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2018/09/24 00:20
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  • Do you charge for shipping?

店舗にて送料がかかるかどうか尋ねる場合「Do you charge for shipping?」と聞きます。 もっとも、送料はほとんどの物にかかるので、本来は「いくらかかるの?」を聞いた方が良いかと思います。この場合は、「How much is shipping?」と聞きます。 北海道への配送なら、「How much is shipping to Hokkaido?」。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Is there a shipping charge?

  • How much will shipping be?

Both of these examples are asking about shipping charges. "Is there a shipping charge?" is asking if there is a charge for the shipping. "How much will shipping be?" Is asking how much you have to pay for shipping.
上記例文は両方とも送料について尋ねる文章です。 ”Is there a shipping charge?"(送料はかかりますか?)は、荷物を送るのに料金が掛かるかについて尋ねています。 ”How much will shipping be?"は、送料をいくら払うのかについて尋ねています。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Is there any shipping charge?

Is there any shipping charge?で、「送料はかかりますか?」になります。 Shipping chargeで、「送料」です。 「送料は、値段に含まれていますか。」は、 Is the shipping charge included in the price? となります。
Hisayuki A DMM英会話翻訳スタッフ
  • Do you charge for shipping?

  • How much does it cost to ship it?

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to ask your listener the price to ship something. In the second sentence you will see the word cost. This is another word for price. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、送料がいくらかを尋ねる素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には、"cost" という単語が使われています。これは "price"(値段)の別の言い方です。"cost" はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Do you charge for shipping?

  • Do I have to pay shipping?

「送料」はShipping or Postageと訳します。 例えば、何か注文して、家まで送ってもらう際に、値段とは別で送料はかかるかどうかを確認したい時、「送料はかかりますか?」と聞く時 Do you charge for shipping? と言います。 お店によって、送料を商品の値段に含める/無料にする場合もあります。 「送料無料」は Free Shipping と言います。
  • Is there a delivery fee?

  • How much to have it delivered to my house?

  • What are the shipping costs?

Is there a delivery fee?- is a very natural way of asking this. Fee/charge/ cost/ price Delivery - This covers all types of delivery like postage, shipping, airmail etc.So you can use this whether it is 20 miles or 2000 miles from your house.
Is there a delivery fee?(送料は無料ですか?)は、とても自然な言い方です。 Fee/charge/ cost/ price(値段、料金) Delivery(配送)は、郵便、船便、航空便など全てのタイプの配達を指します。自分の家から20マイルであろうと、2000マイルであろうとこの言葉を使います。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Are there shipping charges on this?

  • Do you charge for delivery?

  • Are there any other costs with this order such as shipping?

There are several ways to express this question such as "Are there shipping charges on this?", "Do you charge for delivery?", "Are there any other costs with this order such as shipping?", "Are there any shipping or delivery fees on this?" and "What do you charge for shipping?"
これはいくつか聞き方があります、例えば: "Are there shipping charges on this?" (これに送料はかかりますか) "Do you charge for delivery?" (送料はかかりますか) "Are there any other costs with this order such as shipping?" (この注文には送料など他の費用はかかりますか) "Are there any shipping or delivery fees on this?" (これに送料はかかりますか) "What do you charge for shipping?" (送料はいくらかかりますか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Is there a delivery charge/fee?

  • Do you charge for shipping?

  • Do you offer/have free delivery?

When asking if there is change for having something shipped or delivered to you, you can ask, "Is there a delivery charge/fee?"
送料がかかるかどうか確認したいときは、次のように聞けます。 "Is there a delivery charge/fee?" 「送料はかかりますか」
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • "Is there a shipping charge?"

  • "Do you charge for shipping?"

  • "Do you charge for delivery?"

If you were considering having something shipped from the store that you bought it from and you wanted to know if you would be charged for this shipping, you can simply ask, "Is there a shipping charge?", "Do you charge for shipping?" or "Do you charge for delivery?". All three of these questions directly address this issue, they all ask whether or not you will be charged for this service.
お店で商品を配送してもらおうか考えているときに、送料がかかるか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Is there a shipping charge?" "Do you charge for shipping?" "Do you charge for delivery?" (送料はかかりますか) どの文も、送料がかかるかどうかについて単刀直入に尋ねています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Is shipping free?

  • Is shipping included?

  • Will shipping be added to the total cost?

Many companies now offer free shipping options, so simply asking if it is free is acceptable. Another way to ask if shipping will not be charged is to ask if the cost is already factored in with the price or "include." If it is not preferred to ask if a service is free, then one can ask if it will be added, meaning an additional charge for shipping.
最近は多くの会社が送料無料のサービスを提供していますね。ですから、シンプルに "Is shipping free?"(送料は無料ですか)と聞けます。また、「送料が含まれて(included)いますか」という言い方もできます。 無料かどうか聞くのが嫌なら、「送料は合計金額に加算(added)されますか」という言い方もできます。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a delivery charge?

  • Is there a shipping charge?

Normally, for delivery in your home country from a store in your country, you would refer to a payment for delivery as being 'a delivery charge'. If it is an international delivery, it may be called 'a shipping charge'.
国内から国内への配送なら、「送料」は普通 'a delivery charge' と呼ばれます。 国外への配送なら、「送料」は 'a shipping charge' と言えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you charge for shipping?

  • is there a shipping fee?

If you want a store to ship your items to you and you want to know if there is a shipping fee, you can say something like "Do you charge extra for shipping?" or "Is there a shipping fee?". Both of these are nice and polite ways to ask this.
購入した商品を家に届けてもらいたいとき、送料がかかるか確認するなら、次のように言えます。 "Do you charge extra for shipping?" "Is there a shipping fee?" (送料はかかりますか) どちらも丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • How much is the charge for shipping?

  • What is the fee for shipping?

If you want to ask what is the shipping charge, any of these questions can be used:- 1. How much is the charge for shipping? The charge for shipping is another way to say the cost of shipping. 2. What is the fee for shipping? The fee for shipping is the amount that you have to pay to have the item you purchased at your delivery.
「送料はいくらですか」は、次のように言えます。 1. How much is the charge for shipping?(送料はいくらかかりますか) "The charge for shipping" は「送料」のことです。 2. What is the fee for shipping?(送料はいくらかかりますか) "The fee for shipping" は品物を送るのにかかる料金のことです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a shipping charge?

  • Is there a shipping fee?

I think in England people usually use the word "fee", although, "charge" means the same. Fee and charge mean some amount of money you need to pay for attending events.
"fee" と "charge" は同じ意味ですが、イングランドでは "fee" が使われることが多いと思います。 "fee" と "charge" はどちらも、サービスにかかる料金をいいます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a shipping fee?

  • Is a shipping fee included?

  • Do I pay for a shipping fee?

Some purchased require us to pay a shipping fee for our order to make its way to us. Use the sentences above to ask if the fee is included in your bill.
買ったものを送り届けてもらうと送料がかかることがあります。 送料がかかるかどうか確認するなら、上記の文が使えます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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