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メッセージで冗談を言われたのですが、気付かず真剣に返してしまい「I'm just joking!」と言われました(*_*) この場合の「冗談やめてよ〜(笑)あ〜冗談で良かった〜(笑)」と言うニュアンスで返事をするにはどのような言い回しがありますか? よろしくお願い致します!!
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2018/10/14 18:29
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  • I'm glad you were just kidding around!

  • It's good you were joking!

"Kidding around" can refer to someone being silly or making a joke, but often is used to let someone know you are not trying to hurt their feelings. "It's good you were joking!" lets the person know that whatever they said was a little too serious or hurtful, and that you are relieved it was not meant to be taken seriously.
「to kid around」は、冗談を言うことやふざけることを表します。相手の気持ちを傷つける意図がないことを伝える場合によく使われます。 "It's good you were joking!" (冗談でよかった) - 相手の言ったことが少し深刻(傷つくこと)だったので、本気でないと分かってホッとしたことを表します。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm glad it was just a joke.

  • At least it was just a joke.

「冗談で良かった〜」は英語ではこのようです。 I'm glad it was just a joke. At least it was just a joke. 英語では just a joke と言う表現が結構使われています。「ただのジョーク」と言う意味です。 「冗談やめてよ〜」は英語ではこのようです。 Stop joking around! Stope with your jokes! 似ている表現は Stop making fun of me! Don't make fun of me. Stop messing around! (「からかわないで!」と言う意味です。) 自分が冗談を言って、相手に傷をつけてしまいました場合時に I'm just joking!やIt was just a joke! と言います。「ただのジョークでしたよ」の意味です。 ご参考までに。
  • I'm relieved that that was just a joke.

  • I'm pleased you weren't being serious.

When someone has a feeling of 'relief' it means that they are no longer nervous or worried about something. A friend may have sent you a message which was insensitive to something, or something like this, and you may have thought they were being serious, but you felt 'relief' when you realised it was just a joke.
「relieved」は「ホッとした、安心した」という意味です。 友達が無神経なメッセージなどを送ってきて、それを本気にしてしまったのかもしれませんね。そうしたら冗談だと分かって「relieved」したと。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I'm happy that was just a joke!

  • I'm glad you were just pulling my leg!

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to a friend that you are happy that a text they sent you was just a joke. In the second sentence you will notice the phrase pull one's leg. This means to joke with another person. This is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation and is appropriate for informal settings.
上記例文は、友人から送られてきたテキストメッセージが冗談でよかった、ことを表す適切な表現です。 二つ目の例文に"pull one's leg"というイディオムが出てきますが、これは人を「からかう」とう意味です。カジュアルな場面で使える、日常会話フレーズです。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Thank heavens you were joking!

Thank heavens' is an exclamation of relief or thanks that something either happened, or did not happen. "Thank heavens it's not raining - the cricket match would have to be cancelled."
「Thank heavens」は、何かが起きたこと、または起きなかったことに安心、または感謝するときに出る言葉です。 "Thank heavens it's not raining - the cricket match would have to be cancelled." (雨降らなくてよかった。これでクリケットの試合ができる)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so glad you were joking.

  • You had me going for a minute.

You had me going for a minute.' is an American English idiomatic phrase that means 'I really thought you were serious for a little while.'. Both of these are appropriate replies.
You had me going for a minute.'は「一瞬本気かと思った」という意味のアメリカ英語のイディオムです。 これらはどちらも適切な返答です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • I'm glad it was a joke

  • I'm glad you were joking

  • I'm relieved you weren't being serious

A joke is something that someone says that is funny and often makes you laugh sometimes people say things To feel better or happier that something is not true is said to be a relief or you would say you are 'relieved' Serious means to act in a sincere way and not to be joking
joke'(ジョーク/冗談)は人を笑わせるような面白い話をいいます。 何かが事実でなくてホッとしたなら、これは 'relief'(安心)あるいは 'be relieved'(安心した)で表すことができます。 'Serious' は「真面目な」「ジョークでない」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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