世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/18 22:57
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  • I'm sorry to say that I won't be available next week.

  • I have to be absent next week, sorry.

  • I need to tell you that something came up next week and I won't make it to class

英語でも様々な言い方ができますが、直訳で少しずつ違っても、すべて「[すいませんが](、来週は[都合が悪くなりました](。」という意訳になる例文です。 一つ目の例、”I'm sorry to say that I won't be available next week." (直訳:[申し訳ありませんが](、来週は予定が入っちゃいました。) また、”I have to be absent next week, sorry" (直訳:来週は休まなければならなくなりました、すいません。) 最後の例は、”I need to tell you that something came up next week"、まずここまでを直訳すると「来週予定が入っちゃったと伝えなければならない」、それに ”and I won't make it to class" (直訳:授業には来れなくなりました) という感じですね。 いずれも意訳的には同じ文ですが基本となる直訳の文を見れば少しずつニュアンスが異なることが解るかもしれません。いずれも特に危険、問題となる表現やこの場合でしたらキツイ、柔らかいニュアンスというのは ありませんので好みで毎回なるべく同じ表現にならないよう色々使い分けてみてください。 参考になれば幸いです。
Hara Ken English teacher
  • I'm sorry but something came up so I have to cancel the lesson.

「[申し訳ありませんが](、都合が悪くなったのでレッスンを[キャンセル](します」 something came up は「他の[用事ができた](」と言う意味です。 I'm sorry but something came up で「すみませんが、用事ができてしまいました」となります。 レッスン直前のキャンセルの場合は、I'm sorry but something came up at the last minute so I have to cancel your class. と言う表現もあります。 at the last minuteは直訳すると「最後の1分」ですので、つまりは「[直前](、間際」と言う意味です。 キャンセルの旨を伝えたら、最後に一言、I'm looking forward to taking your lesson again! (またあなたのレッスンを取るのを楽しみにしています!)と伝えてみてはどうでしょうか。
  • I'm really sorry something's come up, can I cancel the class next week?

  • I'm going to have to cancel the class. I'm sorry.

  • Can I reschedule the class next week as I have got to go and do something?

The first two answers are just about cancelling the class. The last one is also about arranging a new time for the class at a later date.
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • Something came up, I will have to cancel my lesson for next week.

  • I would like to reschedule my class for next week.

To reschedule something it means change the time of a planned event. For example: "The concert has been rescheduled for September."
To reschedule something これは、予定されているイベントをリスケ、時間の変更をする、という意味です。 例 "The concert has been rescheduled for September."
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) I am so sorry something came up and i won't be able to attend the lesson next week.

  • B) Due to unforeseen circumstances i have to cancel the class i have scheduled for next week. I am so sorry.

A) I am so sorry something came up and i won't be able to attend the lesson next week. *Something came up-This is a common phrase that English speakers use when breaking an appointment, a date, etc. For example: I'm so sorry, but something has come up. Can we reschedule for next week instead? "Something has come up" means that something very important has happened which you need to deal with instead of keeping your original appointment. You say this when you don't want to explain exactly what the situation is. I'm so sorry, but something has come up. Can we reschedule for next week instead? *Attend-be present at (an event, meeting, or function). Example-"the whole sales force attended the conference" B) Due to unforeseen circumstances i have to cancel the class i have scheduled for next week. I am so sorry. *Due to-because of; owing to. Example-"he had to withdraw due to a knee injury" *Unforeseen circumstances- not expected: Example-Due to unforeseen circumstances the cost of the improvements has risen by 20 percent. Example-Unless there are any unforeseen problems the whole project should be finished by the spring. *Cancel-decide or announce that (a planned event) will not take place. Example-"he was forced to cancel his visit" *Scheduled-included in or planned according to a schedule. Example-"the bus makes one scheduled thirty-minute stop" I hope this helps :-)
A) I am so sorry something came up and i won't be able to attend the lesson next week. *Something came up-英語話者がよく使う表現で、アポの約束を破ってしまった時に使います。 I'm so sorry, but something has come up. Can we reschedule for next week instead? "Something has come up" とは、非常に大切なことが起こり、もともとのアポを破棄してでも優先させなければならないのときに使うことができます。どんな状況なのか詳細なしたくない場合にも使うことができます。 *Attend-イベントやパーティなどに参加する 例-"the whole sales force attended the conference" 全営業部隊がその集会に参加した。 B) Due to unforeseen circumstances i have to cancel the class i have scheduled for next week. I am so sorry. *Due to-のせいで、のおかげで、 例- "he had to withdraw due to a knee injury" 彼は膝の怪我で撤収せざるを得なかった。 *Unforeseen circumstances- 予期されない状況 : 例 Unless there are any unforeseen problems the whole project should be finished by the spring. 何か予想できない問題が起こらない限りは春には全プロジェクトが終了するだろう。 *Cancel-キャンセルする。中止する。. 例- "he was forced to cancel his visit" 彼は訪問をキャンセルせざるをえなかった。 *Scheduled-計画された予定 例-"the bus makes one scheduled thirty-minute stop" 予定通りバスは30分間停車していた。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I need to cancel the lesson as I have to attend to something.

  • Sorry about cancelling but I have a pressing engagement.

  • Sorry for pulling the plug on the lesson but I am needed elsewhere!

To 'pull the plug' or 'pull out of something, means to cancel your interest or participation in that event. or project. :A pressing engagement; means: an urgent appointment.
pull a plugという表現やpull out of somethingという表現は、あるイベントやプロジェクトなどからの熱が冷めたり、参加をキャンセルすることを意味します。A pressing engagement; は火急の用事を意味します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Apologies...I must cancel

  • Apologies, must cancel my class next week, something came up and I cannot attend.

It is not a problem to "cancel a class with notice" all one ened do is make the teacher aware of the reality. in this case a short simple message does the trick! "Apologies, must cancel my class next week, something came up and I cannot attend."
連絡を入れて授業をキャンセルすることは問題ありません。この場合、先生にキャンセルするという現状を伝えることが大切になってきますので簡潔な文章がいいでしょう。 "Apologies, must cancel my class next week, something came up and I cannot attend." すみません、用事ができて来週の授業をキャンセルしなければいけなくなりました。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, something came up and I have to cancel the lesson next week.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I'm sorry, something came up and I have to cancel the lesson next week. ごめんなさい、都合が悪くなってしまって来週のレッスンをキャンセルしなければなりません。 something came up は「予定が入った」というニュアンスを持つ英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I am sorry, but I won't be available next week.

  • Something has come up, so I will have to cancel the lesson.

When you say that you are sorry, you are apologizing to the person. won't be available (unavailable) - not free to do something Something has come up - something very important has happened which you need to deal with instead of keeping your original appointment. cancel - will not take place
あなたが"sorry"と言ったら、あなたはその人に謝っています。 won't be available (unavailable) - 何かを自由にすることができない Something has come up - 元の予定を実行するのに支障をきたすことが起こった cancel - 開催されません
Kels DMM英会話講師
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