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お店のレジでお金(お釣り)が不足している時に使う文章で 只今、〜円が不足しています。 ご協力お願い致します。 英語で何といいますか?
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2018/10/11 14:40
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  • We're running short on 1000 yen bills. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • We are low on 1000 yen bills. Thank you for your cooperation.

Signs are a good ways to get information across when one doesn't have the time to explain the situation to each and every person. In this case, this may be a good sign to use in a supermarket whereby change needs to be given. When saying that you're 'running short' or 'low on (something),' you are indicating that your resources or provisions are very limited and are soon to run out. It is polite to apologise by adding, 'sorry for the inconvenience'. In this way you are acknowledging that this may cause a minor inconvenience for those you weren't prepared for this.
一人一人に説明する暇がない時には、貼り紙は情報を伝える上で有効ですね。この場合は、小銭が必要な時にスーパーで使えそうですね。 「running short」「low on」は、何かが不足してなくなりそうなことを表します。 「Sorry for the inconvenience(ご迷惑をおかけします)」と加えて、謝ると丁寧です。これによって不便な思いをする人に対して気持ちを表します。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for the inconvenience but we are low on 1000yen notes.

  • Please use small change. We are low on 1000yen notes. Thank you for your cooperation.

Using the term 'sorry for the inconvenience' or 'thank you for your cooperation' is always polite when wiring a sign in a shop that may mean service is slightly different from usual. When a store is low on 1000yen notes and you ask customers to use 'small change' it will help the cashier as most customers may be able to pay with 1000yen notes and solve your problem. If a customer uses a larger value note then the cashier will have to provide lots of change and cash-back. It may also encourage people to use card payments.
いつもとサービスが少し異なることを伝える貼り紙には「sorry for the inconvenience(ご迷惑をおかけします)」「thank you for your cooperation(ご協力ありがとうございます)」などの表現を使うと丁寧です。 1000円札が足りない時には、小銭を使うようにお客さんにお願いすると、レジも助かりますね。1000円札で払ってくれる人がたくさんいるかもしれません。より額の大きなお札を使われると、お釣りをたくさん出さないといけなくなりますね。ですから、カードで支払ってくれる人もいるかもしれません。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • We are low on 1000 yen bills, sorry for the inconvienience

  • We are short of 1000 yen bills thanks for your cooperation

If you don't have many or alot of something then you are said to be 'low' or 'short' on them by telling your customers it is nice to let them know they might also help by giving you some as payment if they have some Cooperation means to help each other and inconvienience means to cause someone difficulty or not be helpful
何かがあまりないなら、それは 'low' や 'short' で表せます。 このように伝えておくのは良いアイデアですね。あれば1000円で支払ってくれるお客さんもいるでしょう。 'cooperation' は「協力」という意味です。 'inconvenience' は「迷惑をかけること/不便をかけること」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • We are running low on 1000 yen bills, sorry for any inconvenience

  • Apologies, We are low on 1000 yen bills, Thank you for your cooperation

"We are running low on 1000 yen bills, sorry for any inconvenience" 'running low' is a very familiar and casual term of describing something that is decreasing or are low on, ex. "we are running low on laundry detergent at home" "I am running low on money so I can't make tonight's party." 'inconvenience' is a polite and formal way of describing trouble and/or difficulty. "cooperation" is used formally and politely to express working together or assisting.
"We are running low on 1000 yen bills, sorry for any inconvenience"(1000円札が不足しております。ご迷惑おかけして申し訳ございません) = 'running low' は何かが不足していることを表す一般的でカジュアルな表現です。 例: "We are running low on laundry detergent at home"(家の洗濯洗剤が残り少なくなっている) "I am running low on money so I can't make tonight's party."(金欠だから、今夜のパーティーには行けないよ) 'inconvenience' は迷惑や困難を表すフォーマルで丁寧な言葉です。 'cooperation' は協力や手助けを表すフォーマルで丁寧な言葉です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • We are running low on 1000 yen bills today; sorry for the inconvenience.

  • We're low on 1000 yen bills at this time. Thank you for your patience.

  • We're running low on 1000 yen bills. Thank you for understanding.

It's common to use the phrase, "running low on" or simply "low on" when describing that you are lacking a sufficient of something, i.e., "running low on soap," etc. However, if this causes inconvenience to customers, you can say that you are sorry for it. You can also say that you appreciate their understanding and/or their patience. This helps customers to feel less annoyed when faced with having to use different forms of payment or pay with different bills.
何かが不足しているときには、よく "running low on" あるいはシンプルに "low on" というフレーズが使われます。例えば、"running low on soap"(せっけんが不足している)など。 ただ、もしそれがお客さんに不便(inconvenience)をかけるなら、それについて謝罪することができます。 あるいは、お客さんの理解(understanding)や忍耐(patience)に感謝してもいいです。 こうすることで、支払い方法を変えたり、別の紙幣で支払わなければならないときにお客さんが感じるイライラを抑えることができます。
Amy H English teacher
  • We do not have any 1000 yen bills. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • We are running low on 1000 yen bills. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Always apologize for the inconvenience as it will avoid people getting annoyed at something that is out of your control. It is also polite to apologize when business is different to normal.
必ず、'inconvenience' (迷惑を掛けること)を謝罪しましょう。これで、相手をなだめることができます。 普段と勝手が違うときにもやはり謝った方が丁寧です。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • We are low on 1000 yen bills.

  • Small bills are appreciated.

  • We are low on change. Thank you for your patience.

My first sentence simply explains the problem that you are low on 1000 yen bills. It's very straightforward. In my second sentence, I say that "small bills" are appreciated. This communicates that I am low on small bills (like 1000 yen or $1 and $5) and that I would appreciate payment in those if possible.
一つ目の文ではシンプルに1000円札が足りないという問題について説明しています。非常に単刀直入です。 二つ目の文では "Small bills are appreciated"(少額紙幣で支払っていただけるとありがたいです)と言っています。これは「小額紙幣(1000円や1ドル、5ドルなど)が不足しているので、可能であればそれらで支払ってもらいたい」という意味です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • No 1000 yen notes here!

  • We are low on 1000 yen notes

Well if you want to say that you are low on these notes, it's probably better just to state that you have no notes - so you don't have to write another notice in the near future.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for the inconvenience but we are running low on 1000 yen notes

  • We are short of 1000 yen notes for the moment. Thank you for your cooperation

Saying sorry and thank you are polite ways of telling whoever looks at the sign that something is not complete or missing from the usual. When we say we are running low on something, it means that we almost have nothing left of this item. The same goes for "short" in this case.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • We are running low on 1000 yen bills, sorry for the inconvenience.

  • We have run out of 1000 yen bills. Sorry for the inconvenience.

If you have run out/are running out of 1000 yen bills and want to put a sign up to let people know, you can say something like "We are running low on 1000 yen bills, sorry for the inconvenience.". Saying sorry for your inconvenience is a good way to show your sorry for inconveniencing your customers.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • We are low on 1000 yen bills, sorry for the inconvenience.

  • We are lacking 1000 yen bills, thanks for your cooperation.

  • We are running short on 1000 yen bills, Thank you for understanding.

The first thing to notice here are the many different ways we can say we are, "low," "lacking," or, "running short," of something. In addition, you can see that there are many different ways we can thank or apologize to the customers for the inconvenience.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • We are low on 1,000 yen bills.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・We are low on 1,000 yen bills. 千円札が不足しています。 low on ~ で「〜が不足している」ことを英語で表現することができます。 「千円札」は英語で 1,000 yen bill となります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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