"I cannot believe it! I missed my flight!"
"I cannot believe it!" You could say this to express your surprise, shock, disappointment for missing your flight.
You could also say:
"I just missed it." This means you were really close, but just a few minutes late for the flight, train, bus, taxi, Uber, etc.
I cannot believe it! I missed my flight!
I cannot believe it! - これは、飛行機に乗り遅れたショック、驚き、落胆を表します。
I just missed it.
I missed my flight!
missed だけで何かに間に合わなかったことを表すことができます。
I missed my bus!
I missed my lesson!
Oh my god! うそでしょー!
I can’t believe it!! 信じられない!!
Can you believe it!? 信じられる!?
Crap! くそー!
Oh my god! I missed my flight!!
God!!! I cannot believe I missed my flight. It's going to cost me an arm and a leg for a new ticket.
When someone says the word 'God!!!' before the rest of a sentence, it usually indicates that that person is annoyed about something. It is almost like saying 'Why me?'.
When something costs 'an arm and a leg' it means that it is is expensive. This is a very common British phrase that is used in everyday conversation.
文頭の 'God!!!' は、たいていイライラした気持ちを表します。'Why me?'(なんで私なの?)といった感じです。
'cost an arm and a leg' は「(出費が)高くつく」という意味です。これはイギリスでは日常会話でよく使われます。
When you miss doing something important it gets very fristating or annoying so you might moan or grumble to express this 'Ugh!' or 'Damn!' are common expressions to explain this by adding 'I missed my flight' you are explaining why you are annoyed
大切なことをし損ねたときは、イライラしますね。ですから、うめき声を上げたり不満をこぼすかもしれません。'Ugh!' と 'Damn!' はこの気持ちを表す一般的な表現です。
'I missed my flight'(飛行機を乗り損なった)を加えて、イライラの理由を説明しています。
"I can't believe" is often used to describe surprise or even disappointment and it also adds emphasis onto the sentence.
"Damn It" Used in a variety of ways, 'Damn' can often be replaced with other expressions like 'bugger' often displays dismay and disappointment, from missing your flight to stubbing your toe.
"I can't believe" は、驚きや失望を表すときによく使われます、これは文章を強調します。
"Damn it" はいろいろな意味で使われます。'Damn' はしばしば 'Bugger' など他の言葉に置き換えられます。これは落胆や失望を表すことが多いです、例えば、飛行機に乗り遅れたり、つま先をぶつけるなど。
When someone misses a flight, it shocks that person. Missing a flight makes someone to start thinking about the consequences of this event. It can mean rescheduling of meetings and missed appointments. It definitely is a shock. The phrase 'oh my gosh' is mostly used by Americans whereas the British use 'oh my God' when shocked by something. 'Can you believe it' is an expression that is also used to express surprise. In this case, although it's unbelievable, you have missed your flight, believe it. Also, because it's a bad thing to miss a flight, one can add the expression 'what a shame'.
So, you may say:
Oh my gosh! I missed my flight!
Can you believe it? I missed my flight.
I missed my flight. What a shame!
'oh my gosh' は主にアメリカ人が使います。イギリス人はショックを受けたときには 'oh my God' を使います。
'Can you believe it' も驚きを表します。ここでは、「信じられないようなことでけど、飛行機に乗り遅れた」と伝えています。
また、飛行機に乗り遅れることは、良くないことなので、'what a shame' を加えることもできます。
Oh my gosh! I missed my flight!(信じられない。飛行機に乗り遅れました)
Can you believe it? I missed my flight.(信じられる?飛行機に乗り遅れたんだ)
I missed my flight. What a shame!(飛行機に乗り遅れました。残念です)
"I can't believe" is an expression of disappointment in this case but it can also express surprise or disbelief.
I can't believe..
We can't believe..
They can't belive..
"I can't believe" はこの場合は「失望」を表しますが、「驚き」や「不信」を表すこともあります。
I can't believe..(私は..を信じられない)
We can't believe..(私たちは..を信じられない)
They can't belive..(彼らは..を信じられない)