世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/26 22:53
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  • He's supposed to be back by 2PM, but he could be later.

  • She plans to be back around 2PM, but she could be later.

He's supposed to be back by 2PM, but he could be later. 「(彼は)2時までに戻ることになっていますが、それ以降になるかもしれません。」 suppose to...は、仕事や約束により「〜することになっている」という意味です。 could be later は「(ひょっとしたら)遅くなる可能性もある」です。could be...を使えるようになっておくと便利ですよ。 She plans to be back around 2PM, but she could be later. 「(彼女は)2時ごろに戻る予定ですが、それ以降になるかもしれません。」 plan to...は「〜する予定だ、〜するつもりだ」です。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • They're expected back at 2 but it could be later

  • They should be back around 2 but don't hold me to that

  • They will back sometime after 2

Any of these sentences explains the situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He/She is scheduled to be back by 2:00, but there's a chance it could be later than that.

  • He/She will be back by 2:00 at the earliest.

  • He/She is supposed to be back by 2:00, but he/she may be later.

英訳1:「彼/彼女は2時までに戻る予定ですが、それ以降になる可能性もあります」 *be scheduled to ...「…する予定になっている」 英訳2:「彼/彼女は早ければ2時には戻ると思います」 英訳3:「彼/彼女は2時までに戻る予定ですが、彼/彼女はそれより遅くなるかもしれません」 *be supposed to ...「…する予定である」
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • He/she is not in at the moment but should be back around 2pm.

  • He/she is not in at the moment but planned to be back around 2pm.

Not in at the moment explains they are not there. Should be back around and planned to be back around both explain that that is when you expect them to be back but also explain that it could be before or after that time.
Not in at the momentとは、今はそこにいない、という意味です。 should be back/planned to be back はどちらもいつごろ戻ってくるのかを表す言い方です。その前になるかもしれないし、あとになるかもしれません。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • She is supposed to be here by 2 earliest.

  • She should be here by 2 or a bit later.

"She is supposed to be here by 2 earliest." This mean she will be here by 2 and that is the earliest time she will back.
"She is supposed to be here by 2 earliest." 「2時以降にこちらにおります。」 一番早く着くとしたら2時には戻るという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Unfortunately He/She is not here at the moment, but he/she is expected to return at 2 o' clock.

  • He/she could be a little late.

  • He/she will be back at approximately 2pm.

1."Expected to return" - using "expected" shows that this is the time that the person is supposed to return and that there is a good chance of it, but that it is not a definite. 2."A little late" - this means that there is a possibility that the person could arrive shortly after 2pm. 3.Many words like "Approximately" and "roughly" can be used to express that the time mentioned is simply an estimation. There is a chance that it could be later than 2 o' clock.
1."Expected to return" - "expected" を使う事によってその可能性が高い事をあらわす事ができます。 2."A little late" - これは午後2時より少し後に帰ってくる可能性があるという事です。 3."Approximately" や "roughly" はだいたいと同じ意味です。 午後2時を過ぎる可能性もあります。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • The manager is not in presently. He/she is scheduled to be back at 2:00 PM, but, due to the traffic congestion, he/she may be back later than that.

  • The supervisor is not yet back. He/she is expected to be back at 2:00 pm but could be later than that due to traffic jams.

Instead of saying 'the person in charge', it could be better to mention his/her position, such as 'manager' or 'supervisor', whichever position he/she holds. It would also be appropriate to suggest the reason why he/she might be back later than 2:00 pm, such as traffic congestion generally occurring around that hour. The verb to 'schedule' whose past participle was used in the first line refers to the normal time of the manager's arrival back in office. The verb to 'expect', in the context it was used in the second line, refers to the belief that the supervisor will be back in office at 2:00 pm as is normally the case, although it could be later because of traffic jams. So, you may say: The manager is not in presently. He/she is scheduled to be back at 2:00 PM, but, due to the traffic congestion, he/she may be back later than that. or The supervisor is not yet back. He/she is expected to be back at 2:00 pm but could be later than that due to traffic jams.
the person in charge'(担当者)という代わりに、マネージャーや管理者など彼/彼女の役職を述べるとよりよいでしょう。渋滞でそれくらいの時間になるなど、2時以降に戻ってくる理由を述べるとまた適切でしょう。最初の例文で 'schedule'という動詞は過去分詞で(受動態で) マネージャーが通常オフィスに戻る時間を示します。 'expect'という動詞は二番目の例文で管理者は通常午後2時オフィスに戻りますが、渋滞で遅れる可能性があるということを示すことで使われています。 つまり、 "The manager is not in presently. He/she is scheduled to be back at 2.:00 PM, but, due to the traffic congestion, he/she may be back later than that." (マネージャーは今不在にしています。彼/彼女は午後2時に戻る予定でしたが、渋滞のせいでそれより遅くなるかもしれません。) または "The supervisor is not yet back. He/she is expected to be back at 2:00 pm but could be later than that due to traffic jams." (管理者はまだ戻っていません。彼/彼女は午後2時に戻ってくる予定でしたが、渋滞のせいでそれより遅くなることもありえます。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Out of the office/back in the office.

  • I am sorry the boss is out of the office now,... he will be back between 2 pm & 2:30 pm

Out of the office/back in the office( ...soon). the 2 states of a busy CEO ;-D We can inform the party concerned that the bos is "away from his desk/ out of the building/ unreachable;-D or use the well tried and tested: Out of the office!I am sorry the boss is out of the office now,... he will be back between 2 pm & 2:30 pm
out of the office/ back in the office というようにふた通りの表現方法があります。 上司(担当者)は ‘ away from his desk(’席を外しています。) ‘out of the building’ (外回りをしています。) 'unreachable' (取り込み中です.)などと言うことができます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry but the person that you are looking for is not in at the moment, he/she might only be back after 2.

You can say : "I am sorry but the person that you are looking for is not in at the moment, he/she might only be back after 2." "He/she is not available right now, you will only be able to get hold of him/she after 2 pm." "He is not available, you can try calling after 2pm." When you use "might", there is a possibility so it is not definite.
"I am sorry but the person that you are looking for is not in at the moment, he/she might only be back after 2." "He/she is not available right now, you will only be able to get hold of him/she after 2 pm." (申し訳ございません、お探しの担当者は今外出中でして2時以降でしたら戻っていると思われます。) "He is not available, you can try calling after 2pm."(担当者は今席を外しておりますので2時以降におかけ直しいただけますか。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • The person in charge has stepped out for a moment.

  • Can you come back after 2pm, the person in charge has stepped away.

  • They will be back at 2pm, if not later.

We can tell them that the person, "has stepped out," or has, "stepped away," to mention they are not here. We can ask if the person can come back, "after 2pm," to mention when they might be back and also mention, "if not later," to mention that this time is not completely accurate and it could be even later than 2pm.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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