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傘をささなくても大丈夫かなくらいの雨がちょっとだけ降ってきた。雨がポツポツと降ってきたとも言う。 そういう小ぶりの雨を英語で?
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2015/11/19 16:15
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  • It's starting to sprinkle a little bit.

  • It's raining just a little bit.

  • It's drizzling.

  • It's starting to drizzle.

It's drizzling. →小雨が降っている。 It's starting to drizzle. →小雨が降りだした。 drizzle は「小雨が降る」という意味です。 「細かい雨(雨の粒が小さい)」時に使います。 sprinkle は主に米国で使われるようです。 参考にしてください。 ありがとうございました。
  • It's very light rainfall.

  • It's just specking.

  • The rain is barely noticeable

'Very light rainfall' as opposed to heavy rainfall. Just very light droplets of water and quite sparsely falling so as to be no problem without an umbrella. 'Specking' means just the occasional drop of water. "It's started specking. I may need to use my windscreen wipers shortly." Barely noticeable" means you can hardly feel or see it. "After returning from holiday, her sun tan was barely noticeable."
'Very light rainfall' heavy rainfallと対照的に、傘をさすまでもないすごく弱い雨粒がぱら着くような雨を指します。 'Specking' <雨が>ぱらつく "It's started specking. I may need to use my windscreen wipers shortly." Barely noticeable ほとんど気付かない "After returning from holiday, her sun tan was barely noticeable." 休暇から戻った後、彼の日焼けはほとんど気づけないほどになっていた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's a little sprinkle of rain.

  • It's a light shower,it will stop in a few minutes.

  • It's drizzling

"It's a little sprinkle of rain." sprinkle of rain = To rain very lightly "It's a light shower,it will stop in a few minutes." light shower = A rain shower is rainfall that is short in duration. "It's drizzling" A drizzle = light rain falling in very fine drops
"It's a little sprinkle of rain." ①Sprinkle of rain=パラパラと降る小降りの雨。 "It's a light shower,it will stop in a few minutes." ②Light shower=すぐに止む小降りの雨。 "It's drizzling" ③Drizzle=小雨、霧雨。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • A) It is only drizzling a bit outside.

  • B) It's not raining cats and dogs it's just drizzling.

A) It is only drizzling a bit outside. *Drizzling - rain lightly. Example -"it's started to drizzle" B) It's not raining cats and dogs it's just drizzling. * raining cats and dogs - It's just a rather expressive phrase giving a graphic impression of heavy rain I hope this helps :-)
A. Drizzling=小雨が降る。 例文:"it's started to drizzle" パラパラと雨が降り始めた。 B. 大雨じゃなくて、小雨が降っているだけだよ。 Raining cats and dogs=土砂降りの雨のこと。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • A brief light shower

  • I did not need an umbrella...since it was just a brief /light shower and it passed quickly

A light shower is "nothing to write home about, sometimes rain can be so fleeting! We can hardly even notice it! I did not need an umbrella...since it was just a brief /light shower and it passed quickly
"light shower"(軽いにわか雨)とは "nothing to write home about"(大したことのない) すぐに上がってしまう雨の事です! 気が付くことさえないですよ! 【例】 I did not need an umbrella...since it was just a brief /light shower and it passed quickly (傘さえいらない軽いにわか雨でした、すぐに止みました)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • It's drizzling!

It's = It is Drizzle is light rain falling in fine drops. -------------------------------- The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through. I walked home in the drizzling rain.
It's=It isの略。Drizzle=パラパラと降る小雨。 例文: The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through. I walked home in the drizzling rain. ①小雨が止んで、太陽の光が差し込んで来た。 ②小雨が降る中、歩いて帰った。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It has started raining lightly.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) It has started raining lightly. 「雨が軽くふり始めている」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • It's lightly raining.

  • It's sprinkling.

  • It's only misting.

We can talk about non heavy rain by saying that it is raining lightly or we can also use the words, "misting," or, "sprinkling," to describe that the rain is not heavy and we probably don't need an umbrella.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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