Japanese elementary school students raise their hand while they walk across crosswalks.
Elementary school students in Japan raise their hand while they walk across crosswalks.
「Japanese elementary school students」日本の小学生
「Elementary school students in Japan」日本にいる小学生
「raise their hand」手を上げる
「walk across」渡ります
Elementary school students in Japan are taught to raise their hand when crossing at a crosswalk
少し違う言い方かもしれないですが、"Elementary school students in Japan are taught to raise their hand when crossing at a crosswalk." という英文も言える。日本の習慣を話ときこの文章を使えると思う。英文は日本語に翻訳すれば、「日本で小学生は横断歩道を渡るとき、手を挙げるように教えられます。」