世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/10/11 09:40
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  • Toys are scattered all around the house. Please put them away.

  • There are toys everywhere. Put them away please.

In the first sentence, you are giving a detailed description as to the extent of the situation. By using the phrase 'scattered all round the house' you are emphasising that these toys are found everywhere in the house, making the house look untidy.

Using the word 'please,' can be taken in a polite and endearing manner after making a request that your child pick up his/her toys.

最初の文では、状況の及ぶ範囲について詳しく伝えています。「scattered all round the house(家中に散らかった)」と言って、おもちゃが家中に散らかっていることを表しています。


Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Your toys are all over the place. Tidy them up please.

  • Tidy up your toys please. They are everywhere.

  • You have made such a mess with your toys. Please put them away.

These answers are good for asking your child to tidy up their toys if they have made a mess. It is still important to say 'please' when speaking to your child as it is a nice way of requesting something, and as a parent it is important to lead by example.
If they refuse to tidy up, then this is when you could be firmer.




Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Go find all your toys and put them away.

  • Your toys are everywhere. Go pick them up, please.

"Go find all your toys and put them away."
Go find - This is telling your child they need to look everywhere for their toys. Then, when they have found all the toys, they need to put them away.

"Your toys are everywhere! Go pick them up, please."
Your toys are everywhere! - This statement is something you say when toys are all over the child's room or scattered all around the house.
Go pick them up, please. - This is a command for the child to pick up all the toys and is understood that they should be put back where they belong.

"Go find all your toys and put them away."

Go find -おもちゃを見て回って、全部見つけたら、それらを片づけるように言っています。

"Your toys are everywhere! Go pick them up, please."

Your toys are everywhere! - これは、子供の部屋や家中におもちゃが散らかっているときに言うことができます。

Go pick them up, please. - おもちゃをすべて拾って片付けるよう指示しています。

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Clear up this mess!

  • The whole house is a war zone! Please tidy up everything!

The most forceful way of communicating that the child has been untidy is by instructing them to tidy everything up. In this case we use the Imperative form which consists of just the use of the verb: "Clean up.." "Tidy up..." "Put away.." etc.

"Clean up.."(..片付けなさい)
"Tidy up..."(...片付けなさい)
"Put away.."(..片付けなさい)

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's cleanup time, so please gather up all of your toys that are all over the place.

  • Please pick up the toys on the floor before they get stepped on.

  • Your toys belong in the playroom so please pick them all up, and put them where they belong.

"Cleanup time" is a good expression used to help children relate that every activity has an assigned time and order. It can help them understand the importance of good habits.

Sometimes pointing out a possible consequence such as toys possibly being damaged if stepped on can be good motivation to express the importance of putting them away when they are not in use.

Expressing that the toys belong in the playroom can be used for households that have a designated play area for the children. The expression "put them where they belong" can also be used in place of the expression "put them away."

期限や規則について子どもに教えるなら、"Cleanup time"(片付けの時間)はいい表現です。習慣の大切さを伝えます。


"Your toys belong in the playroom"(おもちゃは遊び部屋の置いておくものだよ)は家に遊び部屋がある場合に使えます。
"put them where they belong" は "put them away"(片付ける)の代わりに使うことができます。

Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Your toys are everywhere, put them away please

  • Please put your toys away, they are everywhere!

To clean up and put things out of sight or in cupboards/boxes etc is called to 'put them away'
if there are things all over the house or place then you would say they are 'everywhere'

掃除すること、片づけること、戸棚や箱などに物をしまうことを、 'put them away'と言います。

物がそこらじゅうにあることを、 'everywhere'と言います。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Your toys have taken over the house. Please put them away."

  • "You have left your toys all over the place. How about you work on tidying them up?"

"Your toys have taken over the house. Please put them away." A comical way to explain to your child that the toys are all over the place. You are friendly in your approach and engaging and then ask the child to put the toys away politely.

"You have left your toys all over the place. How about you work on tidying them up?" This example sentence again clearly explains to the child the toys are everywhere; there is no need to list the particular rooms. Once again you are engaging and polite and suggest the child put the toys away.

"Your toys have taken over the house. Please put them away."


 "You have left your toys all over the place. How about you work on tidying them up?"


Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Clean up your.....

  • Put them away!

These expressions are used directly at someone who you are asking to clean up (tidy their mess, If they have made a mess).
To 'clean up' is to clean the mess you have just made.
'Put them away' is referring to leaving somethings out and you are asking to put the items back to where they came from or should be.


'Clean up' は散らかったものを片付けることをいいます。
'Put them away' は、散らかったものを元の場所に戻すことをいいます。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
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