I'm afraid because a stranger is shouting at me. Can you kick him out?
I'm afraid because a stranger is trying to talk to me. Can you get him away from me?
「知らない人が声をかけてくるので怖い」 という表現を英訳すると「I’m afraid because a stranger is shouting at me」または「I’m afraid because a stranger is trying to talk to me」になります。「Shouting」という言葉は「怒鳴る」のニュアンスがあります。「Trying to talk to me」という言葉は「私としゃべてみている」のニュアンスがあります。場合によると考えました。「追い払って貰えますか」という表現は「Can you kick him out?」または「Can you get him away from me?」になります。
1) Someone I don't know is approaching me, I'm scared. Could you please make them go away ?
2) I'm scared because a stranger is trying to talk to me. Could you please tell them to go away ?
声をかける:to talk to / to approach
1) & 2) "知らない人が声をかけてくるので怖い。追い払って貰えますか" という意味です.
知らない人 : Someone I don't know / A stranger.
声をかけてくる : is approaching me / is trying to talk to me. ( to approach : 近づく / 声をかける)
追い払って貰えますか : Could you please make them go away / Could you please tell them to go away.