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なんか食べ足りないなぁ って英語でなんて言うの?

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2018/10/30 12:43
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  • I know we just ate, but I'm still peckish.

  • Even after eating, my stomach is still growling!

"I know we just ate, but I'm still peckish" In this sentence you're expressing to your friends or people you're with, that you're still hungry after eating. The word "peckish"is an adjective that means "hungry". "Even after eating, my stomach is still growling!" In this expression, you are stating that your stomach is as hungry as a wild animal, and that's why it's growling like one. Animals tend to growl when they're hungry.
"I know we just ate, but I'm still peckish"(食べたばかりだけど、まだお腹がすいている) この文では、友達あるいは一緒にいる人に、食べたばかりだけどまだお腹がすいていると伝えています。"peckish" は "hungry"(空腹で)の意味の形容詞です。 "Even after eating, my stomach is still growling!"(食べたばかりだけど、まだお腹が鳴っている) この文では、野生の動物のようにお腹がすいていると伝えています。"growl" は「(動物が)うなる」という意味です。動物はお腹がすくとよく "growl" します。
Ruben DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still hungry.

I'm still hungry. 「まだお腹減ってる」 食事後に食べ足りないときによく言います。 Did you get to eat? 「もう食べた?」 Yeah, I just ate. But I'm still hungry. 「うん、食べたばかりだよ。でもまだお腹減ってるけどね」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I still have some room for more food.

  • I am not completely full, I think I could go for more,

I still have some room for more food. - This sentence can be used to describe the amount of space you have left in your stomach. This sentence also expressed your hunger for more, until there is no more room in your stomach for food. I am not completely full, I think I could go for more. - This sentence can be used to express the status of your appetite. "I think I could go for more" expresses the decision you are making for having the hunger to eat more food even though you just ate.
I still have some room for more food.(まだ少し食べられる) これは胃袋のスペースについて表しています。「胃袋にまだスペースがあって食べることができる」という意味です。 I am not completely full, I think I could go for more.(まだ満腹ではありません、もう少し食べられると思う) この文は食欲の程度を表します。"I think I could go for more" は、満腹でないために何をするのかを伝えています。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • I am not full yet!

  • I didn't have enough to eat!

  • I still feel a bit hollow!

All of these are good examples that can be used to describe that you did not have enough food to eat and that you still feel hungry. I am not full yet! "not full" - I still have space in my stomach/tummy to eat more I didn't have enough to eat! "enough" - I still feel hungry I still feel a bit hollow! "hollow" - an empty spot in my tummy/stomach
3例とも、まだ食べ足りずお腹がすいていることを伝えたいときに使うことができます。 I am not full yet!(まだ満腹ではありません) "not full" - まだお腹に食べ物が入る、ということ。 I didn't have enough to eat!(量が少なかった) "enough" - まだお腹がすいている、ということ。 I still feel a bit hollow!(まだ少しお腹がすいています) "hollow" - 空腹
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still not full.

  • I can still go for some food.

ご質問ありがとうございます! I'm still not full→「まだ満腹ではない」という言い方です。 また、他には”I can still go for some food”だと「私はまだもう少し食べれる」という言い回しもよくカジュアルなシーンでは使います。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I'm not full.

  • That serving was not filling.

  • I'd like another serving, I'm still hungry.

If you are still hungry after eating it means that you are not full, you are not completely satisfied and you need more food. To express this, use the sentences above. "Can I have more food mom? I'm still hungry! That meal was not filling." "I'm still hungry, I'm ordering another pizza." Not filling: when something does not make you full, you still need more after eating it.
食事をした後まだ何かを食べたいなら、それは 'not full'(満腹でない)ということ。食欲が完全には満たされていないわけです。 これを表すなら、上記の文が使えます。 "Can I have more food mom? I'm still hungry! That meal was not filling."(お母さん、もう少し食べてもいい。まだ何か食べたい。ご飯が足りなかった) "I'm still hungry, I'm ordering another pizza."(まだ何か食べたいから、ピザをもう一枚注文します) Not filling: 満腹にならないとき、食べ終わってまだ食べたいとき
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I just ate, but I'm still quite hungry.

  • I'm still hungry even though I ate earlier.

  • I am still quite hungry.

if you have already eaten but do not feel full or satisfied, you may simply say something like "i have already eaten however i am still hungry." or 'I am hungry even though i ate earlier." The word "still" in these sentences makes the other party aware of the fact that you are CURRENTLY hungry.
「食べたけどまだ食べ足りない」なら、シンプルに次のように言えます。 "I have already eaten however I am still hungry."(もう食べましたが、まだ食べ足りないです) 'I am hungry even though I ate earlier."(もう食べたのに、お腹がすいています) これらの文の "still" は、「今」お腹がすいていることを表します。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still kind of hungry

  • I'm still not full

Depending on how hungry you are before you eat a meal then you might feel hungry after eating as you maybe haven't had enough food or is hasn't had chance to get into yoour belly properly yet 'I'm still kind of hungry' or 'I'm still not full' would explain this
食べる量が少なかったり食べたものがまだ胃に届いていないと、食事をした後でも空腹を感じることがあるかもしれません。 'I'm still kind of hungry'(まだちょっとお腹がすいている)または 'I'm still not full'(まだ満腹じゃない)は、これについて説明します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not full yet.

  • I could eat more.

  • I'm still a bit hungry.

"I could eat more." can be said if your might have just eaten and are still hungry.
"I could eat more."(もっと食べることができる。)は、ちょうど食べたところだけど、まだお腹が空いているときに使うことのできるフレーズです。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still hungry.

  • I'm not full yet.

You can simply say "I'm still hungry," which is a way to explain that you want to eat more and your hunger was not satisfied. Another way to say that you didn't eat enough is by saying "I'm not full yet." When someone has eaten enough and they're satisfied, they usually say "I'm full", so to say that you have not eaten enough to be satisfied, you say "I'm not full yet." These expressions are both used often, and it usually happens when you have a snack or small amount of food as opposed to a large meal.
シンプルに "I'm still hungry." (まだお腹が空いている。)と言うことができます。これは、まだ食べたくて、お腹が満たされていないことを表します。   別の言い方は、"I'm not full yet."(まだお腹がいっぱいではない。)です。十分食べて、お腹が満たされていることを  "I'm full",と言い、逆に満たされていないことを "I'm not full yet."と言います。 これらの表現はどちらもよく使われ、しっかりとした食事ではなくて、スナックや軽食を食べたときによくあることです。  
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • Although I just had something to eat, I still feel hungry

  • Despite just having taken a bite to eat, I'm still hungry

You just ate something but still feel hungry. You wish to explain how you feel. The above suggestions are adequate for this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still hungry.

  • I'm not full yet!

簡単な言い方を2つご紹介します。 I'm still hungry.(まだお腹空いてる) I’m not full yet!(まだお腹一杯じゃない) still もyetもまだという意味。 ・still まだ、いまだに、相変わらずという意味で、以前の状態が続いている 変わっていない状況を表すときに使われます。 I'm still hungry.=(ご飯食べたのにも関わらずいまだに)私はまだお腹が空いてる ・yetは疑問文の場合はもう、否定文の場合はまだという意味です。ある時点で達成されているのが当然であるというニュアンスも含んでいます。少しネガティブな意味もあります。 I'm not full yet!=(ご飯食べてお腹いっぱいのはずなのに)まだお腹一杯じゃない 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
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