Why do you ask questions you don’t even know the answer to?
Why do you ask questions you don’t like to be asked?
Why do you quiz me on questions you don’t know the answer to?
❶Why do you ask questions you don’t even know the answer to?(なんで、自分が答えを知らない質問を人にするの?)
A:Who is the founder of our company? Everyone knows this!
B:I don’t know...who is it then?(知らない、じゃあ誰なの?)
A:I can’t tell you. (それは言えないよ)。
B:Why do you ask questions you don’t even know the answer to! なんで、自分が答えを知らない質問を人にするの?)
❷Why do you ask questions you don’t like to be asked?
A:How old are you? (あなた何歳なの?)
B:I’m 27. How old are you? (27よ、あなたは?)
A: I’m not telling you, (教えないわ)。
B: Why do you ask questions you don’t like to be asked?
❸Why do you quiz me on questions you don’t know the answer to?
A:How many states are there in the U.S?
B:I don’t know. How many? (知らない、いくつ?)
A:I don’t know too. (わたしも知らない)。
B:Why do you quiz me on questions you don’t know the answer to?(なんで、自分が答えをクイズを人にするの?)