The names are listed in the order of the reservation.
The names are not alphabetized but listed by date of the reservation.
・「The names are listed」⇒名簿の順番が「 in the order of the reservation.」⇒要約した順番で並んでいます
・「The names are not alphabetized but」⇒名簿は名簿の順番じゃなくて「 listed by date of the reservation.」⇒ 要約した日にちで並んでいます
The register is [listed] in order of booking/reservation.
The register is [written] in order of booking/reservation.
The register is listed according to booking.
名簿 = (list of) names, register, roll
○○の順番 = order of ○○
予約 = reservation, booking, request
After you confirm your name, write/put a check on the class register.
The graph is in order of this month's profits.
Please line up in order of number of the ticket.
②ある店の名簿は紙で書いてあるので、その場合は written がよく使われてます。
③は「名簿は予約によると順番で並んでいます」という意味です。「according to」の訳出は「によると」です。