This is the exact same product、but in a different color.
This is the exact same product、but in a different color.
It’s the exact same thing but in a different design.
(全く同じものですか, デザインだけが違います)。
It’s the exact same thing, but in a different color.
(全く同じものですか, 色だけが違います)。
It’s the exact same thing, but in a different size.
(全く同じものですか, サイズだけが違います)。
These are the same products, just in different color. (size, pattern)
These are the same products, just in different color. (size, pattern)
product は「商品」ですが若干硬いので、会話ではclothes, skirt,s shirts, shoes, bed sheets, pillow casesなどなど具体的な商品名を言う方が多いと思います。
This product is a different color but otherwise it's identical.
This product is a different size but otherwise it's identical.
This product has a different pattern but otherwise it's identical.
This product is a different color but otherwise it's identical.
This product is a different size but otherwise it's identical.
This product has a different pattern but otherwise it's identical.