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食べ放題前などに意気込んで何も食べないで行くと あれ?全然食べられない、なんで?朝から何も食べてないのに! みたいな時があります。
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2018/11/10 10:06
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  • After a certain point, I am no longer hungry.

"After a certain point, I am no longer hungry." This is saying after a certain moment or point in time you are no longer hungry and the hunger has passed.
例文 "After a certain point, I am no longer hungry." (ある時点を過ぎると空腹を感じなくなる) ある時点を過ぎると空腹を感じなくなると言っています。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • If you pass the peak of hungriness, your appetite will go away

  • If you pass the peak of hungriness, you'll lose your appetite

言葉: 空腹 --> "hunger"ですが今回"hungriness"に翻訳できます ピーク--> "peak" 食欲--> "appetite" 過ぎる--> "to pass/exceed" 文法 「逆になることがある」を翻訳すると-->"your appetite will become reversed"という表現になるけどちょっと不自然な言い方です”だから"your appetite will go away"か"lose your appetite"になります。「食欲がなくなる」みたいな言い方です。 「すると」 If A then B 「寿司を食べると必ず嬉しいです。」 If I eat sushi, I'll definitely be happy. 翻訳:「空腹のピークが過ぎると、逆に食欲がなることがある。」 "If you pass the peak of hungriness, your appetite will go away." "If you pass the peak of hungriness, you'll lose your appetite."
  • Sometimes I get so hungry that I lose my appetite.

The phrasal verb "to get hungry" is very common because it talks about the process of becoming more and more hungry. "Appetite" is the desire to eat. I hope that this helps. :)
句動詞 "to get hungry" はよく使われます。これは、お腹が空くプロセスを表します。 "appetite" は食欲という意味です。 お役に立てると幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes i get so hungry i lose my appetite

  • If i get too hungry my appetite goes away

When you get so hungry sometimes you then go past feeling hungry and have no appetite your appetite means what you would like to eat as you are hungry
お腹が空きすぎると、空腹を通り越して、逆に食欲がなくなることがあります。 appetite とは、食欲という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Once you pass the peak of hungriness, you lose your appetite.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Once you pass the peak of hungriness, you lose your appetite. 「いったん空腹のピークを過ぎると、食欲は失う」 hungriness「空腹」 lose「失う」 appetite「食欲」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • "I've been starving for so long, I now seem to have lost my appetite."

  • "I was so hungry, I lost my appetite."

"I've been starving for so long, I now seem to have lost my appetite." This example sentence explains to your reader/listener exactly what you are feeling but there is an element of shock or surprise about the fact that your appetite is now gone seeing as you have been hungry for quite some time now. "I was so hungry, I lost my appetite." This sentence is used to explain a breaking point of sorts. Being so hungry that you lose your appetite is a contradiction but also an interesting idea to put forward to someone in conversation. Overall an interesting idea to try and express in words and a good conversation starter I believe :)
"I've been starving for so long, I now seem to have lost my appetite." (ずっとお腹が空いていたけど、今は食欲がなくなったみたいです。) これは、相手に自分の今の気分を伝え、ずっとお腹が空いていたのに今は食欲がなくなったことにびっくりしている様子を表しています。   "I was so hungry, I lost my appetite." (ものすごくお腹が空いていたけど、食欲がなくなった。) これは、極限にまで達したことを表しています。お腹が空き過ぎて、食欲を失くすのは、矛盾していますが会話を進めるのにおもしろいアイディアとなるでしょう。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes I get so hungry that I lose my appetite

  • Sometimes my appetite grows so much that I stop feeling hungry

"Sometimes I get so hungry that I lose my appetite". In English grammar, hunger is a state of feeling. Therefore, people say that "I am hungry", "I feel hungry" or "I don't feel hungry any more". However, appetite is a noun and something that people have. For this reason, we say "I have a large appetite" or "Sometimes I lose my appetite". "Sometimes my appetite grows so much that I stop feeling hungry". Saying that your "appetite is growing" is another way of saying that that you are getting more hungry. Therefore, "my appetite grows so much" = "I get really hungry"
"Sometimes I get so hungry that I lose my appetite" (たまにお腹が空き過ぎて、食欲を失くすことがある。) 英語の文法では、 hungerは感情を表す言葉です。ですので、 "I am hungry"(お腹がすいた), "I feel hungry" (お腹がすいた)"I don't feel hungry any more"(もうお腹がすいていない)のように言います。しかし、appetiteは名詞です。このため、 "I have a large appetite"(すごく食欲がある) や "Sometimes I lose my appetite"(たまに食欲を失くす)のように使います。   "Sometimes my appetite grows so much that I stop feeling hungry" (たまに食欲がわき過ぎて、お腹が空かなくなる) "appetite is growing"とは、もっとお腹が空くという意味です。 "my appetite grows so much" = "I get really hungry"(とてもお腹が減る)という意味です。
Ross H DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes, I can get so hungry, but there comes a point when my appetite just disappears.

