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2018/10/25 20:37
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  • Are dogs allowed here?

  • Can I bring my dog here?

  • Is this a dog friendly cafe?

質問するときはまず、Excuse me, (すみませんが、)と言ってから聞きましょう。 ❶Are dogs allowed here? (ここは犬okですか?) ❷Can I bring my dog here? (ここに犬を連れてきても大丈夫ですか?) ❸Is this a dog friendly cafe? (ここは犬okのカフェですか?) A;Excuse me, are dogs allowed here? (すみませんが、ここは犬okですか?) B:I’m sorry, we don’t allow any animals. (ごめんなさい、ここは動物禁止なんです)。 参考までに!
  • Are dogs allowed here?

  • Is it ok to bring my dogs here?

  • Is this cafe dog friendly?

Some restaurant or cafes do not let pets/dogs in as they serve food to let something happen also means to 'allow' so you might ask 'are dogs allowed here?' you could also say 'is it ok to bring my dogs here?' this is asking if what you would like to do is possible Dog friendly means that dogs are allowed and welcomed in
料理を出すレストランやカフェには、ペット不可のところがあります。許可することを、Some  'allow'と言い、 'are dogs allowed here?'(犬は大丈夫ですか?)と聞くことができます。 また、 'is it ok to bring my dogs here?'(ここに犬を連れてきても大丈夫ですか?)と聞くこともできます。 Dog friendlyとは、犬の同伴可能という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • are pets allowed in this establishment?

  • can I bring my dog in here with me?

  • are dogs permitted in this cafe?

when trying to ask if you can bring a dog into a cafe, one can say something along the lines of "are pets allowed in this area?" or "are dogs permitted here?". By using words like "allowed" and "permitted", this shows that you are asking permission about something before doing it.
カフェに犬を同伴してもいいか確認するなら、次のように言えます。 "are pets allowed in this area?"(ここはペット可ですか) "are dogs permitted here?"(ここは犬を連れてきても大丈夫ですか) "allowed" や "permitted" は、相手に許可を求めるときに使われます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Is it okay if my dog comes in?

  • Do you allow dogs in here?

  • Is this a dog friendly cafe?

Dog friendly' refers to an establishment allowing dogs to be in the premises without any problems. By asking if a cafe is dog friendly, you will know immediately if they will allow your dog to enter. Many establishments do not allow dogs unless they are guide dogs.
Dog friendly' は犬の同伴を認めている施設を表します。 'Is this a dog friendly cafe?'(カフェに犬を同伴できますか)と聞けば、すぐに、店内に犬を同伴できるかどうかが分かります。 多くの施設では盲導犬でない限り同伴を認めていません。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Is it alright if my dogs come in?

  • Are dogs allowed inside?

  • Is this cafe dog-friendly?

At a cafe, you want to ask the staff if it's OK if you bring your dogs with you into the cafe. The suggestions above may be appropriate to this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is this cafe pet-friendly?

  • Am I allowed to bring my dogs inside?

  • Are pets allowed inside?

Some restaurants allow pets and have a separate room for your pet whilst others are strictly a no animal zone. Pet owners can sit and enjoy a meal knowing that their pets are safe and taken care of. pet-friendly: allowing pets, welcomes pets accommodate pets "Hi, is this restaurant pet-friendly?" "Hi, do you allow pets here?"
レストランによってペット可のところと不可のところがありますね。店によってペット用の部屋を設けているところもあります。 飼い主は店にペットを預けて食事を楽しむことができます。 pet-friendly: ペット可の、ペットを同伴できる "Hi, is this restaurant pet-friendly?"(このレストランはペット可ですか) "Hi, do you allow pets here?"(ここはペット可ですか)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, can I have my dogs with me in the cafe?

In polite English conversation, especially in public places, you would always start your inquiry with a polite phrase such as "Excuse me," "I was wondering if," "Could you please tell me if." This immediately sets the tone of the conversation for your inquiry. The majority of people will respond better with a polite introduction. The rest of your inquiry can be flexible, as you only need to make it clearly to the member of staff from the cafe, that you would like your dogs to join you, whilst you have a drink and/or something to eat. You may see a sign that says, "Only guide dogs allowed," in that case it probably would not be possible to take your dogs into that particular cafe. A “guide dog” is a dog which guides a blind person.
特に公共の場でする丁寧な会話では、質問は "Excuse me" "I was wondering if" "Could you please tell me if" などのフレーズで始めます。これで、相手に質問をする流れになります。丁寧に始めた方が、前向きな返答が返ってくることが多いです。 この後の質問は、いろいろな言い方ができます。「飲食をしている間、犬もカフェに入れたい」、これさえスタッフに伝わればオッケーです。 "Only guide dogs allowed"(盲導犬のみ入ることができます)という表示がどこかにあるかもしれません。その場合、たぶんそのカフェに犬を入れることはできません。“guide dog”とは盲導犬のことです。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • Do you allow pets?

  • Can I bring in my dog?

If the answer is 'no', you could ask: 'Is there a good place to tie him/her up?' You might say 'He is well-behaved. I'll keep him on a leash. He is harmless.' 'He will lick you to death.' = a funny ironic description of a sweet friendly animal who would never bite, only lick affectionately.
もし答えが 'no' なら、'Is there a good place to tie him/her up?'(どこかつないでおける場所はありますか)と尋ねることもできます。 あるいは: 'He is well-behaved. I'll keep him on a leash. He is harmless.'(彼は行儀がいいです。リードにつないでおくので安全です) 'He will lick you to death.' = 絶対にかまない(ただなめるだけの)人懐こい動物を表すユーモラスな言い方です。
Aaron CC DMM英会話講師
  • Can dogs come in here?

