It's not really a good idea to get involved with...
It's better not to get involved with...
"It's not really a good idea" 「あまりいい考えではない」と"It's better not to +動詞"「〜しないほうが良い」の表現を使ってみました。
"It's not really a good idea to get involved with strange people. "
"It's better not to get involved with strange people."
I think you shouldn’t get involved too much with weird people.
Don’t get involved with strange people even they talk to you.
I think you shouldn’t get involved too much with weird people.
should not =「すべきでない」を使った表現です。
weird は元々は「この世のものではない」「不気味な」「奇妙な」という意味なのですが、口語では「変な」「おかしな」という感覚でよく使います。
Don’t get involved with strange people even they talk to you.
strange people を strangers にすると「知らない人」という意味になり、言動や見た目が変な人でなくとも当てはまることになり、また変わってきます。