世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/09/20 18:55
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  • 1) Twenty years ago we could not communicate with people all over the world like we can now

  • 2) Twenty years ago getting in touch with people all over the word wasn't as easy as it is now

1) "20年前は今みたいに世界の人と連絡をとれなかったよ"

Twenty years ago : 20年前
we could not communicate : (私たち)連絡をとれなかった
with people all over the world : 世界の人と
like we can now : 今みたいに

2) 20年前は今みたいに世界の人と連絡が簡単ではなかった

getting in touch:連絡をとる
as easy as it is now:今みたいに簡単ではない

  • Technology has improved so much we can talk to anyone anywhere in the whole world now.

  • Twenty years ago it would have been impossible to talk to people all over the world like we can today.

  • It is truly amazing that we can talk to people all over the world today when we couldn't do that only twenty years ago.

Technology has improved so much we can talk to anyone anywhere in the whole world now.
Twenty years ago it would have been impossible to talk to people all over the world like we can today.
It is truly amazing that we can talk to people all over the world today when we couldn't do that only twenty years ago.
It is hard to believe that we can now talk to people worldwide but couldn't do it twenty years ago.

Technology has improved so much we can talk to anyone anywhere in the whole world now.(テクノロジーの進化によって、今は世界中どこにいる人とも話ができるようになりました)

Twenty years ago it would have been impossible to talk to people all over the world like we can today.(20年前には現在のように世界中の人と話をすることなど不可能だったでしょう)

It is truly amazing that we can talk to people all over the world today when we couldn't do that only twenty years ago.(今世界中の人と話ができますがこれはすごいことです。たった20年前にはそれはできなかったんです)

It is hard to believe that we can now talk to people worldwide but couldn't do it twenty years ago.(今は世界中の人と話ができるなんて信じられません。でも、20年前にはできなかったんです)

Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • We couldn't communicate with people around the world like this 20 years ago

  • 20 years ago it wasn't possible to communicate with people around the world like we can now

Things and technology moves on alot in a short period of time with social media such as instagram,whatsapp and facebook we can now communicate very easily with people all around the world where as 20 years ago this was no available


Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "The world has changed a lot. 20 years ago I wouldn't have been able to communicate with people as easily as we do now".

  • "20 years ago, communicating with people was very different. Now we are much more connected with the entire world."

"The world has changed a lot. 20 years ago I wouldn't have been able to communicate with people as easily as we do now". You provide an introduction to the point you are making and set the tone for your opinion on technological advancements.

"20 years ago, communicating with people was very different. Now we are much more connected with the entire world." In this example sentence, you compare the two eras (now and 20 years ago).

Both example sentences are seen from a positive perspective so depending on the context of the conversation, you could also change these sentences to make it seem like you are not too impressed or pleased with how communication has changed due to technological advancements. For example, maybe you prefer hand written letters over text messages.

"The world has changed a lot. 20 years ago I wouldn't have been able to communicate with people as easily as we do now".

"20 years ago, communicating with people was very different. Now we are much more connected with the entire world."


Rada DMM英会話講師
  • 20 years ago, we couldn't communicate with people around the world as we can now

  • 2 decades ago, it wasn't so easy to keep in touch with perople around the world

When talking about social media, you want to say that 20 years ago, we couldn't communicate with people around the world like we can now.. You use one of the above suggestions.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Nowadays it is uncomplicated to communicate with people in every corner of the world, unlike 20 years ago

  • It used to be so difficult to connect with people, especially if they were far away but currently with the technology that we have now, we can do it effortlessly

It is so easy to communicate with people in any part of the world presently. "Uncomplicated" means that there is no complication with what you are talking about, in this case, "communicating", so it is quite easy.
Effortlessly is another way of saying that it is easy. It means without effort. We don't need to put any effort or work into communicating with someone whether it is from a mobile device or a computer


"uncomplicated" は「'complication'(複雑さ)がない」という意味です。この場合は "communicating"(連絡すること)について言っています。要するに「簡単だ」ということです。

"effortlessly" は 'easy'(簡単な)の別の言い方です。'without effort'(わけなく/容易に)を意味します。携帯からであれパソコンからであれ、人と容易に連絡が取り合える時代になりました。

Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • This kind of global communication wasn't available 20 years ago.

  • We didn't have this technology at our fingertips 20 years ago.

"global" is a useful adjective to express "around the world" in a more concise way. You can use it in multiple contexts like "global communication"/"global warfare"/"global appreciation" etc.

The expression "at our fingertips" is used to describe something that everyone has and can utilize. For example, "The answers are at our fingertips"

"global" は "around the world"(世界中)のより簡潔な言い方です。いろいろな文脈で使うことができます。便利な形容詞です。
"global communication"(グローバル通信)
"global warfare"(世界戦争)
"global appreciation"(世界的な評価)

"at our fingertips" は「誰もが利用できるもの」を表します。
"The answers are at our fingertips"(答えはすぐ手の届くところにあります)

Amelia May DMM英会話講師
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