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2016/03/24 00:37
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  • ① This car is an eight-seater.

  • ② This car can hold eight people.

いろいろな言い方ができると思います。 二つの英訳例を文字通りに訳すと以下のようになります。 This car is an eight-seater.→この車は8人乗りです。 This car can hold eight people.→この車には8人乗車できます。 「数字 + -seater」で「~人乗りの乗り物」となります。 「hold」は「(建物などが)(人・物などを)収容[収納]できる」(ランダムハウス英和大辞典)という意味です。 また②については、「(最大で)~まで」という意味の「up to ~」を使って This car can hold up to eight people.→この車は8人まで乗車可能です。 とすることもできます。 一例としてご参考ください。 どうもありがとうございました。
  • This car is big enough for eight people.

  • It's an eight-seater car.

  • Eight people will fit in my car.

If it's for a spec sheet then "It's an eight seater car" is best. But if just talking to friends etc. then the other two are good. :)
スペックシートの場合は、It's an eight seater car. というのがいちばんです。しかし友人に話しかけているだけなら、他の2つがよく使えます。
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • This is an eight-seater.

  • My car can carry eight passengers.

This is an eight-seater This implies that there is space for eight people in the car ______________________________________________________ Example A: Will we be able to fit in your car? B: Yes. This is an eight-seater
この車は8人乗りです。 8人乗れる車という意味を含む。 例文: A. 私達も乗れるかな? B. 乗れるよ、この車は8人乗りだよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • This car can accommodate 8 people.

accommodateは「収容する」の意味です。 ややフォーマルな響きがする表現ですが、これも使えます。 ご参考までに<m(__)m>
  • This is an 8-passenger vehicle.

  • This (vehicle/car/van/sedan) is good for/up to 8 passengers.

1番目は「これは8人乗りの車(車両)です」という意味です。 2番目は「これは8人用(forの時)/8人まで(up toの時)いけます(いける車両・車・バン・セダン)です。 2番は詳細に説明したい場合に使えますね。 vehicle = car と思って頂いても大丈夫なんですが、チョット事務的でもあり文語用語的でもありますので状況によって使い分けてみて下さいね。 お役にたてば幸いです☆
  • This car takes 7 passengers

  • Ther's room in my car for 8 people.

  • Eight people can fit in my car

Any of these expressions 'fits the bill'. 'Fits the bill' means: 'Is appropriate'.
fits the billは、適している、適切だ。という意味で、上記の表現はどれも、Fits the billです!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have an eight-seater car.

  • I can take 7 people with me in my car.

  • The van can carry 8 people.

"I have an eight-seater car." is a very common way to explain the number of seats that a car has, which does include the driver seat. "I can take 7 people with me in my car." is a great way to be specific that you are driving the car and although there are 8 seats in the car, you can take 7 passengers. A common word for a large car that has a big sliding door and can usually carry more than 5 people is called a 'van'. So the expression - "The van can carry 8 people." is a good one to use if this is the type of vehicle that you are referring to.
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • Eight people can easily fit in my car.

  • My car can take eight people, no problem.

  • It is no problem at all, my car can take eight people.

Eight people can easily fit in my car. My car can take eight people, no problem. It is no problem at all, my car can take eight people. When you want to let someone know that your car can take eight people with ease, then you can use one of these three sentences. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Eight people can fit comfortably in my car.

  • My car is an 8-seater.

1. Eight people can fit comfortably in my car. If eight people can fit comfortably in your car then it means that your vehicle is designed to hold 8 passengers. 2. My car is an 8-seater. An 8-seater car is a vehicle that has seats for 8 people. Other examples: My car is a 6-seater. He bought himself a 2-seater convertible.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • This car has room for eight people.

  • Eight people can sit in this car.

  • This car seats eight.

There are many ways to say that in English. I generally say the first example, "This car has room for eight" which emphasizes the amount of space the car has. But depending on the country this might not be the best option as some people will say "There's room for eight" when there are only five seats. This would answer your question if you are referring to space or fitting instead of actual seats. The other two examples are more precise in that there are eight seats specifically involved, with eight seat belts. For precision purposes those other two examples are more recommended. In an informal setting, the first option is recommended.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • The car can fit 8 people.

  • The car seats 8 people.

  • This car is an 8 seater.

Here are three different phrases that we can use and are all very similar to each other. Notice in the first two examples, we are changing the verbs from, "to fit," to, "to seat," as these can be used interchangeably. The last example is using the noun, "seater," to describe the number of seats in the car.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I can only fit 8 people in my car.

  • My car can only seat 8 people in it.

If you would like to explain to someone that your car can only fit 8 people in it, you can say something along the lines of "I can only fit 8 people in my car." or "My car can only seat 8 people in it.". These are some ways that you can express this to someone easily.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • The maximum seating capacity

  • The maximum seating capacity is 8 passengers. Any more would be overcrowding!

There are strict laws in the western world for the maximum seating capacity (for a vehicle...) Usually this can be easily calculated by the number of seats (and seat belts!) However In 3rd world countries these rules are openly "flaunted" and broken, And it is not unusual to see a car or van with more than TWICE the legal load limit! These are NOT applying "the maximum load/seating capacity regulations.
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My car takes 8 people including the driver.

  • My car has the capacity for 8 people.

  • My car seats 7 passengers, that is, 8 people including the driver.

If your car 'seats' 8 people, my guess is that the driver is included. What this means is that your car has the 'capacity' for 8 people, including the driver, yourself. The noun 'capacity' in this context, means the maximum number of people that the car can carry, including yourself, the driver. However, if the driver is excluded, the car 'seats' seven passengers. The verb to 'seat', in the context it has been used in the third statement means 'to have enough seats for the stated number of people, 7 passengers excluding the driver, but, 8 people when the driver is included. So, you may say: My car takes 8 people including the driver. or My car has the capacity for 8 people. or My car seats 7 passengers, that is, 8 people including the driver.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My car is an eight-seater.

  • I have a eight seat people mover.

These expressions both convey to the listener that you possess a car that is able to take 8 people in it. Vehicles that are able to take many people are also known as people movers.
Steve Tr DMM英会話講師
  • It is an eight-seater.

  • This is an eight passenger car.

We always use '___-seater' when describing the amount of people that fit in a vehicle. Examples: It is a 24 seater bus. It is a five-seater with three doors. 'Eight-seater' - It seats eight people
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • My car has 8 seats.

A car that has 8 seats is quite a large vehicle, this may be a mini van. Here is an example of a dialogue: We need help for transporting the team to and from their baseball game this weekend. I can help, my car has 8 seats, so I can take 8 people including myself.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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