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2016/03/20 18:44
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  • In humans, different from other animals, reason can overcome instinct.

  • Unlike other animals, humans can control instinct.

口語なら、2番目の方がいいかもしれませんが、reason can overcome instinct「理性が本能に打ち勝つことができる」という表現も簡潔でいいと思います。 2番目の方には「理性」ということばは使っていませんが、あくまでも「人間とほかの動物の違い」を注視するのであれば、humans can control instinct の方がストレートかつシンプルでよいかなと思います。
  • Human beings are able to control their instinct through reason unlike animals.

Human beings are able to control their instinct through reason unlike animals. 人間は動物と違い、本能を理性によってコントロールする事ができる。 unlike animals 動物と違い これは文頭においても、文章の最後につけてもokです。 Unlike animals, human beings are able to control their instinct with reason.
  • Controlling instinct by rational thought is what sets humans apart from other animals.

Rational thinking' is using reason or logic to solve problems, make decisions, e.t.c. So, the ability of human beings to rise above instinct by employing rational thought when taking action, is what sets us apart (raises us above) other animals.
"Rational thinking"は問題解決や意思決定の時に理由や論理を使うということです。行動する際に理性をコントロールして本能を克服できるということは、人間と他の動物の大きな違いです。
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • Humans have more control over their feelings and instincts than other animals.

  • Humans are able to control themselves more than other animals.

"Humans are able to control themselves more than other animals." states the human beings have a better grip on more primal instincts than other animals.
"Humans are able to control themselves more than other animals." 人間は動物よりも自分をコントロールすることができます。 これは、人間は動物よりも原始的本能を制御する力があること言っています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Unlike other animals, humans are rational creatures that don't just act on instinct

  • Humans, unlike other animals, can control their instincts by reasononing.

When you're trying to explain that humans don't always act on instinct as animals do; you can say it in the following ways: -Unlike other animals, humans are rational creatures that don't just act on instinct. -Humans, unlike other animals, can control their instincts by reasononing.
人間は、他の動物のようにいつも本能で行動するわけではないことを伝えるときの表現です。 -Unlike other animals, humans are rational creatures that don't just act on instinct. 他の動物と違って、人間は、本能で行動しない、理性を持った生き物である。 -Humans, unlike other animals, can control their instincts by reasononing. 他の動物と違って、人間は論理的に本能をコントロールできる。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Unlike other animals, humans can exercise control over their instincts and act reasonably.

  • Unlike other animals, we humans can exercise control over our instincts and act reasonably.

The preposition 'unlike' refers to the dissimilarity between two things. So if we say 'unlike' other animals, we mean to say, 'different from' other animals, humans can exercise control over their instincts. For example, a lion will instinctively pursue an elephant despite its large size. The lion is instinctively driven by hunger and will want to kill the large animal at all costs. There are no second thoughts regarding what the elephant can do to it. In contrast, a human being would have to think twice about killing a lion although instinctively he/she would have to defend himself/herself against it. He/she would then reasonably think of using a weapon such as a gun. In a case like this, you may say: Unlike other animals, humans can exercise control over their instincts and act reasonably. or Unlike other animals, we humans can exercise control over our instincts and act reasonably.
「unlike(前置詞)」は二つのものが似ていないことを表します。ですから、人間はほかの動物と unlike(違って)本能をコントロールできるわけです。 例えば、ライオンは本能的に、自分よりも体のずっと大きな「象」を追います。本能的に、空腹に駆られ、どんな犠牲を払っても象を殺そうとします。相手が自分に何ができるかなど考えることはありません。 対照的に、人間にも自らの身を守る本能はありますが、ライオンを殺すことについてはよく考えるでしょう。そして、合理的に、銃のような武器を使うはずです。 例: Unlike other animals, humans can exercise control over their instincts and act reasonably. 〔訳〕他の動物と違い、人間は本能を制御して、合理的に行動することができる Unlike other animals, we humans can exercise control over our instincts and act reasonably. 〔訳〕他の動物と違い、私達人間は本能を制御して、合理的に行動することができる
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Humans are more sentient than animals and have more control over their instincts.

  • Animals are instinctual beings , whereas humans are rational thinkers.

To say that humans are more sentient expresses that we perceive things better and therefore would respond to situations better than animals. sentient-Able to perceive or feel things. Saying that animals are instinctual beings implies that they have an innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior that is based on instinct whereas humans are rational thinkers which means that we use reason and logic.
「Humans are more sentient than animals」で、人間は物事を感じ取る力が動物よりも上なので、状況により適切に対処できるという意味になります。 sentient-知覚できる、感じることができる 「Animals are instinctual beings」は、(人間は理性と論理を用い合理的に考えるが)動物には、本能に基づく決まった行動パターンがある、といったニュアンスです。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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