Look far! If you keep looking near, you will feel sick.
遠く – far
見て – look
近く near
見てたら - keep looking
気持ち悪くなる – feel sick
車に酔い – Car sick
ゲームしない方がいいよ- you shouldn’t play with your game while sitting in the moving car
ヤバくなった教えてね(気持ち悪くなったら) - if you feel you are getting nauseous, please tell me.
Try to look far off in the distance. If you look too close to the car, it will make you sick.
You shouldn't play games while you're riding in the car.
Tell me if you start to feel sick.
ーTry to look far off in the distance. If you look too close to the car, it will make you sick.
ーYou shouldn't play games while you're riding in the car.
ーTell me if you start to feel sick.
Look far away! If you look at something close, you'll feel sick.
- "Look far away! If you look at something close, you'll feel sick."
"Look far away!" は「遠くを見て」という意味で、"If you look at something close, you'll feel sick." は「近くを見てたら気持ち悪くなるから」という意味です。
- "You shouldn't play games."
"You shouldn't play games." は「ゲームしない方がいいよ」という意味で、車酔いを避けるためのアドバイスです。
- "Let me know if you start to feel sick."
"Let me know if you start to feel sick." は「気持ち悪くなったら教えてね」という意味で、子どもが体調を知らせるためのフレーズです。