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2016/03/17 03:26
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  • A light bulb in our room burned out. Would you please replace it?

  • We have one of the light bulbs in our room burned out. Can you replace it, please?

「[電球](が切れる」は「電球」が "light bulb" で、「切れる」は燃え尽きた、という感じになりますが "burn out" と言うので、最初の文のように言えばいいですよ。 「[交換する](」は "replace" でいいですが、"change" でもいいですね。 電球は部屋にたくさんあると思うので、最初の文例では"a"をつけましたが、二つ目は少し違う言い方で「部屋にたくさんある中で一つの電球が切れた」と言ってみました。 light bulb = 電球 burned out = 切れた(燃え尽きた) replace = 交換する
Kyoko Hayashi 日英通訳・翻訳者、米語・アメリカ文化を題材にしたブログ執筆
  • The light bulb burnt out. Can you replace it with a new one?

  • The light bulb went out. Can you replace it with a new one ?

[電球](が"切れる"はburn out または go outと言います。 部屋によって電球の形やワット数が違うと思うのでどこの電球が切れたか言えるとなお良いと思います。 The light bulb in the bathroom went out. [バスルーム](の電球が切れました。 The light bulb of the bedside lamp went out. ベッドサイドのランプの電球が切れました。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • The lightbulb is out.

  • The lightbulb burned out.

  • The light is not working.

When an appliance breaks, or isn't usable anymore, you can use the phrase "(~) is out." This phrase covers all of your appliances: - The lightbulb is out. - The TV is out. - The washing machine is out. When speaking specifically about a lightbulb, you can say that it has "burned out." (Depending on where you live, the spelling for the past tense of "burn" is different, but both are said the same way. In the US, we use "burned.") If you want to just use a simple phrase, you can just say the bulb is "not working." Again, this can apply to every home appliance: - The light isn't working. - The refrigerator isn't working. - The TV remote isn't working.
器具が壊れた時または使えなくなった時 "(~) is out."というフレーズを使えます。 このフレーズはどんな器具のためにも使えます: - The lightbulb is out. - The TV is out. - The washing machine is out. 電球の事ならば"burned out."といいます。 (場所によって"burn" の綴りが違います。アメリカでは"burned."です。) 単純に電球が使えなくなったことを言いたいのならば"not working."を使えます。 これもどんな器具のためにも使えます: - The light isn't working. - The refrigerator isn't working. - The TV remote isn't working.
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Could you replace the broken light bulb please?

  • My lightbulb isn't working. Could it be replaced please?

Could you.....please? We use this construction when we want to ask someone politely to do something. "Could you hold the door for me please?" Could it be replaced please? = Here we are using the passive form : To be + past participle, which is a little more formal.
Could you.....please? これは、相手に何かを丁寧にお願いする時につかいます。 "Could you hold the door for me please?" ドアを支えて置いてもらえますか? Could it be replaced please? = ここでは受け身形を使っています。 To be + 過去分詞, これはもっとフォーマルな言い方になります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The light bulb burned out, can you please replace it?

1. The light bulb burned out, can you please replace it? If the light bulb in your room has burned out, it means that it is no longer working and lighting, so you may ask for it to be replaced. Hope this helps :)
1. The light bulb burned out, can you please replace it? もし、お部屋の電球が"burned out"したら、それは電球が切れてしまった、と言う意味です。ですので取り換えが必要ですね。 お役に立ちますように :)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Please replace the light bulb in my hotel room. It has burnt out.

The best thing is to start with the adverb 'please', which makes the request very polite, and then proceed to make the actual request and ask the receptionist to 'replace' the light bulb. The verb to 'replace' in this case means 'to replace something broken, damaged, or lost, and provide a new one', in this case, a new light bulb. 'Burn out' is a phrasal verb meaning to 'stop working' in the case of the light bulb. There are other meanings attached to this phrasal verb, but, in the case of the light bulb, this is it.
please'から会話を開始することで丁寧になります。 その後、実際の要求である電球の取り替えをお願いしましょう。 Replaceとは、この場合、何か失ったり、壊れているものを取り替えるという意味です。 この場合は新しい電球ですね。 'Burn out' は、フレーズで「機能しなくなる」という意味です。 この句にはいろんな意味がありますが、電球の場合はそういう意味になります。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The light bulb needs changing.

  • The light bulb is burned out.

  • The light bulb needs to be replaced.

burned out - this means the light bulb is obsolete You can also use "burned out" to describe someone who is really tired. e.g. When I get home, I'm so burned out from work that I don't want to do any chores.
burned out - 電球が使えないという意味です。 また、"burned out"は、人がとても疲れているというときにも使えます。 例文 When I get home, I'm so burned out from work that I don't want to do any chores. (家に帰ると、仕事で本当に疲れているから、雑用を何もしたくない。)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • The light bulb in my room went out. Could you please replace it.

*The light bulb in my room went out. Could you please replace it. "Went out" is more general, so you can say "the lights went out" during a power outage even if the bulbs are still fine, but if I say a bulb went out, it usually means I need to replace that particular bulb.
*The light bulb in my room went out. Could you please replace it. "Went out"はより一般的なので、電球がまだ大丈夫だとしても電気が弱まってきたら "the lights went out" ということができます。  もし"a bulb went out"といえば、それは大抵特定の電球を取り替える必要があることを意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please change the light bulb.

  • The light bulb burned out.

  • Please replace the lamp.

You may also say, "The light bulb blew out." These are all viable ways of asking to have the light bulb changed. The most common phrase is "The light bulb blew out".
"The light bulb blew out."(電球が切れました。)と言ってもいいです。上記の全ての例は、電球を変えてほしい時に使える言い方です。一番一般的なフレーズは、"The light bulb blew out".です。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • The light has stopped working, Can you please check the bulb.

  • The light in my room has fused please can you replace the bulb.

"The light has stopped working, Can you please check the bulb." This explains that the light in your room is not working and you would like them to come and fix it. "The light in my room has fused please can you replace the bulb." "fused" means the light bulb has broken. This politely asks them to come and replace the broken light in your room.
"The light has stopped working, Can you please check the bulb." (電球が切れました。電球をチェックしてもらえますか?) こちらの文は、部屋の電球が切れていて、彼らに来てもらって直してほしいということを説明しています。 "The light in my room has fused please can you replace the bulb." (私の部屋の電球が切れてしまったので、電球を替えてもらえますか?) "fused"は、電球が壊れてしまったという意味です。 こちらの文は、彼らに来てもらって、あなたの部屋の壊れた電球を替えてもらうように丁寧に尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • A light bulb in our room burned out. Replace it, please.

  • The light bulb burnt out. Could you replace it with a new one, please?

Burn out in this regard means to expire, become broken because of the light bulb was working for to long. I would use the second sentence because it's a more polite version
Burn out' はこの場合「期限が切れる」「電球が消耗してつかなくなる」という意味です。 私なら二つ目の例を使います、一つ目の例よりも丁寧です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • The light bulb went out.

  • The light bulb burned out.

1. The light bulb went out. 2. The light bulb burned out. 上記のように言うことができます。 どちらも「電球がきれました」という意味になります。 他に: Can you come and change it? 変えに来てもらえますか?
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