Being "hungry" is the feeling associated in wanting to eat some food. Your "appetite" can be measured as "good" or "bad." This is because somebody who has a "good appetite" will eat well, sometimes to excess; whereas, somebody with a "bad appetite" will not eat well, even though they might be very hungry. "Disappears" means that something or somebody has vanished, gone, or is no more. In the context of you being hungry, your appetite was no longer present in your life at a certain moment in time. You basically don't feel hungry anymore, your appetite has gone, even though previously, your hunger was intense.
"hungry" は食べ物を食べたい気持ちを表します。 "appetite"(食欲)は "good" や "bad" で形容できます。 "good appetite" は、食欲があって、あるいは食べ過ぎてしまう時をいいます。 "bad appetite" は、(あるいはお腹はすいているけど)食欲がない時をいいます。 "disappears" は「消える/姿を消す」という意味です。ここでは、"appetite"(食欲)がなくなることを表しています。お腹がすいていたのに、それを感じなくなったこと、食欲がなくなったことを表します。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • I'm passed being hungry now - I've waited so long!

  • I was starving an hour ago - but now my hunger has abated

  • I got so used to being hungry a while ago, I'm not hungry anymore!

Sometimes, when you pass the peak of hunger, your appetite goes away. You can explain this point by trying one of the above suggested statements. Of course, in this case, there is an underlying criticism of the situation. Nobody wants to feel hungry for an extended period of time.
「空腹のピークが過ぎると、逆に食欲がなることがある」。これは上記の例どれか一つを使うことで説明できます。 もちろんこの場合、現状に対する不満があります。長時間空腹でいたい人はいませんよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes I feel so hungry that I lose my appetite

  • If I get too hungry my appetite goes away

Your example is a good one and you could use it in the conversation too, although, I put two more possible options to say.
あなたの考えた文は正しいです、会話で使うこともできます。 ここでは、他の言い方を二つご紹介しています。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sometimes hungry for so long that my appetite eventually goes away.

  • Sometimes you can stay hungry long enough that you forget about it.

  • If I don't eat when I'm hungry, my appetite will eventually go away.

You can say "I'm sometimes hungry for so long that my appetite eventually goes away.", "Sometimes you can stay hungry long enough that you forget about it.", or "I'm sometimes hungry for so long that my appetite eventually goes away." Each example is saying basically the same thing, and each refers to a situation in which you were either unable to eat when you were hungry (such as when you are waiting for a break at work) or when you chose not to eat because of fasting or some other reason to deprive yourself of food.
次のように言えます。 "I'm sometimes hungry for so long that my appetite eventually goes away." (空腹が長く続くと、最終的に食欲がなくなることがある) "Sometimes you can stay hungry long enough that you forget about it." (空腹が長く続くと、お腹がすいていることを忘れてしまうことがある) "If I don't eat when I'm hungry, my appetite will eventually go away." (お腹がすいているときに食べないと、最終的に食欲がなくなる) 言っていることはどれも基本的に同じです。お腹がすいているのに(仕事中などで)食べられなかったときや、絶食などで意識的に食べなかったときなど自分の経験について言っています。
Jessika DMM英会話講師
  • When I get get too hungry, eventually my appetite disappears.

  • My appetite leaves if I go too long without eating.

  • I lose my appetite once I feel hungry too long.

If we wait too long to eat then usually we will lose our appetite. Eventually- after some long delay, at the end Appetite: the desire to eat "I have waited three hours to eat, I have lost my appetite now."
空腹が長く続くと、食欲がなくなってしまうことが多いですね。 Eventually- 最終的に、最後には Appetite: 食欲 "I have waited three hours to eat, I have lost my appetite now." (もう3時間も食事を待っています、食欲がなくなりました)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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