with a specific date to be polite, we can also ask if they are happy with the date chosen so that if they are not, it can be adjusted.
ミーティングの日付は間違いがないように確認した方がいいですね。 事前にしっかりと準備をしておけば、物事を効率よく進められます。 丁寧に "Are you okay with + 日付"(〔日付〕で大丈夫ですか)、あるいは "Are you happy with + 日付"(〔日付〕で大丈夫ですか)の形で尋ねることができます。これで問題があれば日程を調整できます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Does it suit you to have a meeting next Tuesday at 9 am?

  • The meeting will be next Tuesday at 9 am.

  • I would like to confirm that our meeting is on Tuesday the 16th.

Does it suit you to have a meeting next Tuesday at 9 am? - You are asking whether Tuesday is a suitable time to have the meeting. I would like to confirm that our meeting is on Tuesday the 16th. - To confirm something is to make sure that you have the correct details.
Does it suit you to have a meeting next Tuesday at 9 am?(ミーティングは来週の火曜日午前9時でいかがですか) は、ミーティングの日として火曜日が都合がいいか尋ねています。 I would like to confirm that our meeting is on Tuesday the 16th.(ミーティングは16日の火曜日で間違いなかったですね) "confirm something" は「~が正しいことを確認する」という意味です。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Our next meeting is on Tuesday of next week, isn't it?

When confirming the date of a meeting, you want to ask if the next meeting is on Tuesday of next week. You have made an arrangement and wish to be sure that it is still in place. In any similar situation, you may state first, what you believe, and then add an appropriate question tag. Eg 'The bus should arrive in 10 minutes, shouldn't it?' NB. You are CONFIRMING not ARRANGING a meeting. You do not say, as indicated in this feed: 'Is it okay to have a meeting on next Tuesday?' That is ARRANGING! - also it is either ON or NEXT, not both prepositions of place. OMG
次のミーティングの日付が来週の火曜日であることを確認したいということですね。既に段取りはついていて、それがまだ有効であることを確認したいということ。そのような場合には、まず自分の認識を伝えて、それに付加疑問を付けることができます。 例: 'The bus should arrive in 10 minutes, shouldn't it?'(バスは10分後に来るはずですよね) 注意:ミーティングの確認をしているのであって、段取りをつけているのではありません。次のようには言いません。 'Is it okay to have a meeting on next Tuesday?'←これは段取りです!さらに言うと、これは 'ON' または 'NEXT' です、両方は使えません。OMG
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to confirm that the meeting is next Tuesday, the 5th of February.

  • I will schedule the next meeting for Tuesday, February 5th.

  • I would like to schedule the next meeting for Tuesday, February 5th.

I would like to confirm that the meeting is next Tuesday, the 5th of February. I will schedule the next meeting for Tuesday, February 5th. I would like to schedule the next meeting for Tuesday, February 5th. Are you available next Tuesday? Great! Then I will schedule the next meeting for next Tuesday, February 5th. Would you like me to schedule the meeting for next Tuesday, February 5th? We are planning on having the meeting next Tuesday. Will you be able to attend?
I would like to confirm that the meeting is next Tuesday, the 5th of February.(ミーティングは来週の火曜日2月5日で間違いございませんでしょうか) I will schedule the next meeting for Tuesday, February 5th.(次のミーティングは2月5日火曜日でよろしいですね) I would like to schedule the next meeting for Tuesday, February 5th.(次のミーティングは2月5日火曜日でよろしいでしょうか) Are you available next Tuesday? Great! Then I will schedule the next meeting for next Tuesday, February 5th.(来週の火曜日は空いていますか。それは良かった!では、次のミーティングは来週の火曜日2月5日でよろしいですね) Would you like me to schedule the meeting for next Tuesday, February 5th?(ミーティングは来週の火曜日2月5日にしましょうか) We are planning on having the meeting next Tuesday. Will you be able to attend?(ミーティングは来週の火曜日を予定しています。出席できそうですか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
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