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オープンマインドでいて!っていいたいのですが、 Have an open mind! あるいは Be open-minded! でいいですか?
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2018/11/27 07:43
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  • Stay open-minded

オープンマインドを持っていてと言うなら「Stay open-minded」になります。 「もっとオープンマインドになって!」と言うなら「Be more open-minded」。 例文: - I try to stay open-minded as much as possible, but I have biases and knee-jerk reactions like most people do. - I'm much more open-minded than I used to be in my teens.
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • You should try to have an open mind.

Sometimes people don't always like advice so this is a polite way to suggest that the person should be more open-minded. I hope that this helps :)
人は周りからアドバイスをされたくないときもありますよね。これは、もっとオープンマインドであるべきだと丁寧に提案する言い方です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • "Open your mind to new ideas."

  • "You need to think outside the box."

  • "Why don't you try to be a little more accepting."

"Open your mind to new ideas" is a very positive way to suggest to someone that they might need to change their perspective. "You need to think outside the box" can suggest to someone they need to look at an idea from another perspective or from a view point they might not necessarily use. "Why don't you try to be a little more accepting" states that while someone may have shutdown or declined an idea, you are asking them to reconsider.
"Open your mind to new ideas" とは、人に物の見方を変える必要があるかもしれないことを伝えるとてもポジティブな方法です。   "You need to think outside the box"は、別の視点から物を見たり、必ずしもそうしないような観点から物を見る必要があることを提案するフレーズす。   "Why don't you try to be a little more accepting" ある考えを否定されたり、聞かない相手にもう一度考えて、受け入れてもらうようにお願いするフレーズです。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Have an open mind.

  • Be open minded!

  • Be open to suggestions.

他にも: Be open to suggestions! (他の人の意見に対してもオープンでいてね) Be broad minded! (オープンマインドでいてね) という言い方もあります。参考までに!
  • Have an open mind

  • Be open-minded

If you are willing to try new things or different things than what you are use to then you are said to have an 'open-mind' so if you want your friend to try or listen to something new then you might ask them to 'have an open-mind' or 'be open-minded'
新しいことや、慣れ親しんだことと違うことを積極的に取り入れる人は、'open-minded' と表されます。 友達に新しいことを受け入れるよう言いたいなら、'Have an open-mind' や 'Be open-minded' などと伝えることができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Have an open mind!

  • Be open-minded!

出してくれた表現は大丈夫です! どんな風に言っていますかね。 命令になる可能性があるからイントネーションに気をつけた方がいいと思います!
  • Be open-minded.

  • Be aware of other ideas and possibilities.

  • Don't be close-minded.

1. Being "open-minded" means being willing to consider new ideas. 2. The second statement may be a more polite phrase if the other person is particularly sensitive about eh implication that they are not an open-minded person. 3. "Close-minded" means the opposite of open-minded. However, it may come across as quite blunt or rude depending on the other person.
1. Being "open-minded" とは、新しいアイディアを進んで考えるという意味です。   2. 相手がオープンマインドな人ではない特に敏感な人なら2つ目のフレーズは、より丁寧なフレーズになるでしょう。   3. "Close-minded"(心を閉じた、新しい考えを受け入れない)とは、open-mindedの反対の意味です。人によっては失礼になることもあるかもしれません。
Ross H DMM英会話講師
  • You need to have an open mind

  • You need to think open-mindedly

  • You need to see things from a different viewpoint

To tell someone to think without bias, precondition or from a personal point of view you can try one of the above example statements. When trying to persuade or strongly advise someone to do something, you may start with the structure: 'You need to...' Eg 'You need to study harder if you want to pass that exam!'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Be open-minded.

  • Have an open mind.

  • Think bigger.

Be open-minded. Have an open mind. Think bigger. When you want to tell someone to be a bit more open minded, then you can use one of these three sentences. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to ask that you be receptive of different ideas.

If a person is receptive, he/she is able to receive information without expressing bias or opinions necessarily. He/she is able to consider an alternative point of view without an immediate argument or disagreement.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Keep an open mind

  • Think outside the box

  • Don't rule aything out just yet.

If you want to suggest to someone to keep an open-mind, you can use any of the follwing statements:- 1. Keep an open mind. 2. Think outside the box. 3. Don't rule anything out just yet. 4. Be open to other suggestions. Any of these statements could be used. Here are some examples:- 1. Keep an open mind:- Lara : " I don't know what to study at University, what do you suggest?" Jack : " Keep an open mind, try out different subjects, and see which one you are best at." 2. Think outside the box. Maxine : "I have to invent a new recipe for cake, for my cooking class." Elsa : "Think outside the box, you can do something totally delicious."
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Have an open mind.

Being open minded means to be open to new or different ideas, etc. The opposite of being open minded is to be narrow minded, to hold firmly to one opinion or one way of doing something. Being open minded is to accept different ways of doing things and understanding that there is more than one good way to do something.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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