世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




え、こんな早く着いたの?って驚くとき。 空港まで結構遠いと思っていたのに、思たより早く着いたので。
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2016/03/20 14:25
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  • Have you already arrived?

  • Are you already here?

『もう着いたの?!』と驚いていう時は Have you already arrived? とalready を使います。 学校では「現在完了の疑問文で『もう』は、alreadyではなく、yetを使う」と習ったと思いますが、 現在完了の疑問文でも already は アリ なんです。 alreadyを使うと、「もう着いたの?!」と驚いた感じになり、 yet は、普通に「もう着きましたか?」と、着いたかどうか、尋ねる時に使います。 なお、現在完了だけでなく、現在形でも Are you already here? で、驚き・意外さを表すことが出来ます。 * Have you already arrived? (もう着いたの?) * Are you already here? (もうここにいるの?)
  • You have already arrived!?

  • You are already here?

You have already arrived!?でもう着いたの⁈と言う表現になります。 シンプルにyou are already here?=もうここにいるの?でも良いと思います。
  • You're here early!

In the US, we like to state the obvious sometimes. This a great example of that! I often arrived at classes early in college and professors or other students would say things like, "You're here early!" Or "You got here early," when they arrived. If someone has inconvenienced you by arriving early, this gives them a chance to apologize as well, and perhaps explain. Have a great day!
アメリカでは時々はっきりと述べることを好みます。 この素晴らしい例は、私は大学時代よく早くクラスへ行っていました。 私が到着したとき、教授やクラスメイトはこのように言いました。 You're here early! You got here early, もう着いたの。 もし早く到着する事で、誰かが迷惑と思う場合、謝ったり、説明したりする機会を与えてくれます。 よい1日を。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • You're here already?!

  • Here already?!

  • You got here fast!

These are other simple, common ways to express this.
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • 1. Wow, you arrived earlier than expected!

  • 2. I didn't expect you to get here so early!

1. You express surprise and state that the arrival time of this person was earlier than predicted. 2. You state that this person arrived at an earlier time than you imagined. A "Paul? Is that you?" B "Yes, of course!" A "Wow, you arrived earlier than expected!" B "Yes, I took an early flight."
1.思っている以上に早く到着したその人にびっくりしていることを表します。 2. 自分が想像していた到着時間よりその人の到着が早かった、という表現です。 A "Paul? Is that you?"ポール、君なのか? B "Yes, of course!" ああそうだ。 A "Wow, you arrived earlier than expected!" なんだ、思ったより早かったね。 B "Yes, I took an early flight." 早い便にのったのさ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! you're early.

  • Have you arrived already?

  • I'm surprised at your punctuality.

1. Wow! you're early. The expression "wow' means expressing astonishment or admiration. This statement expresses surprise that someone has arrived early. 2. Have you arrived already? By asking this question when someone has arrived early, it means that you are expressing surprise.
1. Wow! you're early. (わー!早いですね!) Wow! を使う事で、相手が早く付いた事に対して驚いた事を伝えられます。 2. Have you arrived already? (もう着いたの?) この質問をすることで、相手の到着が思っていたよりも早かった事に驚いている事を表現します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "I can't believe you're already here!"

  • "You got here really fast didn't you?"

  • "Wow, you are earlier than I expected"

If someone has arrived earlier than expected and you want to express your surprise at this, you could say any of the following: "I can't believe you're already here!", "You got here really fast didn't you?" or "Wow, you are earlier than I expected".
思っていたよりも相手が早く到着したとき、その驚きを表したいということですね。次のように言えます。 "I can't believe you're already here!"(もう着いたの?) "You got here really fast didn't you?"(早かったね) "Wow, you are earlier than I expected"(思っていたよりも早かったね)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Wow,you're hear early.

  • I wasn't expecting you until..(provide time)

  • What an unexpected appearance!

"Wow,you're hear early." You can alter the meaning of this sentence according to the message you want to convey. This depends on whether the arrival is welcomed or not. If you are happy about it you can use a higher tone and your facial expression to match.If not, you would say this in a flat tone to show that you are displeased by the early arrival. "I wasn't expecting you until..(provide time)" You are telling them that you did not think you would see them until a particular time. You can also ask them to give you more time if there was a plan to be carried out when the person arrives. "What an unexpected appearance!"" You can say this when you are happy to see this person but are shocked that they have arrived sooner that you had anticipated.
"Wow,you're hear early."こんなに早くついたの? この表現は、あなたがどのように伝えたいかによります。 早くついてうれしいならば高い声でそのような顔の表現をして、早くついて迷惑なら淡々とした声で伝えることができます。 "I wasn't expecting you until..(provide time)" ~時までは来ないと思ってた。 特定の時間まではその人が来ないと思っていたと伝えるとき。 済ませるべき予定があって、もう少し時間が必要だと頼むこともできます。 "What an unexpected appearance!""予 想もしない登場だこと! うれしいんだけどびっくりしたと伝えるときの表現。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Wow, you got here quick.

  • Oh, that's a nice surprise you got here so early^^

  • Oh, you've already arrived!?

Keiさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - Wow, you got here quick. - Oh, that's a nice surprise you got here so early^^ - Oh, you've already arrived!? --- you got here quick はquicklyの略となりますため、かなりカジュアルな表現です。 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Are you here already?

  • You have arrived much earlier than expected!

  • I am surprised that you are here already!

The question "Are you here already?" signifies the fact that you are surprised that the person arrived early. He/she was expected to arrive much later but arrived earlier instead. "You have arrived much earlier than expected" is more straight forward. In the third statement, you have clearly stated that you are surprised that he/she is already here. He/she was expected to arrive later. So, you may say: Are you here already? or You have arrived much earlier than expected! or I am surprised that you are here already!
"Are you here already?" は相手が早く到着して驚いたことを表します。 ずっと遅くに着く予定だった(のに早く着いた)ということです。 "You have arrived much earlier than expected" は、よりストレートな言い方です。 3つ目の文では、到着が早くて驚いているとはっきり伝えています。 もっと遅くに着く予定だったわけです。 以下のように言うことができます: Are you here already? 〔訳〕もう着いたの? または、 You have arrived much earlier than expected! 〔訳〕思ったより早く着いたね または、 I am surprised that you are here already! 〔訳〕もう着いたんだね、驚いたよ
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • You arrived already?

  • You're already here?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・You arrived already? もう到着したの? ・You're already here? もうここについたの? already は「すでに」というニュアンスを持つ英語表現です。 already arrived で「すでに到着した」となります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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