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2018/11/10 22:23
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  • paint

  • coloring materials

  • colors

ご質問どうもありがとうございました。 下記の言い方ではいかがでしょうか。 「paint」そのまま絵の具 「coloring materials」こちらは絵描くための物質 例文 「Blend the red paint with the blue paint.」赤い絵の具に青い絵の具を混ぜない。 「Blend」混ぜる 「red paint」赤い絵の具 「with」に 「blue paint」青い絵の具 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • paint

こんにちは。 絵の具は「paint」や「color」といいます。 油絵用の油彩絵の具は「oil colors」、水彩絵の具は「watercolors」と呼び分けることもあるようです。 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • paint

  • art paint

  • different color paint

I would like to paint a painting with this paint. paint: noun paint: verb (to make/draw the picture with the paint) painting:: picture
I would like to paint a painting with this paint. (この絵の具で絵を描きたい。)   paint: 絵の具(名詞) paint: 絵を描く(動詞) painting:絵
Esmeralda DMM英会話講師
  • Paint

  • Tubes of paint

No matter what the paint is in, we still simply refer to it as 'paint'. This form can be used for both singular and plural, but you can also use 'paints' for plural form. If you feel the need to mention the containment (holder of) the paint, then we would call this a 'tube'. Tubes are especially used for liquids, gels or other substances that can flow out or be squeezed out. Here are some example sentences: 1) "Can you bring me some tubes of yellow paint?" 2) "I put the paint on my desk. Feel free to use any color you want." 3) "Johnny just bought some new paints for his art class."
入れ物が何かに関わらず、絵の具は英語で 'paint' といいます。単数形の 'paint' で複数の絵の具を指すこともできますが、複数形の 'paints' も使われます。 入れ物について言いたいなら、これは 'tube'(チューブ)といいます。'tube' は、液体・ジェルなど、押し出すことができたり流れ出るものの容器に使われます。 以下、例文です。 1) "Can you bring me some tubes of yellow paint?"(黄色の絵の具を何個か持ってきてくれる?) 2) "I put the paint on my desk. Feel free to use any color you want."(私の机の上に絵の具が置いてあるから、どの色でも自由に使って) 3) "Johnny just bought some new paints for his art class."(ジョニーは美術の授業のために新しく絵の具を買った)
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • a tube of paint

  • paint

The type of container that is seen here is called a tube. To describe that fact that it contains paint, we would call it a tube of paint. For example: Could you please pass me the blue tube of paint? If you want to talk about the liquid itself, it is paint. For example: I need to buy more green paint to finish my painting. I hope that this helps. :)
この「入れ物」のことは 'a tube'(チューブ)といいます。これに絵の具が入っているなら、'a tube of paint'(チューブ入りの絵の具)です。 例えば: Could you please pass me the blue tube of paint?(青の絵の具を取ってもらえますか) 「絵の具」自体は 'paint' といいます。 例えば: I need to buy more green paint to finish my painting.(絵を完成させるためにもう少し緑の絵の具を買ってこないといけない)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Paints

  • Art materials

  • Colors

1. I bought a new paint so that I can draw more. 2. I can't find my art materials or colors, I need it to draw more today. 3. I love painting using my new art materials or colors.I bought some good quality art materials or colors for better results. Explanation: Art materials or colors are refered to materials used for painting, and they always are purchased in sets. Some of them are oild based and some are water based to ensure good quality effects.
1. I bought a new paint so that I can draw more. (新しい絵の具を買ったので、もっと描くことができる。) 2. I can't find my art materials or colors, I need it to draw more today. (画材も絵の具も見つからない。今日もっと描くのに必要なのに。) 3. I love painting using my new art materials or colors.I bought some good quality art materials or colors for better results. (新しい画材や絵の具を使って絵を描くのが大好きだ。いい絵が描けるようにいい質の画材と絵の具を買ったんだ。) Art materials or colorsは、絵を描くのに使う画材のことで、セットで購入できます。オイルベースのものもあれば、ウォーターベースのものもあります。
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • Tubes of paint

  • Artist tubes of paint

People who like to paint pictures will be familiar with the tools of their trade. Apart from paint brushes and a palette, a key necessity is the paint itself - which sometimes comes in a tube. Typical paints using tubes are:oil paints and acrylic paints. Eg "I went into the city to buy some tubes of paint this morning." Eg."Could you please get me a tube of burnt sienna oil paint in the artist shop?"
絵を描くのが好きな人はその業界の道具に詳しいことでしょう。ペイントブラシやパレットはさておき、カギとなる必需品はチューブのものもある絵の具でしょう。 チューブに入っている典型的な絵の具は、油絵の具やアクリル絵の具です。 例: "I went into the city to buy some tubes of paint this morning." (午前中、チューブの絵の具を買いに街までいった。) "Could you please get me a tube of burnt sienna oil paint in the artist shop?" (画材屋で、チューブの赤茶色の油絵の具を買ってきてくれませんか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Tubes of paint

  • Paint

You have to press some paint from the paint tubes onto a palette to mix the correct colours for your painting. Oil paint and acrylic paint normally come in tubes.
Leren DMM英会話講師
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