  • Am I ok to bring my dog in here please?

Both above would be the most simple way of asking if it's OK to bring a dog into the cafe with you.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Are dogs allowed in the cafe?

  • May I bring my dog into the cafe?

These two questions are both used to ask about or seek permission to bring a dog into a cafe. They can be used when asking about a restaurant, shop, supermarket, etc. Then you would ask, "Are dogs allowed in the restaurant?" "May I bring my dog into the shop?" It is always polite to ask before bringing a dog into a place where food is served or where goods are sold, as it may make some people uncomfortable.
どちらも、犬をカフェに入れることができるか確認するときの言い方です。 これらはレストランやお店、スーパーマーケットについて尋ねるときにも使えます。 例えば: "Are dogs allowed in the restaurant?"(レストランに犬を入れることはできますか) "May I bring my dog into the shop?"(お店に犬を入れてもいいですか) 食べ物が出されるところや商品が売られているところに犬を入れるときには事前に確認をするのが礼儀です。快く思わない人もいますからね。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Can I bring my pet in here.?

  • Are pets allowed in here?

Using Can I, is way of asking permission. It is a way of finding out if there are any prohibitions.
Can I' は、許可を求めるときの表現です。それが許されているかどうかを確認します。
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • Is it ok to bring my dog in here?

  • Are dogs allowed in here?

  • Do you allow dogs inside?

Often when eating in a place like a cafe or a restaurant, animals are not allowed. However, sometimes, if you ask the staff for example, "is it ok to bring my dog inside?" they may say yes, depending on the situation.
カフェやレストランでは、動物の同伴は認められていないことが多いです。ただ、"Is it ok to bring my dog inside?"(【店員に対して】犬を中に入れてもいいですか)のような聞き方をすると、状況によってオッケーしてくれることがあります。
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • Are dogs allowed in here?

  • Are you dog friendly?

  • Can I bring my dog in?

You can ask outright to bring your dog into a cafe. The term that is used to find out if a cafe or shop will let you bring your dog in is: "Dog Friendly". This indicates you can take your dog in with no problem. Quite often there will be a sign on the front door to indicate "Dog Friendly".
単刀直入に「カフェに犬を同伴できますか」と尋ねることができます(例3)。 カフェや店に犬を同伴できるか確認するときには "Dog Friendly" という語も使われます。これは「犬を同伴することができる」という意味です。 表の扉に "Dog Friendly" を表す表示があることも多いです。
Daviid M DMM英会話講師
  • Are dogs allowed in here?

  • Is it ok if I bring my dogs inside, or do we have to sit outside?

In California, so many people go everywhere with their "service dogs", so a lot of cafes want to allow them to come in. You can ask: "Are dogs allowed in here?" But, some cafes only allow customers to bring certified "service dogs" into their outdoor seating area like a front or back patio. In this case, you may ask: "Is it ok if I bring my dogs inside, or do we have to sit outside in the patio?"
カリフォルニアには補助犬(service dogs)を利用している人がたくさんいるので、同伴が認められていることが多いです。 次のように言えます。 "Are dogs allowed in here?" (ここには犬を連れてきても大丈夫ですか) カフェによってテラス席など屋外スペースにのみ補助犬の同伴を認めているところもあります。 この場合次のように聞けます。 "Is it ok if I bring my dogs inside, or do we have to sit outside in the patio?"(犬は店内に同伴できますか、それともテラス席だけですか)
Robert D DMM英会話講師
  • Are dogs allowed?

  • Can I bring in my dog?

When you want to ask if you can bring a dog into a cafe or any other place, you ask these two questions: 1) Are dogs allowed? more casual way to ask by removing the "here" but it still makes sense. or 2) Can I bring in my dog?
カフェあるいはその他の場所に犬を同伴できるか確認するなら、次のように言えます。 1) Are dogs allowed?(犬は同伴できますか) → "here" を省略したカジュアルな言い方ですが、これでも伝わります。 2) Can I bring in my dog?(犬を同伴できますか)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Are dogs allowed here?

  • Can I bring my dogs here?

1) Are dogs allowed here? 「ここは犬(を連れてきても)大丈夫ですか」 「Allow」は「許す」や「許可する」の意味ですが、硬いニュアンスはありません。よく使う言い方です。 2)Can I bring my dogs here? 「ここは犬を連れてきてもいいですか」 質問の直訳です。また、「Are pets allowed」、「Can I bring pets here」もよく使われています。
Anna D DMM英会話翻訳パートナー
  • Are dogs allowed here?

  • Can I bring my dog here?

  • Is it okay to bring my dog here?

Here are three different ways that we can explain if a place is dog-friendly but there are many ways in which we can ask this question so play around with what feels comfortable for you. Notice how we can use the verbs, "to bring," when talking about the topic from the "I," point of view. If you look at it from the view-point of the dogs as the subject, then you can use the verb, "to allow."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Is it alright if I bring my dog with me?

  • Does this cafe allow dogs?

A cafe is a place that serves food and beverages. Due to hygiene reasons some cafes will not allow dogs to come inside. Cafe's are also places that are very social and a lot of people like dogs, generally if a cafe has an outdoor seating area, it will be acceptable to have your dog in that area as long as it's tied up and behaving itself.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Is this a dog friendly cafe?

  • Am I allowed to bring my dog here?

  • Would it be possible to bring my dog in here please?

When we use the term 'friendly' this can mean that are we allowed to bring in whatever it is. If you are going to a dog friendly cafe, it simply means you can bring in dogs. -Is this a dog friendly cafe? -Am I allowed to bring my dog here? -Would it be possible to bring my dog in here please?
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
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