If my blood is acceptable, I'll give you as much as you want.
If my blood is OK, I'll give you plenty of it.
If you're willing to accept blood from me, I'll give you as much as you need.
「いくらでも」と言ったら寛大すぎるでしょう。(笑)英語で「as much as you want」「plenty of it」「a limitless amount」など言えます。
「if you're willing to」とは「~をしても構わないなら」という意味です。
"If my blood can help, I’ll give as much as needed."
- "If my blood can help, I’ll give as much as needed."
- "I’m happy to donate my blood as often as needed."
- "If my blood can save lives, I’ll give it regularly."
- "I regularly donate blood because I want to help others."
- "If my blood can help, I’ll give as much as needed."
- blood: 血
- donate: 寄付する、提供する
- help: 助ける
- as much as needed: 必要なだけ
- regularly: 定期的に
- save lives: 命を救う
If they're okay using my blood, I'll give them as much as I can.
ーIf they're okay using my blood, I'll give them as much as I can.
献血では好きなだけあげれるわけではないので、I'll give them as much as I can.「あげれるだけあげる」と言うと良いでしょう。