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2018/09/21 16:21
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  • She was my coworker when I was working at a restaurant.

★ 訳 「彼女は僕がレストランで働いていたときの同僚です」 ★ 解説 ・She was my ...  この場合は単に be動詞の過去形を使いましたが、used to be を使ってもOKです。 ・coworker「同僚、協力者」  colleague という単語も同様の意味を表しますが、もう少し専門的な感じがします。 ・was working  過去進行形を使って「働いていた」を表していますが、単純過去にして worked としても過去の習慣を表すことができます。この文の場合はどちらにしてもOKです。  ご参考になりましたでしょうか
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • She was a coworker of mine when i worked in a restaurant

  • She was my work colleague when i worked at a restaurant

  • We worked together in a restuarnt

When talking about a person you worked/work with then you refer to them as your 'coworker' or 'colleague' you can also say 'we worked together' to describe this as well
一緒に働いている、もしくは働いていた人のことを'coworker' や 'colleague'と言います。 また、 'we worked together' (一緒に働いていた。)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • We used to work together at the restaurant!

  • This is _________. She was my coworker at the restaurant.

Two ways to say this would be 1. "We used to work together at the restaurant!" used to - explaining that working together was something that was done in the past, but does not happen anymore. "This is _________. She was my coworker at the restaurant" This is _______ - begin by introducing your friend by name. Was - states that this is a past coworker, not someone you work with now. Coworker - someone you worked alongside or worked with at your job.
これには2つの言い方があります。 1. "We used to work together at the restaurant!"  (レストランで昔一緒に働いていた。) used to - 昔一緒に働いていたけれど、今はもう働いていないということ   "This is _________. She was my coworker at the restaurant" (こちらは~です。彼女はレストランで働いていた同僚です。) This is _______ - 友達の名前を紹介する方法です。  Was - 昔の同僚だったことを表します。 Coworker - 同僚
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • "She is an old colleague from work."

  • "This is ***. We used to work together at the restaurant."

"She is an old colleague from work." "Old" in this sentence implies you used to work together but don't anymore. "This is ***. We used to work together at the restaurant." When you say "at the restaurant" it implies the person you are speaking to is also aware of the restaurant you are referring to. If not, you could say "we used to work at a restaurant together" instead.
"She is an old colleague from work." (彼女は、昔の同僚です。) "Old"はこの場合、昔一緒に働いていたけれど、今は一緒に働いていないということです。   "This is ***. We used to work together at the restaurant." (こちらは~です。レストランで昔一緒に働いていました。)  "at the restaurant"は、相手がどのレストランのことをかを知っているときに使います。それ以外は、 "we used to work at a restaurant together" となります。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • I used to work with her at a restaurant.

  • We worked alongside each other at a restaurant.

Of these two examples, the second is more formal. To work "alongside" someone means to work with them or to work together. Therefore, this is appropriate for the restaurant context as people in a restaurant often work as a team!
一つ目の例のよりも二つ目の例の方がフォーマルです。 "To work alongside someone" は「~と働く、一緒に仕事をする」という意味です。レストランではしばしば従業員がチームとして仕事をするので、この表現はピッタリです。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • We used to work together at a restaurant.

  • She was my co-worker at a restaurant.

  • She was a collegue of mine when we worked at a restaurant together.

The literal translation from Japanese to English is "She is a colleague when she worked together in a restaurant." This is both grammatically incorrect, and it makes no sense. So, here are some correct ways of saying what you are trying to say: 1. We used to work together at a restaurant. 2. She was my co-worker at a restaurant. 3. She was a collegue of mine when we worked at a restaurant together. All of these statements are grammatically correct, and they make more sense. All of these statements get across what you are trying to say correctly, and it is ok to use any of these statements.
これを文字通りに訳すと "She is a colleague when she worked together in a restaurant." となります。しかし、これは文法的に間違っていますし意味も通りません。 正しい言い方をご紹介します。 1. We used to work together at a restaurant.(私たちは昔レストランで一緒に働いていました) 2. She was my co-worker at a restaurant.(彼女はレストランで働いていたときの同僚です) 3. She was a collegue of mine when we worked at a restaurant together.(彼女はレストランで働いていたときの同僚です) これらはどれも文法的に正しい文章で、意味も通ります。あなたの言いたことを正確に伝えています、どれを使っても大丈夫です。
Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • We worked together in a restaurant.

  • We were coworkers in a restaurant.

  • We worked in the same restaurant.

In order to explain that someone was a former colleague of yours from a restaurant, you can say: We worked together in a restaurant. This means that you both worked in that restaurant at the same time, most probably doing the same role. This can apply to both male or female colleagues. We were coworkers in a restaurant. This means that you worked at the same level in the restaurant, perhaps as waitresses/bar staff/front of house (these are the types of untrained roles generally found in a restaurant). We worked in the same restaurant. This means that you worked with the person (male or female) at the same restaurant. You can also say: She was a fellow worker of mine in that restaurant. I hope that helps!
「レストランで働いていたときの同僚です」は、次のように言えます。 We worked together in a restaurant.(私たちはレストランで一緒に働いていました) これは「私たちはそのレストランで同じ時期に働いていた」という意味です。普通、同じ仕事をしていた場合をいいます。相手が男性でも女性でも使うことができます。 We were coworkers in a restaurant.(私たちはレストランで一緒に働いていました) これは「レストランで同じレベルで働いていた」という意味です。例えば、ウェイトレス/バースタッフ/接客係(これらはレストランにおいて、経験のない人でもできる仕事です)。 We worked in the same restaurant.(同じレストランで働いていました) これは「その人(男性または女性)と同じレストランで働いていた」という意味です。 また、 She was a fellow worker of mine in that restaurant.(彼女とそのレストランで一緒に働いていました) と言うこともできます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
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