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去年の誕生日に、という部分は、last years birthdayですか?
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2018/11/21 04:43
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  • I met her a year ago on by birthday

When talking about how you met someone (female), you may explain that you met her on your birthday last year by using the above example sentence.
特定の相手との出会いについて伝える場合、上記例文のように、”I met her on my birthday last year"(彼女とは、去年の僕の誕生日に会った)と言えば良いでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I met her on my last birthday.

  • I met her last year on my birthday.

Either one of these two sentences can be used :- 1. I met her on my last birthday. 2. I met her last year on my birthday. Both of these sentences are different ways to express the same thing. That is that the day he met this person was last year on the date of his birthday.
これらどちらかを使うことができます。 1. I met her on my last birthday. (去年の自分の誕生日に彼女に出会った) 2. I met her last year on my birthday. (去年の自分の誕生日に彼女に出会った) これら二つの文は同じ意味のことを別の言い方で言っています。その人に会ったのは去年の自分の誕生日だったということです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I met a woman last year on my birthday.

This is another way to clearly explain that the person whom you met was a female. I hope that this helps :)
出会った人が女性であったと明確に伝える言い方です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I met her on my last birthday.

誰の去年の誕生日にあったか不明ですが、例えば、自分の去年の誕生に彼女にあったのであれば、”I met her on my last birthday.”という表現になります。 ご参考になさってくださいね。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • I met her on my birthday last year.

  • I met her on my previous birthday.

  • We met a year ago on my birthday.

I met her on my birthday last year. This statement is not confusing, because you are stating the exact date that you met the person. You are also confirming that your birthday was last year. I met her on my previous birthday. Previous means former, so you are saying that you met her on your former birthday, before this year's one. Thus, you are saying that you met her last year, on your birthday. We met a year ago on my birthday. This sentence has the exact same meaning as the previous two. Again you are just saying that you met her about a year ago and that it was on your birthday.
I met her on my birthday last year.(去年の誕生日に彼女と出会いました) この文は明快です。その人と出会った日(誕生日)と年(去年)を伝えています。 I met her on my previous birthday.(去年の誕生日に彼女と出会いました) "Previous" は「前の」という意味です。ですからここでは、「彼女とは今年の前の誕生日に出会った」、つまり「去年の誕生日に出会った」と言っています。 We met a year ago on my birthday.(私たちは去年の私の誕生日に出会いました) この文は上の二つと全く同じ意味です。「彼女とは去年の誕生日に出会った」と伝えています。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • I met her on my birthday, one year ago.

  • I met her on the day of my birthday last year.

I met her on my birthday, one year ago. - This sentence is past tense. It expresses that you met a female on your birthday one year ago. I met her on the day of my birthday last year. - This is another sentence which expresses that you met a female on your birthday one year ago.
I met her on my birthday, one year ago.(一年前の私の誕生日に彼女と出会いました) この文は過去時制です。一年前の誕生日に女の人と出会ったことを表します。 I met her on the day of my birthday last year.(一年前の私の誕生日に彼女と出会いました) この文も、一年前の誕生日に女の人と出会ったことを表します。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • We met on my birthday last year.

  • We've known each other a year on my birthday.

"We met on my birthday last year" - This is a simple way of expressing you met last year on you birthday. "We've known each other a year on my birthday" - This is similar to above but this is expressing that you and the female would have known each other a year on your birthday.
"We met on my birthday last year"(私たちは去年の私の誕生日に出会いました) →「私たちは去年の誕生日に出会った」のシンプルな言い方です。 "We've known each other a year on my birthday"(私の誕生日で知り合って1年になります) →これは上の例と似ていますが、「誕生日がくると1年になる」と伝えています。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • We met on my birthday, last year.

  • Her and I met last year, on my birthday.

  • We met about a year ago, I remember it was on my birthday.

When talking about when you met someone you are figuring out how long you have known them. To explain that you met her on your birthday last year, use the sentences above.
いつ出会ったのかは、どのくらいの付き合いなのかを表します。 その人と去年の誕生日に出会ったことは、上記のように説明できます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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