The word 'loo' in the UK is considered by many people to be more polite than using the word 'toilet'.
When water 'won't stop running' in the tank of a loo then that means that the float or the flusher itself may be broken. Both of these answers are an acceptable way to raise this issue with someone.
The water in the toilet won't stop running, can someone please help?
If the water in the toilet won't stop flowing, we use the verb "run" to talk about that. After explaining that the water won't stop running, that is a great time to politely ask for help. I hope that this helps. :)
The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to someone that the water in the toilet will not stop running. In the first sentence you will notice the word overflow. This means a liquid is spilling over the top or the rim of something. This word would make a great addition to your vocabulary, it will definitely come in handy!
Here are two things you could say,
1. "Help! The toilet keeps running!"
Help - this lets people know you need assistance, or that you have a problem.
Keeps running - the water in the tank continues to fill and if this continues it may overflow.
2. "What do I do? The toilet keeps running!"
What do I do? - this is a question you could ask someone if you call them for help, or if you talk to a plumber.
1. "Help! The toilet keeps running!"
Help - これは、助けが必要なこと、困ったことがあることを人に知らせます。
Keeps running -タンクの水が止まらずこのままではあふれてしまうということです。
2. "What do I do? The toilet keeps running!"
What do I do? - 誰かに電話で助けを求めたり、水道屋さんに対して使える質問です。
Help! the toilet is overflowing. - This sentence can be used in a scenario when the toilet is clogged, and water is flowing out.
Excuse me, I need help. The toilet is clogged. - This sentence can be used to express that the toilet won't flush properly and causing water to overflow as a result.
Help! the toilet is overflowing.(助けてください、トイレの水があふれています)
Excuse me, I need help. The toilet is clogged.(すみません、助けてください。トイレが詰まりました)
By shouting or saying 'help' loudly you are telling someone that something is happening and you need them to help you
'the water won't stop' or 'the water keeps flowing' is telling them what the problem is
help' と叫ぶことで、今助けを必要としていることを伝えています。
'the water won't stop'(水が止まらない)または 'the water keeps flowing'(水が流れ続ける)は、何があったのかを伝えます。
"The toilet is overflowing," explains that the water level in the toilet bowl keeps rising, and has started to go outside the bowl.
"The toilet is clogged," explains that you can't get the toilet to flush down.
"I need a plunger," is usually understood to mean that the toilet is clogged, and so you need a tool to help you unclog the toilet so it will flush.
"The toilet is overflowing" は便器の水位が上がって、水があふれ始めているときをいいます。
"The toilet is clogged" はトイレが流れないときをいいます。
"I need a plunger" これは普通 "The toilet is clogged"(トイレが詰まった)の意味になります。だから、「詰まりを取り除くための道具(plunger)が必要」ということ。