世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/18 21:33
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  • The moon is so beautiful tonight!

単純に、「月が美しい」と言いたい場合には "The moon is so beautiful tonight!" となります。これは「今夜の月はとても美しい!」という意味になります。通常、「tonight」をつけて一緒に使うことで、あなたがその瞬間について話していることが明確になります。 しかし、会話中で月に話題をシフトさせたいなら、注意を引くために "Look at the moon." を最初に言います。つまり、全ての文が「見て、月がとても美しいよ!」という意味になるため、 "Look at the moon. It's so beautiful!" となるでしょう。 さらに、月の美しさをより具体的に表現するなら、「The moon is brilliantly bright tonight!」(今夜の月は輝かしく明るい!)や「The moon is exceptionally stunning tonight!」(今夜の月は特別に素晴らしい!)など、言葉を追加することが可能です。 参考として以下の単語とフレーズを紹介します: "brilliantly"は「輝かしく、眩しく」という意味で、月が光り輝いている様子を強調します。 "exceptionally"は「特別に、異常に」で、通常以上の状態を表す時に使います。 "stunning"は「目を見張るような、驚くほど美しい」の意味で、月の美しさをより強調したいときに使うべき英単語です。
  • What a beautiful moon !

What a 〜 で「なんて〇〇なんでしょう!」という感嘆文になります。 What a beautiful beach! なんて綺麗なビーチなんでしょう! What an amazing artwork! なんて素晴らしい芸術品なんでしょう!
  • What a beautiful moon!

なんて綺麗な月だろう! ちなみに満月はA full moon 三日月はA crescent と言います。
  • The moon is stunning tonight

  • It's a full moon tonight, how beautiful!

The moon is stunning tonight =今夜は月が息を飲む程美しい Stunning =(息を飲む程)素晴らしい、驚かされる これは人などにも使える褒め言葉です: ・You look stunning in your new haircut! (新しい髪型、最高に似合ってるよ) It's a full moon tonight, how beautiful! =今夜は満月だ、なんて美しいんだ!
  • Look at the moon!

  • Wow that's beautiful

  • It's a full moon.

The moon has various phases - full moon, half moon, crescent moon etc. Everyone is interested to see a full moon especially when it is white and there are no clouds in the sky because it is very visible. Any of these phrases will draw your friends' attention to the moon and start a conversation about the moon Hope this helps Jane :)
月には色んなフェーズがありますよね。 満月、半月、三日月(full moon, half moon, crescent moon)などなど。 みんな雲のない白い満月を見るのが好きですよね。 すごく綺麗に見えますもの。 上記はどれも友達の興味をそそり会話を始めることになるでしょう。 参考になれば Jane:)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • The full moon is wonderful tonight.

  • It's a full moon! It's amazing!

  • You'd never believe how beautiful the moon is tonight!

Any of these phrases would suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! look at the full moon! it's beautiful.

  • Awwh! the moon is full and beautiful.

  • The moon is bright and beautiful sight tonight.

Usually, a full moon is very bright and lights up the sky. We can use any of these statements to express how beautiful the moon is. We can also say:- "The moon is splendid tonight!"
満月はだいたいとても明るくて空も明るくします。 これらのフレーズを使って月が綺麗だという事を表す事ができます。 We can also say:- "The moon is splendid tonight!"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • WOW, look it's a full moon

  • have you seen the moon tonight

I'm often amazed when I see the full moon and if I was with friends I would say, WOW, look it's a full moon or have you seen the moon tonight, it's beautiful!
私もよく満月を見て感動します。私が友達といたら、"WOW, look it's a full moon"(わぁ、見て。満月だよ)あるいは"have you seen the moon tonight, it's beautiful!"(今夜の月を見た?きれいだよ!)と言うでしょう。
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • The moon is majestic tonight...The moon is awe inspiring!

