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2016/03/20 18:32
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  • I want a book written in English and Japanese.

I want a book written in English and Japanese. 英語と日本語で書かれている本が欲しいです。 This is a book written in English and Japanese. これは英語と日本語で書かれている本です。 This book is written both in English and Japanese. この本は英語と日本語、両方で書かれています。
  • I would like a book that is written in both Japanese and English.

  • I want a book which is written in both English and Japanese.

英語と日本、両方で書かれている本が欲しいです。 ... so that I can study English while enjoying the content. そうすれば、英語を学びながら内容を楽しめるじゃない。
  • I'd like a bilingual book written in both Japanese and English

  • I'd like a Japanese book with an English translation included

  • I'd like an English book with a Japanese translation included

Any of the above phrases should suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like a book that is written in both English and Japanese.

  • I would like an English book with Japanese translation.

"I would like a book that is written in both English and Japanese." This is the simplest way to explain that your are interested in getting a book that has both English and Japanese writing. You may also explain the reason for this by saying " I am working on improving my English and so I would like a book that has both English and Japanese." "I would like an English book with Japanese translation." This means that you would like a book that is written primarily in English but has Japanese translation to help you understand what is written much better.
"I would like a book that is written in both English and Japanese." 英語と日本語の両方で書かれた本が好きです。 質問の意図にぴったりくる表現です。 その理由として " I am working on improving my English and so I would like a book that has both English and Japanese." 英語を上達させたいので英語と日本語で書かれた本がいいんです。 "I would like an English book with Japanese translation." 私は英語の本で日本語訳がある本が好きです。 英語で書かれていて日本語訳がついていると理解が進むという意味です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Dual language book

  • Bilingual book

  • Can I have a book that is written in English and Japanese.

A dual language book is a book with two languages in. A bilingual book is the same as a dual language book, but a different word. "Can I have a book that is written in English and Japanese?" is a way to ask for one of these books, but also to specify which two languages you would like the book to contain.
a dual language bookとは、2つの言語で書かれた本のことです。 a bilingual book は a dual language book と同じですが、違う単語を使って表現しています。 "Can I have a book that is written in English and japanese?" と聞くと、2か国語で書かれた本が欲しいと言っていて、しかもどの2カ国語なのかを具体的に伝えています。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • A book with translation

  • A bilingual book

  • A book that shows the English and Japanese translation

I would call a book that shows two languages a "book with translation". If it is specifically English and Japanese in the book, I would call it "a book that shows the English and Japanese translation." A simpler term could be: "a bilingual book." If I wanted to buy something like this at a book store, I would say: "I'm looking for a book that shows English with the Japanese translation." I hope this helps! :)
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • I want a book written in both English and Japanese.

Sometimes the best way to learn a language is if you can get a book in both English and Japanese at least it will be better to understand and you can easily express yourself.
Sometimes the best way to learn a language is if you can get a book in both English and Japanese at least it will be better to understand and you can easily express yourself. 英語と日本語、両方の言葉で書いていある本から学ぶのがベストは方法なこともあります。その方が、理解力が増し、楽に意思表示することができます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Bilingual book (Japanese and English)

  • I want a bilingual book written in Japanese and English.

For a book written in two languages, we refer to it as a bilingual book. Bilingual derives from BI- which means two, and -LINGUAL which means language. Literally, two languages. Since bilingual books can be written in any two languages that you intend to reach customers that know both languages, it is necessary to specify the two languages which you want the book is written in. In your case, Japanese and English.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • Parallel Text/Dual language version: Japanese/English

  • Some books are bilingual, with two versions of the text. One in English, & one in japanese

We can refer to a book with its text in 2 languages, as a Parallel text or dual language/Bilingual version... This" parallel approach" can be very useful to help the reader grasp the subtleties between the two languages and even show up the distinct cultural references employed within the translations.
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I would like a buy a bilingual Japanese and English book.

  • I would like to buy a dual language Japanese and English book.

  • Do you have a side by side Japanese and English book that I can purchase?

When a book is publish in one volume but in two languages we refer to it in one of 3 ways: 1. A bilingual book 2. A dual language book 3. A side by side publication You have to state the languages you require. Often you can find easily books known as 'first readers' in dual languages for beginners. Higher level books are becoming more common. If you want one you can ask to buy or purchase it. 'Buy' and 'purchase' are interchangeable in this context.
Mirek DMM英会話講師
  • I'd really like a book that's in English and Japanese!

  • Can you provide me with a book in both Japanese and English?

If you go to an international book shop looking for books you can buy that are in both English and Japanese, you can ask the owner: Can you provide me with a book that's in in both Japanese and English? Be prepared to give him a subject matter. Or, perhaps, he can take you to a bilingual section of the store where you can look at many such books and choose one. ))
Robert D DMM英会話講師
  • A bilingual book.

  • I would like a book that is written in both English and Japanese.

  • I would like a bilingual book; written in English and Japanese.

A bilingual book. I would like a book that is written in both English and Japanese. I would like a bilingual book; written in English and Japanese. When you want to ask for, or just know what a type of book is called, you have these three sentences/ name. The first one being the name of the book itself, and the other two are sentences you can use. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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