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すごく寒いのに雪は降っていないとき。 いつ雪が降っても不思議ではないくらいに 寒すぎるということを言いたいです。
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2018/11/18 09:10
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  • It's so cold that it would't be strange if it started snowing!

  • I wouldn't be suprised if it started snowing in this cold!

  • It's so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing.

  • I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing at the rate this temperature is dropping right now.

If it is really cold outside and you want to tell someone that you would not be surprised if it started snowing outside, you can say something like "It's so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing." or "I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing at the rate this temperature is dropping right now.".
外がすごく寒いときに「いつ雪が降り出してもおかしくはない」と言いたいということですね。 例えば、 "It's so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing."(いつ雪が降っても不思議でないくらい寒い) "I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing at the rate this temperature is dropping right now."(このまま気温が下がっていけば、いつ雪が降り出してもおかしくない) のような言い方ができます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I think its cold enough to snow.

  • It might start snowing soon because of the temperature.

  • Its chilly enough to snow.

Enough is a good word choice for this situation because it means that you've reached a threshold for something to happen."Chilly" is another word for "cold" and is used often when speaking English.
Enoughは、 あることが起こる発端にまでたどりついたことを意味する言葉なので、この場合ぴったりと言えるでしょう。 "Chilly"は、"cold"(寒い)の別の言葉で、よく使われます。
Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • It is so cold I'm surprised it's not snowing!

加筆です。 It is so cold I'm surprised it's not snowing! 寒すぎて雪が降ってないのが驚きだよ! 割とカジュアルなシーンで使われる言い回しです。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • It's too cold, I'd be surprised if it doesn't snow.

  • It's freezing cold , I'm surprised that it's not snowing.

It may be referred to as freezing cold. The wordfreezing(is a Metaphor) to describe how cold the weather is. A metaphor is using words as a symbol in order to describe something. It's freezing cold , yet surprisingly there's no snow.
freezing col(ものすごく寒い)と言うのがぴったりでしょう。freezingは、比喩表現で、とても寒いことを意味します。 metaphorとは、あることを表現するのに象徴する言葉のことです。  It's freezing cold , yet surprisingly there's no snow. (ものすごく寒いけれど、驚くことに雪は降っていない。)
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • It wouldn't shock me if it started snowing becasue its so cold.

  • It will come as no surprise if it started snowing because the weather is so cold.

If you want to express the fact that because the weather is cold, here are some ways in which you could say that:- 1. It wouldn't shock me if it started snowing becasue its so cold. The word "shock " is another word for surprise. The sentence means that becasue the weather is cold, in a way you expect it to snow. 2. It will come as no surprise if it started snowing because the weather is so cold. The expression "it will come as no surprise " means that whatever event or situation you are talking about or feferring to, you consider it to be normal or ordinary.
「雪が降り出してもおかしくないほど寒い」は次のように言えます。 1. It wouldn't shock me if it started snowing becasue its so cold.(寒いから雪が降り出しても不思議ではない) "shock" は "surprise"(驚き)の別の言い方です。この文は「寒いので雪が降ってもおかしくはない」という意味です。 2. It will come as no surprise if it started snowing because the weather is so cold.(寒いから雪が降り出しても不思議ではない) "it will come as no surprise " は「~は普通のことである/おかしなことではない」という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It's so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing.

  • The temperature is so low I wouldn't be shocked if it started snowing

When you want to express that you think it is so cold that you would not be surprised if it started snowing, then you may express this in the following ways: -It's so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing. - The temperature is so low I wouldn't be shocked if it started snowing
「いつ雪が降っても不思議でないくらい寒い」は次のように言えます。 - It's so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing.(いつ雪が降っても不思議でないくらい寒い) - The temperature is so low I wouldn't be shocked if it started snowing(いつ雪が降っても不思議でないくらい気温は低い)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It's so cold that it will undoubtedly start snowing soon.

  • This extreme cold will definitely bring in snow.

If it's very cold, then, without doubt, it will start snowing soon.The adverb 'undoubtedly', used in the first statement, means the same as the phrase 'without doubt'.If it's so cold that you wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing, then,it will undoubtedly start snowing soon.It can not be doubted that it will start snowing soon because extreme cold will definitely bring in snow. So, you may say to someone: It's so cold that it will undoubtedly start snowing soon. or This extreme cold will definitely bring in snow.
今ものすごく寒いなら、間違いなくすぐに雪が降り出すでしょう。一つ目の例で使われている 'undoubtedly' は 'without doubt'(間違いなく)と同じ意味です。 雪が降っても不思議でないほど寒いなら、間違いなくすぐに雪が降り出すでしょう。ものすごく寒いときには必ず雪が降りますから、これは「不思議」なことではありません。 次のように言えます。 It's so cold that it will undoubtedly start snowing soon.(寒いからそのうちに雪が降り出すでしょう) This extreme cold will definitely bring in snow.(寒いから間違いなく雪が降り出すね)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • "It's so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing"

  • "I would not be shocked if it started snowing it is so cold"

If you wanted to say that it so cold that you wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing, you could express this by saying either of the following: "It's so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing" or "I would not be shocked if it started snowing it is so cold".
「いつ雪が降っても不思議でないくらい寒い」は次のように言えます。 "It's so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing"(いつ雪が降っても不思議でないくらい寒い) "I would not be shocked if it started snowing it is so cold"(いつ雪が降っても不思議ではないよ。そのぐらい寒い)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I wouldn't be surprised if it snows it is that cold.

  • It is so cold, I wouldn't be surprised if it snows.

  • If it snows, I wouldn't be surprised, it is that cold.

I wouldn't be surprised if it snows it is that cold. It is so cold, I wouldn't be surprised if it snows. If it snows, I wouldn't be surprised, it is that cold. All of these are more or less the same, basically a different use and structure, however, they all say the same thing. Pick one, use it, and then swap it for another. Good luck with it. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
I wouldn't be surprised if it snows it is that cold.(雪が降っても不思議ではない、そのぐらい寒い) It is so cold, I wouldn't be surprised if it snows.(いつ雪が降っても不思議でないくらい寒い) If it snows, I wouldn't be surprised, it is that cold.(雪が降っても不思議ではない、そのぐらい寒い) これらは、言い方・構文は違いますが、意味は基本的に同じです。一つ選んで使ってみてください、他のも試してみてください。応援しています。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • It's so cold, I can see it snowing anytime now

  • I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing - it's so cold!

When it's very cold, you want to say that it's so cold that you wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing. You would like to know how to say that. Well, any of the above suggested statements are fine for that scenario.
すごく寒いときに、「いつ雪が降っても不思議でないくらい寒い」と言いたいということですね。その言い方を知りたいと。 上の例はどちらもこの状況で使うことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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