The moon is the most prominent object in the celestial night sky...When we feel the magic of the moonlight shining down on us, it makes us rather wistful and we may even become poetic and romantic.... The moon is so big & bright when it is full... Why its almost like daylight!
例:The moon is majestic tonight...The moon is awe inspiring! 「月がとても綺麗だよ。月は畏敬の念をおこさせるよね。」 月は最も著名な天体で、観測の対象ですね。 月明かりに照らされると、詩的になったりロマンチストになったりしますよね。 例:The moon is so big & bright when it is full... Why its almost like daylight! 満月のときは月が大きくてとても明るい…昼間かと思うくらい!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • A) The moon looks beautiful tonight

  • B) Wow ! Look at the moon

Any one of the above would be perfect to use in a situation like this. In sentence A you are stating the the moon looks beautiful and then in sentence B you are drawing attention the moon telling everybody to look how beautiful it is. I hope this helps! :-)
例文のどの表現でも月がきれいだと表現できます。 Aでは、月がきれいだと言っています。 Bでは、月がきれいだとみん名の注意を引いています。 参考になると幸いです
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Wow look at the moon.

  • Check out the moon.

  • Look, its a full moon tonight.

"Wow look at the moon." "Wow" Is a term used to express amazement. "look at the moon." Tells the person to look at the moon because it is amazing. " Check out the moon." "Check out" Means to look at something. "Look, its a full moon tonight." This simply tells them to look at the moon because it is full.
"Wow look at the moon." "Wow"は、驚きや感嘆を意味します。 "look at the moon." 「素晴らしいので見てください!」 "Check out the moon." "Check out" は「何かを見てください。」ということを意味します。 "Look, its a full moon tonight." 「満月なので、月を見てください。」ということを素直に表した表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What a beautiful full moon tonight!

  • Look at the full moon tonight, it's beautiful!

  • Such a beautiful full moon tonight!

There are many words you can use to describe a beautiful full moon. Typically we refer to the moon being beautiful if it seems to look bigger than usual and if it seems to be brighter than usual. You may use other descriptive words such as amazing, stunning, gorgeous, lovely, ect...
きれいな満月を形容する言葉はたくさんあります。 通常より月が大きく、また明るく見えるときに「きれいな月」と形容することが多いですね。 またamazing, stunning, gorgeous, lovely などの形容表現を使うことも出来ます。
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • OMG! look at the full moon, it is so beautiful.

  • Take a look at the full moon! It's so pretty!

If you would like to state how beautiful the full moon is to your friends, you can say something like "Take a look at the full moon! It's so pretty!" or "OMG! look at the full moon, it is so beautiful.". "OMG" is an abbreviation for 'oh my gosh/god'.
友達に満月がきれいなことを伝えたいときは、以下のように言うことができます。 "Take a look at the full moon! It's so pretty!" (満月を見て!とてもきれいだよ!) "OMG! look at the full moon, it is so beautiful." (わぁ!満月を見て!すごくきれいだよ。) "OMG" is an abbreviation for 'oh my gosh/god'.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • "Look at the sky, isn't that full moon really beautiful"

  • "The moon is stunning tonight, have a look"

  • "The moon is a beauitful sight tonight"

If you were with your friends and notice that it is a full moon, which is very beautiful and you would like to let them know, you could say any of the following to alert them too this: "Look at the sky, isn't that full moon really beautiful", "The moon is stunning tonight, have a look" or "The moon is a beauitful sight tonight".
きれいな満月が出ていて、これについて一緒にいる友達に伝えたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "Look at the sky, isn't that full moon really beautiful"(空を見て。あの満月きれいじゃないですか) "The moon is stunning tonight, have a look"(今夜は満月がきれい。見て) "The moon is a beauitful sight tonight"(今夜は満月がきれいです)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Look! There's a full moon and it's so beautiful.

  • We have a beautiful full moon tonight

When you want to tell your friends that there is a full moon and it is beautiful, then you may express this in the following ways: -Look! There's a full moon and it's so beautiful. -We have a beautiful full moon tonight. -Look, we have a beautiful full moon tonight.
満月が出ていて、とてもきれいなら、次のように言えます。 -Look! There's a full moon and it's so beautiful.(見て、満月。すごくきれい) -We have a beautiful full moon tonight.(今夜は満月がすごくきれい) -Look, we have a beautiful full moon tonight.(見て、今夜は満月がすごくきれい)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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